Can You Reach The Final Island?

July 8, 2021 ·

We should have listened. We all should have listed to that one weather forecast about how much rain we would get. So much so, the world has been flooded. But I was prepared, I had the skills to build this small raft and bring my revolver to help survive against these sea creatures that want to eat me for lunch. But I will not go down without a fight. I will continue to build my raft into the super raft boat that it was destined to become and reach that final island. I must not give up…I have hopes and dreams and I will protect them out here on this endless water until there is no tomorrow.

Features include:

  • Build & expand your raft to gain an advantage over hoards of enemies
  • Elite enemies make your fight more treacherous the longer you go
  • 4 different environments with their own foes
  • 3 unlockable weapons to add to your arsenal
  • Looping for those who want to push their chances
  • Compete in daily leaderboards to see who’s the best in the world

How far can you make it up the leaderboards? Can you build up your raft? Can you reach the final island? Find otu when Super Raft Boat VR comes to Steam.

Until then…please enjoy…

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