A Panzer Dragoon Game Looks To Be Flying Into Virtual Reality…

March 15, 2020 ·

For some who might have played it on the PlayStation 2 or Sega Saturn for example, Panzer Dragoon is one of those titles that many remember and enjoyed. For those who may not be aware of the series, it was an on-rails type of game where you controlled a creature while shooting at enemies.

Image result for panzer dragoon dreamcast
Image result for panzer dragoon dreamcast

Well, now it looks like there is a Panzer Dragoon game in development for VR called Panzer Dragoon Voyage Record where we get to relive various episodes that appeared in the three titles of the Sega Saturn, Panzer Dragoon, Panzer Dragoon Zwei, and Panzer Dragoon Saga. Not much else is known about this title or when it will come out, but seeing how this is for Virtual Reality, I cannot wait to be immersed in this universe. No word yet for what headsets this will be for, but hopefully it is for all.

Even though this is not a trailer for it, I do hope it is something like The Gunner of Dragoon…

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