Tag: Racing

When The Thrill Of The Race Gets Heated, Are You Prepared To Take It To The Next Level?

September 8, 2024 ·

There is something about the thrill of the race. The rush of the treacherous terrains, from the dry trails to the ones with where nature will slap you right in the face. With every turn, you will feel the twist of every intensity that comes with the race. You hear those engines coming right behind you with every second counting. To win this race is not just crossing the finish line, it's about how you handle the situation when things… Read more.

When The Sky Is Your World, You Need To Climb It Like There Is No Tomorrow…

March 31, 2024 ·

Have you ever wanted to go to a place where gravity could be defied? A place where you can ride dolphins, invite your friends, and soar the skies? And if you visited this place, how would you make it your own and how would you share it with others? What if you could go to a place where the challenges would be endless and the only limitation is your mind? You don't have to wonder anymore. Your ticket to the… Read more.

When The Challenges Are Presented, Will You Win The Race Or Embrace The Ultimate Demolition?

January 9, 2024 ·

There might have been a time in your life when you had your favorite cars in your hand and would try to race them on the tracks. But for some, the times were not about how big the car was, but how micro they could be. From the crazy tracks to the awesome lineups, Micro Machines is about style, look, and size. But now, those times in our lives don't have to be forgotten, they can be relived and revived… Read more.

Ragnarock Has Unleashed The DLC Of Rock For PlayStation VR2…

April 28, 2023 ·

It is one thing if you are Viking. It is another thing if you are a Viking who likes to rock out with your hammers to the rhythm of the music. Ragnarock was a launch title for PlayStation VR2 and while the selection of music is great, I was hoping that the DLC would come down and strike down from the Viking Gods above like there was no tomorrow. Well, it looks like Gods have listened and have bestowed upon… Read more.

Ragnarock – The Review

April 8, 2023 ·

If you lived in the Viking times, what do you think your skill would be? It could possibly be crafting, farming, or maybe it would be raiding. The Vikings had many skills, but did you know that Vikings, even after their long days, would gather around to play music? As strongly built as they were, the music and gatherings were admired by most. So does developer Wanadev Studio show us what it is to live the Viking life with music?… Read more.

Get In Your Kart And Race Towards The Finish Line On PlayStation VR2…

March 26, 2023 ·

Back in 2021, we heard about the kart racer that was coming to Steam VR, called Galaxy Kart. An arcade kart racing game that focuses not only on the individual skill of each driver but in combat as well. Each track is a completely different world with a variety of items for the player to experience. Not only that but a crazy cast of characters and karts. Now, it looks like the game has made a pit stop on PlayStation… Read more.

RUNNER – The Review

March 25, 2023 ·

If you felt trapped, would you do whatever you could to escape even if your life depended on it? Would you try without hesitation or would you try to find different alternatives? Fear of the unknown can allow making those split decisions we may not typically have made and can somehow test how far we are willing to go without giving it a second thought. But does developer Truant Pixel show us what it's like to go rogue at fast… Read more.

Will You Be Rocking Or Ragnarockin’ Out On PlayStation VR2¿

March 14, 2023 ·

The year was 2021 and the combination of Vikings and rock music was being made with a game called Ragnarock. In the game, you lead your Viking ship to victory as you have to pound your drums to the rhythm of the sound of epic music and try to climb those leaderboards to Viking rock fame. Then, the following year, information about the game coming to PlayStation VR was a possibility. But that all changed with the release of PlayStation… Read more.

Kayak VR: Mirage – The Review

March 11, 2023 ·

Kayaking can be an amazing time, not only for the sport but just to relax with the environment. It can give you a place to think as you see the night sky or just enjoy nature around you. And as we all seem to get busier with life, any chance to have that moment of escape, we should take it. But does the developer, Better Than Life, really allow us to take a more relaxing journey realistically? Let's find out… Read more.

