Please Be Kind And Rewind…

July 20, 2021 ·

Those times were special. Being able to go to a video store to rent movies. You know, the places that gave you a membership card and allowed you to check out up to 3 – 5 movies a night. Some of those movies were the biggest hits and being able to watch it home was so inspiring. Movies of all genres right there on the box that you could see the picture and read about it on the back. Yes, those were the times. Well, maybe not so much for those that didn’t rewind or for those hit with a late fee, but they were good times nonetheless. And those times are now gone…well, they don’t have to be as there is one last video store still around.

Features include:

  • Watch a movie in a living room or movie theater themed room
  • Meet others who share the same passion
  • Explore the surrounding area or hang out in the parking light
  • Take a drive around neighborhood
  • Survival mode include realistic local jobs and bills to pay while managing your video enthusiast hobbies on the side
  • No late fees

What movie will you watch? Who will you meet? Are you ready to visit the last video store? Find out when The Last Video Store comes to PlayStation VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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