Fishing can be a great sport. You cast your line and hope that something bites at the other end no matter the size. But, there are times that no matter what you do or the amount of praying to the fish gods doesn't happen as you expect. But what if it's not you, but your fishing spot that needs a change? Maybe it's time to fish somewhere out of this world. Features include: Explore strange and wild new worlds Catch… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
Tag: Baobab Studios
I want to ask you a question of simply what motivates you? Is it family? What about the dreams that we all have? Maybe it's believing in the helping of others? Any of these answers and more could be the answer. Many things can inspire motivate us in ways that we may not have really asked ourselves or thought about. Sometimes just simple emotions or words can make a spark on the journey to our destination. But does the… Read more.
Sometimes we strive to find that dream, that moment in our lives when we know we made it. That moment can come at any time from any inspiration. But sometimes we may get stuck while reaching for our dreams and all it takes is some light to see the way. All we have to know is where to look. If you could seize the moment to learn more about yourself, to see what others see, to be one step closer… Read more.
Imagine a magical place where you have a home that is full of love from your family, memories that you have made, and everything you could want. But when a member of your family becomes ill, would you do everything you could to make sure you found the cure? What if that meant even going into the dark to get the one thing that could help, even if it might not be real, no matter what threat that may loom… Read more.
Have you ever thought about what would happen if the human race had to set out for a new destination, one that hopefully, could help keep the human race alive and going for generations to come? If you were in a similar situation, what kind of choices would you make and what would your thoughts be? Does Developer Baobab Studios show us what it would be like to be stranded on an alien world wondering what would happen next? Let’s… Read more.
The human race can be a challenging yet rewarding one. But the time has come to try to find a new place to live. Playing as Scout 817, you are on a mission to find a new place for humanity, except, because of your pilotry skills, crash-land on an unknown the middle of the night. So what does one do when they crash-land some three hundred light-years from Earth with no light in the middle of the night, create… Read more.