Kayak VR: Mirage – The Interview

February 21, 2023 ·

If you could stop what you were doing right now and just escape for a relaxing time, where would you go and how would you do it? Maybe go somewhere where it's just you and wildlife. What about doing some of your favorite activities? Maybe you just want to be on the water and take everything in. Anything we can do to relax and allow ourselves to refresh is always a benefit. But when I heard that developer Better Than… Read more.

Where Will You Paddle Yourself Through The Journey?

January 19, 2023 ·

Life can sometimes get in the way of work, family, and just the overall time of the day. We all get distracted with everyday things without taking the time out for ourselves. But if we don't take the time for our own selves, then we may lose the most precious thing in life, our mental well-being. But what if you could take the time to visit locations that you never thought were possible just to escape? What if that journey… Read more.

Gran Turismo 7 Is Bringing The New Reality To PlayStation VR2…

January 19, 2023 ·

Earlier this month, the news that Gran Turismo 7 would be racing onto PlayStation VR2 had many players talking about the game being a launch title for the new platform. If you remember, Gran Turismo Sport did release for PlayStation VR but it was limited in what you could do in VR. But, with Gran Turismo 7, it looks like players have a few things to be excited about. Kazunori Yamauchi, President of Polyphony Digital via PlayStation Blog, had this… Read more.

Get Ready To Race Your Way Onto The PlayStation VR2 with Gran Turismo 7…

January 5, 2023 ·

Almost a year ago, Gran Turismo continued racing with its newest entry, Gran Turismo 7. And as we start a new year and with the PlayStation VR2 getting ready to launch next month, some news came out of Sony's CES 2023 with some exciting news. During the presentation, CEO, Jim Ryan announced that Gran Turismo 7 would be coming to PlayStation VR2 at launch, that players will "be able to experience the game like never before", and that would be… Read more.

Can You Be Fast Enough Or Will You Be The One Who Is Left For Dead?

October 2, 2022 ·

Ever since the epidemic, humanity has not been the same. The people changed into something of our worst nightmares. They would attack anything living and would not stop. The survivors tried the typical route of taking off their heads, but that took too much time and energy. Some of us found a new way...a better way and it's a difference between being fast or becoming one of them. Features include: Arcade auto-simulator Upgrade and customization system Angry zombies to run… Read more.

How Will You Handle The Race When There Are No Breaks?

May 15, 2022 ·

The trill of the race. The smell of the fuel. You have what it takes to win. But what happens when the game that you know decides to leave out a few of the things you have counted on? The race is not for the faint of heart. There will be no health, no leveling, and no breaks. It's just going to be you, the other players, some weapons, and some skill to try and win...if you can. Features include:… Read more.

Sometimes You And Your Crew Need To Rule The Streets…

March 9, 2022 ·

The streets can be hard on you as you try to make it. What some people do as a normal routine, we Outbreakers see it as a necessity, a way to make money, a different view on life. It may not be the safest thing in the world, but the rewards could mean the difference between payout and burnout. In this life, we will do whatever it takes to make sure we win and survive, no matter who we have… Read more.

Dash Dash World Is Racing You Into Update 4.0…

December 7, 2021 ·

Dash Dash World, the kart racing, drift turning, and special power-up racer has not stopped...will not stop the races. It wants to prepare you even more for those tracks, turns, and spinouts so you can race towards being #1 across the finish line. So while you can still customize your racer and vehicle to your liking, you need to be prepared for what's in store with the new update 4.0. And this update just may be the best thus far… Read more.

RC Rush – Early Access Review

September 9, 2021 ·

There is something about having a controller in your hands as you drive your favorite RC vehicle around. Maybe it's the speed or the quick turns. But have you ever raced them on a track? Trying to make those turns in hopes that you either don't crash your vehicle and something break, crash into other vehicles, or possibly hit that jump and land in such as awesome way that there is no stopping you towards the finish line. Anything can… Read more.

