Tiny Trax – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

Oh, Tiny Trax with your Epic racing in your tiny world. How I love thee! This amazing slot car arcade racing game comes from Futurlab and I will say this, seeing videos of Tiny Trax does not come close to the awesomeness that needs to be experienced on PlayStation VR. Even before the game begins, when that car races towards you and drifts just for the title alone, smiles will race across your face.

Image result for tiny trax psvr

While you are sitting, the courses surround and the cars move around you, that way you do not have to move. You are able to adjust the height and how far or close the tracks are to you and I appreciate that simple touch. What is great about Tiny Trax and the PlayStation VR is how well it plays and how much detail is put on each track. When they are racing towards you, there is this feeling of speed like you are in the middle of the road during The Fast and the Furious.

Glacial Grip

Speaking of tracks. Each one is its own world. Want to race underwater? Want to race through fire or ice or even upside down? How about racing around bones and only to look up with an opening for the moon to shine down as you are in a secret cave where pirate’s treasure was once buried? It’s all here and for that, I thank the developers for a well crafted and unique racing environment.

But racing is not all you have to master. There is line changing to help take seconds off your time and drifting those corners to help you get that boost over the competition. You will need to conquer these as your times are uploaded to the online leaderboard. This way you can beat your friends, gain those medals and claim your spot on the winner podium. With 12 beautifully thought out tracks across tropical islands, fire and ice, volcanoes and outer space, Tiny Trax needs to be in your racing collection of PlayStation VR games!

Tiny Trax is out now on PlayStation VR. A review code was provided.

Also, check out the Interview with FuturLab’s own MD, James Marsden.

To learn more about FuturLab visit their site, like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I am going to go race my way to the top of those leaderboards. I will see you online.

Mr. PSVR, July 25, 2017, theplaystationbrahs.com
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