Are The Treasures of Atlantis Worth The Price Of Danger?

April 30, 2021 ·

I know it’s dangerous, but I have to find the treasures. I have to understand the secrets of this clue that I found. I know it will be risky, I know there may not be a chance that I come back, but I am not going to go at this alone. I will have best friend there to help me find the treasures of Atlantis. The stories of dinosaurs being alive are strange, but if they can be alive, then I know the treasures must be there, they have to be there.

Features include:

  • Diverse Jurassic Dinosaurs Together for the First Time
  • Win the battle against sharp and fierce raptors !!!
  • Defeat the Giant Tyrannosaurus !!! ( T-Rex )
  • Destroy the vicious ancient stone monsters !!!
  • Detonate the golden monster, the middle boss monster !!!
  • Survive the gruesome battles with ancient giant stone statue monsters !!!
  • Colorful ancient beautiful backgrounds and structures

Will you be able to survive the battles? Can you destroy the ancient stone monsters? Can you defeat the T-Rex? Find out with Atlantis Adventure coming to Steam on May 6, 2021.

Until then…please enjoy…

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