What Will You Face When What Was Once Thought To Be Lost Is Found Again?

January 16, 2024 ·

There are things in our lifetime that are thought to have been lost. It could be that we may have misplaced what we thought we once had or time may have taken its toll. But what if the thing that was lost could be shown the light? What if what we need, will soon be released? The Sentinel has always been around to help protect against its perimeter, you just needed to open your eyes to find it. What was once thought to be lost has truly been found and is ready to unleash the bliss upon you. The question now is, what will you face when it is shown?

Features include:

  • Meant to Be: Enjoy Minter’s unique brand of retro-inspired bliss the way the gaming gods intended — in virtual reality! Become fully engulfed in frenzied kaleidoscopic action and pure arcade joy
  • Simple Perfection: You’ll be thrown directly into the action where combos, high scores, and survival are your only goals
  • Unleash Neon Insanity: Create massive chains of enemy explosions and rack up ammo for precision shots to keep a combo and your rings (or life force) protected. Lose them all, and it’s game over
  • A Ride Through Space and Time: Start from the beginning of the 50 unique levels, or pick up where you left off to power through to the end
  • Accessibility-Friendly: Sensitive to flashing lights or just not a fan? Not to worry, as there’s an option to disable the more intense visual effects so that the experience can be enjoyed by a wider audience

Are you ready to take on the retro-inspired bliss? Can you gain the highest score? Will you be ready to play in another reality? Find out when Akka Arrh comes out digitally to PlayStation VR2 on the PlayStation Store and as a physical release at a retailer near you in March of 2024.

Until then…please enjoy…

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