Sometimes We Need A Little Practice In Parking…

August 22, 2021 ·

Yes, driving a car is freedom and responsibility. Sometimes there is no one around us and we can just drive while listening to our favorite music. But sometimes when we get to our destination, we have to park. But sometimes, there can be some difficulty in parking depending on where the spot is, who we are trying to park next to, or any other obstacles that might be in the way. If only there was a simulator that could help… Read more.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing – The Review

August 7, 2021 ·

Ever since seeing Harry Potter, I thought it would be fun to fly on a broom going around Hogwartz to have the ultimate experience. Sure there have been shows and movies about the idea, but there really have not been that many games when it comes to witches and brooms and especially in Virtual Reality. Do does developer, UNIVRS. Inc show us what it's like to race broom race around? Let's find out with Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing… Read more.

NeonHat – The Interview

June 13, 2021 ·

If you could race anywhere in the world, where would it be? What it be someplace exotic or would it be somewhere close to home? What kind of vehicle do you think you would be racing in? Something familiar or a new design that someone may have not even thought was possible? But what would you do if you could travel within a dimension of sorts? One that has a simple familiar vibe to it, but at the same time… Read more.

Your Car Mechanic Dreams Are About To Come True…

June 7, 2021 ·

You love to work with your hands. You know how to fix things. But it's now the time for you to get up, work on the repairs, and expand your car vehicle repair service to the best one in the world. Use the tools to fix the simplest of jobs to the more complicated ones without having to rely on someone else to do what you can. Features include: Challenge yourself to repair, paint, tune and drive cars in the… Read more.

Get Your Broomsticks Ready To Race With This Little Witch Academy…

June 1, 2021 ·

The show Little Witch Academia is allowing us to enroll in the Witchcraft Academy and race with the thrill of the flight as you cast magic to speed up or slow other teams down as you race to the finish line. But along with racing comes shooting as you will need to shoot and purify the Stardust Ghosts as you go against other students at this academy around the skies of Luna Nova Witchcraft Academy as you interact with different… Read more.

Get Ready To Fly, Shoot, and Race Your Way Against Others…

June 1, 2021 ·

You know that voice in your head, the one that makes you have second thoughts before you pull the trigger and put everything else behind? That voice is the one of reason. The one that somehow knows that and reminds us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Ones that we may be able to anticipate or ones we didn't see coming. But it's our reactions, our timing that helps us prevail into new heights and… Read more.

Are You Ready To Get Fit?

January 17, 2021 ·

During these times with a pandemic, motivation sometimes can be hard. There are days where you may feel that you are not ready for the day or times when you could be doing some type of fitness to not only give your mind a chance to do something new, but give you the opportunity to get up and move. Welcome to the world where you have no excuses, where you can make the best out of the situation, and where… Read more.

Race Into The Dash Dash World 2.0 Update Finish Line…

December 17, 2020 ·

You have raced. You have battled your way only to see that finish line in your sites only to be hit with a frying pan that ends up knocking you into the last place. You want that revenge, you want to hear the crowd cheer for you and see your name in lights, but you just want a little more. Maybe some new tracks, or some new campaigns, or possibly a new weapon to gain that advantage. Well, want no… Read more.

Terje Haakonsen’s Powder VR – The Review

November 11, 2020 ·

With winter coming there are a couple of things to get excited for. We have the holidays, we have colder weather, and for some parts of the world, we have snow. And during this time a lot of people go on Winter Breaks to get away from it all. It could be to someplace warmer or it could be hitting the slopes on some fresh powder as you ski or snowboard your way to let you inner Terje Haaksonsn come… Read more.

Dash Dash World – The Review

October 26, 2020 ·

One thing that can be really fun in Virtual Reality is racing. Single-player racing against AI can be fun, but then after some time, you almost need to have the multiplayer aspect to keep the fun going. But if there is one thing that really can get the engines going is if you add some drifting, some power-ups, and the ability to customize basically everything. So does Developer MOTIONX Studio bring all the elements of racing in VR? Let's find… Read more.

