When You Are Trying To Escape, Would You Be Able To Do It On Your Own Or With The Help Of A Friend?

May 31, 2021 ·

I know we should have asked before visiting. But I remember there was something he said. Something that just made me come and bring a friend. Something told me not to come alone. But all is not safe in this house. It seems that we have become trapped in searching what seems to be the most important thing right now. But we have been trying for some time. But we will not give up, we have to find my uncle, Dominic Ward if it’s the last thing I do.

Features include:

  • A co-op, room-scale, virtual reality, escape room experience
  • Solving puzzles will require cooperation and communication
  • Microphone usage is required as in-game mechanics and puzzles are used to detect the player’s voice
  • Players can join each other’s game instances via their Steam friend list or in-game invite system

Can you work together? Will the puzzles and rituals be complete? Who or what will hear you? Find out when Hush: In Search of Dominic Ward comes to Steam.

Until then…please enjoy…

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