Infinite Minigolf – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

Infinite Minigolf for the PlayStation VR is something that does not come along very often. When I first played the review copy, it said there were over 700 courses to play. See, with Infinite Minigolf from Zen Studios, you get that and more. In fact, you get infinite courses. How you might ask? That is the beauty of it as this is a cross-platform game. Meaning you can create courses and upload them to share. That means if someone on a PC creates a level, then if you are on PlayStation, you can play that level. If you make a level on PlayStation then someone on a Nintendo Switch can play and vice versa And for that, I really appreciate the replay value that is brought here.

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You will be able to collect items for your characters by playing missions and getting new cards that allow you to unlock new things such as hairstyles, clothes, and clubs. And who knows you may be playing with a crowbar. You can either do local or online with multiplayer tournaments with up to 8 players. And playing in VR on the PlayStation VR is amazing and adds a whole new element to the game of mini golf that should not be missed.

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When playing the courses, you will gain power-ups that could allow you to make your ball airborne or even control your golf ball. You may want to jump right in and start creating. But if you need some ideas to help create your monster of a course, there are tournaments, 12 that are pre-designed with three difficulty levels. Now keep in mind since the game just launched, there will be some user-created content. Some may not be as exciting to you but could be for others. This is where the beauty and heart Infinite Minigolf comes in. User-created courses can be fun and never-ending, which could make for some awesome online fun. User-created cross-platform is going to be huge and who knows, the course you create just could be rated enough to get promoted!

To help you sort out the ok from the amazing, there is a full rating system along with a Course Browser to help you find your perfect course. Infinite Minigolf really deserves in your library of games. You are getting endless courses with online play. And I can tell you from experience that playing with players with cross-platform play is some of the most fun I have had.

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Infinite Minigolf is out now and is also available on Steam. A review code was provided.

To learn more about Zen Studios visit their site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I am going to go create the most impossible course that will make even Tiger Woods cry.

Mr. PSVR, July 25, 2017,
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