Get Ready To Dash To The Finish Line By Any Means Necessary…

October 5, 2020 ·

Kart-racing is what you have trained for. It's what you do. It's what you are known for. But it seems that others don't want you to get first place and will pull out any trick in their book to make sure that doesn't happen even if that means blasting you in the face. Features include: Wide Range of Control Options - Don't want to be limited to just one option, then you don't have to be. One hand on the… Read more.

Get Ready To Soar With Some Magic At This Witch Academy…

May 6, 2020 ·

You have seen the movies...you have seen the show on Netflix, but now in at this academy, it's time for you to get ready to soar with your broom win the race as only a little witch could. Features include: Learn to soar with the help and encouragement of fan-favorite characters from the popular anime.Motion sickness reduction technology that will keep the focus on the exhilaration of flying.Become part of an all-new story throughout familiar areas around Luna Nova.Pair up… Read more.

Mini Motor Racing X Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

That's right you racing fans who have been looking to add to your physical collection of PlayStation VR games, it looks like some of your hopes of adding some adrenaline to your stash is about to come true. So get ready to race and grab that first place in some high-octane frenzy that will have you wanting to keep playing. Features include... MULTIPLAYER - Full online multiplayer with up to four friends, and local career mode co-op. MASSIVE CAREER MODE… Read more.

It Looks Like You Will Need Some Dash In Your Racing…

March 4, 2020 ·

Racing can be a hard thing no matter the skill level. You can be in the first place up until the end and be knocked out of it all. Sometimes it's not even humans that could be the cause of it all. Welcome to the world of VR combat kart racing. Features include: Racing against others in multiplayer.Customizing your ride and outfits.Zapping your friends with ELECTROKILL.Game cartridges that can spawn new weapons.Freeze opponents with the slushy gloveWant to knock your… Read more.

When The World Becomes Rilant On A.I., Can You Become The Hero The World Needs?

February 19, 2020 ·

This world was supposed to be better. We are more advanced than in the past. But somehow our past of depending on Artificial Intelligence has caught up. But did anyone think about what if? What if there ever was a crisis, would anyone know what to do? Would everyone be safe? The world needs a hero. Features include: A tense atmosphere in a cyberpunk battlefield, feel flames burning your hair and hear bullets whiz by your ear.Oncoming bullets give you… Read more.

Rev-Up Your Mini Motors…

December 8, 2019 ·

Racing is in your blood and it's what you were meant to do. Well, maybe not in an actual vehicle as anyone can do that. No, you have higher dreams than that. You want to be the top of the world in racing mini racers. But racing is only part of it, you will have to learn the turns, feel the environments, and master the art of the powerslide. Features include: MASSIVE CAREER MODE: Four huge championships and over 50 unique… Read more.

You Could Win Up To Two Copies Of Touring Karts On Steam…

December 8, 2019 ·

Yes, you read that right, you have the opportunity to win a copy of the Steam version of Touring Karts and it is yours for the taking. All you have to do is download the Steam Demo of Touring Karts and you can unlock the full game by winning three...yes three races in a row! But that is not all, if you win five races in a row, you will get an extra free Steam key for a friend. Check… Read more.

Touring Karts – The Review

November 10, 2019 ·

Kart racing can be a blast as you can race against your friends as well as those that you never have met as you try to make the laps in the best time and try to finish in the first place. But with the pressure of racing can come the start of the race all the way to the final seconds of the final lap. But does Developer Ivanovich Games reinvent the kart-type racer by giving us some surprises to… Read more.

