SUPERHOT VR Holiday DLC Is Alive…

December 13, 2020 ·

Oh, the holidays. The time for togetherness, the time for celebration, and the time slow motion VR chaos. That’s right, SUPERHOT VR has just received pushed out the Holiday DLC and it’s going to bring the Boxing into your day. The DLC is called the Boxing DXay update and with that comes a new scoring system, a new “suitably festive soundtrack”, and a new endless level. But in order to gain access to this new DLC, you will need to have had finished SUPERHOT VR, which when you think about it, is kind of awesome as it gives those that put in the time and effort, the ability to have all the fun. For those that did finish the game, you will then need to insert the Endless Floppy Disk in the Hacker Room and just select the Chrstmas Tree and get ready for the new endless mode.

For those on PSVR, the update includes:

  • Many, many performance improvements.
  • Overall stability improvements and crash fixes.
  • Multiple graphics enhancements.
  • Fixed collider issues on levels and throwables.
  • Fixed typos and improved clarity of displayed texts.
  • Improved pathing in several levels to prevent clipping of enemy limbs.
  • Fixed lighting on several objects.
  • Fixed VFX bugs and improved clarity.
  • Fixed animation and Inverse Kinematics bugs with enemies.
  • Fixed loads of bugs in enemy AI behavior.

For those on PCVR, the update includes:

  • Switching between multiple save profiles.
  • Guest Mode.
  • Switching between pyramid flow and the more fluid pyramidless game flow.
  • Auto-playspace rotation (transitions will rotate your playspace so the gameplay is always in front of you not recommended for wired headsets).
  • Brightness options.
  • Two different control schemes on the HTC Vive wand controllers.
  • Exiting out of game modes like Endless mode & Guest mode.

So what are you waiting for, get into that holiday spirit.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy…

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