Tag: Tabletop

Demeo – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 4, 2023 ·

Tabletop role-playing games have been around for decades allowing friends to get into their creative minds all while being able to play something they all had in common and loved. From the roll of the dice to the character sheets to even the books that contained the rules, everyone had a role that they enjoyed playing. But as time grew, so did the technology and the reimagining of the genre. But has developer Resolution Games, brought the best version of… Read more.

Prepare To Enter The Reign Of Madness…

December 30, 2022 ·

We have dealt with the Elven Necropolis and learned about the corrupt Elven King. We have faced evil and its roots as we battled the Rat King, and even came face to face with the Serpent Lord. We thought we were prepared for when we had to face him, AVNOR BERIM aka the ELVEN KING. All of that has led us here to this town we must protect, the town of Ends. Our plan to end the king's reign is… Read more.

Demeo Opens Its PlayStation VR2 Realms On…

November 15, 2022 ·

When Demeo was announced for PlayStation VR2, we had a lot to be excited about from PSVR2's 4K HDR to how the game will use the new controllers. Well, it looks like we now have an official date and some new details including... Features include: True to the authentic tabletop experience Cross-platform and multiple strategy Six playable classes, each with unique sets of offensive, defensive, and support abilities All of the adventures that have been released to date, including The… Read more.

Demeo Is Opening The PlayStation VR2 Realms…

September 15, 2022 ·

Ever since Demeo was announced and released last year, players were introduced to The Black Sarcophagus have had a taste for the Roots of Evil, entered the Realm of the Rat King, and even come across the Curse of the Serpent Lord. Through these times of picking the role from Sigrun the champion of the Royal Guard to Kai the Enigma, game night has never been so much fun as both VR and non-VR players have been rolling the die… Read more.

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

In this issue of Mr. PSVR's Interview Corner, we talk with Neil Rennison of Tin Man Games get into some of the games that they have been responsible for, and learn more about their newest game, Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown. A game that brings to life the tabletop game genre, a narrative-driven campaign, and how being a scoundrel can sometimes lead to being a hero in ways that only Virtual Reality can. We also find out Neil's top… Read more.

Mini-Mech Mayhem – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Tabletop games like chess and checkers have been around for ages. Games, where you have to anticipate the other player’s moves, all while making sure your pieces are hopefully kept out of harm's way from being taken over by the others playing. A cat-and-mouse game of moves and strategy that you hope will secure the win. But does developer FuturLab bring the fun and strategy of tabletop games that make you want to stay, play, and have fun? Let’s find… Read more.

Table of Tales: The Crooked Crown – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

The role-playing element has been out for ages. From the times you gathered with your friends to roll the dice and play the cards to the cartoons and movies being watched to even the controller in your hand. For some, it may be a way to live another life in order to escape our own or it may be a way to have our character increase in power or the decision to end that character’s life. The imagination, the situations… Read more.

League of War: VR Arena – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

Remember GI Joe and taking the figures and the vehicles and having fun battles with your friends? Well, what Munkyfun, Inc. has done with League of War: VR Arena has taken those battle memories from our childhood and allow it to grow with us in Virtual Reality and add some elements that were not possible. League of War: VR Arena is an arcade strategy game that really has an easy and very simple task of the strategy of trying to destroy the enemy… Read more.

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