If Your Soul Were To Take You On a Journey, Would It Be Your Final One?

June 29, 2021 ·

Throughout life, we are encountered many different things. From memories to love to the loss of life. But what if the time, your time, was called? Where would you end up and how would you get there? What if the journey to the destination took you through the emotions and adventure through life? Imagine all the strongest emotions that made our memories, shown to us, and as we got to experience them maybe for the last time.

Features include:

  • Play through 9 different levels, where each level is a new challenge that players can master
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • Catch, throw and use objects to solve puzzles
  • Practice Tai-chi on top of a sacred mountain
  • Break ancient seals to release the magic of the world
  • Fun, simple, and challenging game mechanics in immersive virtual reality
  • A game that will challenge your skills and reflexes.

Which emotion will mean more to your soul? How will life be remembered? Will this be the final journey? Find out when Soulpath: The Final Journey comes to Steam on July 9, 2021.

Until then…please enjoy…

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