nDreams Receives The Support And Investment That Will Continue To Bring The VR Hits…

March 31, 2022 ·

When you think about some of the hits that developer nDreams has produced from titles such as The Assembly to Bloody Zombies to Phantom Covert Ops to Fracked there is just something that when you see the name nDreams, you know something special is going to happen. And it’s just not the players that see this, but investment companies such as Aaonic Group that just invested $35 Million into nDreams that see this as well and believe in them for not only the quality of work that they bring but the passion as well.

The co-founder and CEO, Patrick O’Launaigh of nDreams had this to say:

“This is a pivotal moment for nDreams, and I’m delighted to have the support of Aonic, who share the same ambitious vision for the company that we do. As VR continues its trajectory towards becoming a truly mass-market technology, this is the rocket fuel needed to accelerate our rapid growth and take advantage of the many opportunities that continue to come our way.

The nDreams team continue to impress with how far they are pushing VR,” says Paul Schempp of Aonic. “Seeing their plans and visions for the future blew us away, and we are excited to join them on their incredible journey

Aonic’s investment is testament to the potential of VR and our long-term belief in nDreams,” says Julian Viggars, CIO of Mercia Asset Management. “We are confident Patrick and the team will be able to maximise on the opportunities this investment presents and we look forward to working alongside Aonic as an investor.”

What this means is not only do nDreams have the support to keep bringing the titles, but also expands their publishing partnerships and helps bring even more VR titles for everyone to enjoy such as the upcoming Little Cities for the Quest platform, but also next-gen platforms such as PlayStation VR2. Not only will it be exciting to see, but interesting what will be announced in the future.

In category:VR News
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