Battlewake’s Update Is…

October 22, 2019 ·

That’s right all you pirates of the sea, Battlewake has fired its weapon and that weapon is headed for all players on PlayStation VR as well on the Oculus Store and Steam. But what can ye expect from such a weapon? The PlayStation VR update v.102 includes: Any crash fixes.Weapon damage/accuracy repairs.Squashed bugs that may have infiltrated the Plunder PvP.Pro patch. The Oculus and Steam update v1.0.1 includes Various crash and stability improvements.Calibration: Fixed an issue where the player would be… Read more.

You Will Be Laughing In The Face Of Death On These Laps You Take…

October 19, 2019 ·

The thrill of racing, the thrill of competition. It all comes together when you are trying to win. But in this race, it will take a lot more then turning the wheel if you want a shot at winning. Not only are the tracks going to make it difficult for you, but there are other enemies...I mean racers and sure you could just ram them, but you need something more. You need something with a little firepower...you need to shoot… Read more.

Tiny Trax – The Interview

October 7, 2019 ·

With Tiny Trax releasing exclusively on PlayStation VR this week, I reached out to FuturLab to get some of their inspirations and to ask questions about the game. In case you do not know what Tiny Trax is, it’s Epic racing in a tiny world. Tracks that are built around you to make excellent use of the PlayStation VR headset. You will zip along walls, race underwater, and jump through the air all while racing on some of the most insane tracks around. There… Read more.

Battlewake – The Review

October 7, 2019 ·

When you think of Pirates, what comes to mind? Stories that you have read, movies that you have seen or even games that you have played. For me, the one thing that comes to mind it the ride at Disney World, Pirates of the Caribbean. There is just something as soon as you get close to that ride and finally step inside out of the sun, that you can just smell the adventure, hear that music and that voice and… Read more.

VERTI-GO HOME! – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

I want you for a moment to sit, relax, and open your mind. Don’t think about any troubles that you may have, don’t think about the frustrations that you have faced. In fact, just think of your mind as a place that can open the door of the journey to the destination. Do you think you could get there without any bumps along the way? It really is interesting how the mind works and what it can really do. But… Read more.

RUSH VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality does some amazing things. We can go anywhere, become anyone, and do things that normally we wouldn’t do. But have you ever thought about putting on a wingsuit and having the wind against your face while out in the open with nothing but you, nature, and the ground below you? Does Developer The Binary Mill allow us to experience terminal velocity? Let’s find out with RUSH VR for PlayStation VR.  So what is RUSH VR all about? First and foremost, RUSH VR is about… Read more.

Vroom Kaboom – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

When you think of the word objectives, what comes to mind? Completion? Goal-oriented? Task? All of these would be correct. But what if in order to complete the objective you were given some help in the form of vehicles? I know what you must be thinking. I know you want to know more. So does Ratloop Games Canada give us the tools to not only complete the objectives but give it to us with an explosive touch? Let’s find out… Read more.

TO THE TOP – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Sometimes something comes along that really surprises me in Virtual Reality. Sometimes it’s not the escape, sometimes it’s just the ability to move and get to the goal that really can draw you in and make you want to stay and before you know it, hours and hours have passed. When you add in a soundtrack to keep you moving and immersive experience and you just might have a winner on your hands. So does To The Top that is developed by… Read more.

Sprint Vector – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

Racing. It has its place. You want to win. You have the drive and the adrenaline to win. But do you have the desire to become a champion? This was all going through my head when I played Sprint Vector from Survios on PlayStation VR. And I have never felt more like an intergalactic champion when playing, which is a very good thing. Sprint Vector is an adrenaline platformer that will take your competitiveness to the next level. I am going to say… Read more.

Tiny Trax – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

Oh, Tiny Trax with your Epic racing in your tiny world. How I love thee! This amazing slot car arcade racing game comes from Futurlab and I will say this, seeing videos of Tiny Trax does not come close to the awesomeness that needs to be experienced on PlayStation VR. Even before the game begins, when that car races towards you and drifts just for the title alone, smiles will race across your face. While you are sitting, the courses surround and the cars… Read more.

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