Tag: Archiact

Journey to Foundation – The Review

December 31, 2023 ·

If you were part of something that could save humanity, how far would you push yourself and those around you? Would the choices you make, be the ones that could end up harming the chances more than helping them? If it came down to it, would you be able to make every single choice without hesitation or would you have to stop and think about it for a moment? It's quite interesting when you think about it and how we,… Read more.

When The Journey Comes To A Crossroads, How Will Your Path Be Forged?

February 27, 2023 ·

When a plan is made is everything followed along the path or does one go off the path in order to complete it? That's what I keep thinking with every moment. I was sent in to infiltrate those deserters. But it was not until I realized that I could continue and allow for the war that was about to come or save humanity as we know it. Not everyone is going to like the choices that are made, but sometimes… Read more.

DOOM 3: VR Edition – The Interview

May 1, 2021 ·

When you hear the word DOOM what comes to mind? The iconic fast action shooter, the memories of the multiplayer, campaign, or maybe even invasion. All of those would be strong candidates to describe the game that has been loved by many and I am sure many of you have even your favorite ones to describe the game. For me, it's all of them and also the science fiction of it all and how the game can throw the action… Read more.

DOOM 3 Is Getting Physical…

March 10, 2021 ·

You know the drill, get in and shoot anything that comes at you. Too bad this hell driven by a wasteland does not care about your feelings. But as we get closer and closer to that fear in VR, that feeling of something could be anywhere, and to where you can almost smell it is about to be unleashed. Are you ready for the hours of hell, but also the Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Mission. Are you ready… Read more.

Hell Is Bringing The DOOM…

March 3, 2021 ·

They said it was a possibility, but I went anyway. They said it was a mission where I was the only qualified one. Needless to say, I may have not been the only one that was told to. The mission was simple, to find the secrets of the UAC's unholy experiments and anything that I may encounter, to end it by any means necessary. However, they didn't tell me that this was a mission to Hell. In fact, maybe I… Read more.

How Long Will Your Last Breath Be?

February 25, 2020 ·

Diving is in your blood. It is your life. As a world-class diver, you are Ren Tanaka and you have a gift. The ability of swimming beyond what the normal person would normally be able to with scuba gear and swim without it. You know your limits, but after your last dive left you landlocked for months, you may start to question your limits. But there is hope when your mentor, Dr. Landstrom has made a discovery that could change… Read more.

Grab This Humble Bundle VR Bundle…

February 11, 2020 ·

We all like deals and Humble Bundle is a great way to not only allow you to get some awesome deals on games while at the same time supporting a worthwhile charity and it looks like this bundle might be a VR bundle to really get immersed in. For the low low price of $1.00 gets you Cosmic Trip and Smashbox Arena that are normally priced at $19.99 each Now, you could easily pay the $1.00 and get the two… Read more.

Evasion – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

Welcome to The PlayStation Brahs. Please introduce yourself. So what is it like working at Archiact? “Archiact is a great studio located in downtown Vancouver, Canada. The company has been working exclusively in VR (and now AR) for 5 years. We’ve grown a lot from when I started over 3 years ago, but my last two years on Evasion have truly been the highlight. I’ve been so fortunate to collaborate with an incredible, passionate team who aim high and wanted… Read more.

Smashbox Arena – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

Smashbox Arena has finally launched on PlayStation VR with some very high praise. So you might be wondering what Smashbox Arena really is. Well, it’s a high-octane hybrid of dodgeball and the physics-driven power-ups from Archiact VR and BigBox VR. You will be diving for cover, dodging, deflecting, and volleying enemy shots in 360-degree stylish environments. Defend your team and retaliate with wickedly awesome combos and perfectly calculated teleports. Play single or team up with humorous characters, friends, and players… Read more.

Waddle Home – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Penguins. They are cute, well dressed, love to eat fish, slide on some ice and play and some snow. And you have to give it to them, they are always well dressed for any occasion. One of my favorite things to do at Sea World is to go to where the penguins are and they have this moving walkway where you can just stand as it moves you as you admire the penguins. I mean if you get the chance… Read more.

Evasion – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Yea I got the orders. Go investigate a disturbance on the Faro Colony. I have seen the advertisements for it being peaceful, warm and welcoming. I read further down on the letter to where it said there was a low probability of enemy contact. It even said I would have the latest in everything. It even said it was going to be uneventful and it was signed by Architect and at the bottom of the orders it said Welcome to… Read more.

Blasters Of The Universe – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

The 90’s. It gave us The Matrix, The Mighty Ducks, Wayne’s World, and it even gave us arcades. Arcades that allowed us to test our skills, to see who could get the highest score, and it even gave us the ones who never knew when to leave and felt that they had to stay and beat the younger generation of players. But then one day, something new comes in to play. Something so futuristic that allows that it allows the… Read more.

The Pierhead Arcade – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

My own arcade? Yes, please! This is exactly how I felt from the moment I entered and saw all the games. Brought to us by Mechabit and published by Archiact VR, The Pierhead Arcade is allowing us to play the coin-based games and brings something very special to the PlayStation VR and this is a very good thing. When you first start The Pierhead Arcade, you are standing at the pier. The building looks dark like no one is around. But before you do… Read more.

Smashbox Arena – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

Remember back in Junior High when you would have to go to the Gym to play Dodgeball and sometimes it would come to a point where you might have been the last one on your team who was still in play and the pressure was on, the adrenaline flowing through and then you got hit? You were out and then you had that feeling like you let your team down? Well, I can safely say that Architect and BigBox VR… Read more.

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