Are We Ready For The Next Oculus Quest?

March 11, 2021 ·

Let’s face it, the Oculus Quest 2 just launched on October 13, 2020, with a 64 gig and 256 gig variant. Also, the Oculus Link cable came out of beta for the Oculus Quest 2 launch and allowed those with a capable PC or laptop to get to explore the world of PCVR and essentially having the solid Rift S, which I still love, starting to work its way on being discontinued. Yes, the Oculus Quest 2 is a fantastic headset with being wireless and yet, can easily work as a wired VR headset. But with technology and the way it grows and advances and a quick rate, there was some mention in an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, in what to expect with the next Oculus Quest headset or headsets.

He did mention how with technology, that you need to know what your next few products will look like all at the same time. So basically figure out what can be the most cost-effective and best bang for the buck. But he did mention eye and face tracking for Oculus Quest 3 and 4 and having teams already working on the next few generations of Virtual Reality. If you think about already how powerful the Oculus Quest 2 is and everything is on the headset and then you have apps such as Oculus Venues, VR Chat, Rec Room, and AltSpace to name a few, how your eyes and face could be tracked with more powerful technology then what is currently in the Quest 2, it will make Virtual Reality that step closer to a more reality that many of only imagines and once thought. But with this talk, are ready for the next Oculus Quest? Is it too soon. Time will only tell, but who knows, the next version of Oculus Quest could be announced this year.

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