PlayStation VR2 Could Soon Be Working With Your PC…

February 26, 2024 ·

PlayStation VR2, as many of us are already aware, is a fantastic headset. From the visual specs to features such as eye tracking, when done right, becomes an amazing experience. But there are some things that we players have to deal with when compared to other headsets. First, there is the cable that has to be connected to the PS5. Granted, you don’t need a TV to play which can be a good thing for the one that wants to use the TV. Then, there are the games that can only be played using the headset. To be honest, really nothing bad about it as that is what Sony has designed it to do. Even with the PlayStation VR1, which got rid of more wires to connect, but wasn’t it awesome to be sent to the ocean below as we came face to face with the shark in Ocean Descent?

With the PlayStation VR1, there is a way to connect it to the PC, but that meant that for the most part, depending on your setup and which version of PSVR you had, you would have to move the breakout box and add to some challenges. But with the PSVR2, it’s just one single USB C cable that plugs into the PS5. Well, when you look at a headset like the Quest 2 or 3, one of the things going for it is the ability to play VR anywhere you want without the need for any cables. But, if you want to play some PCVR, all you have to do is plug in the cable such as the link cable from KIWI design and now you have a PCVR headset. It’s simple and it works.

Now, it looks like there may be some official support via the news on the PlayStation Blog via Sony Interactive’s Content Communications Manager, Gillen McAllister, and it looks like the hope is to have working this year. For the PlayStation VR2 to work on the PC and to be able to play games that are not on PS5, it could be as simple as plugging the PSVR2 cable into your PC or it could also be additional PlayStation software to help make it work. It will just be interesting to see if all the features will work. But it does start to make sense as we see Sony start adding more titles to PC.

All I know is that 2024 is going to be a very interesting time for Virtual Reality.

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