Federation 77 – The Review

January 7, 2023 ·

When you think about violence in today’s society, what really comes to mind? Is it things you hear or read about in the news, wars going on, or could it hit more at home on the domestic side of things? When you think about the future, do you think things will change or will there be a different kind of violence that we have not even been accustomed to? When it comes to violence, it is sometimes best not to get involved, but there are times when actions can speak louder than words. So does developer MiroWin show us what violence in the future could possibly be like? Let’s find out with Federation 77 for PCVR.

Federation 77 is a dynamic VR shooter in various arenas in a post-Soviet cyberpunk setting. The year is 2077, and the city that you are in known as the city of M is part of the territory of the Federation. The country is still reeling from the war it started. So before you go in trying to take back what is yours with some chip on your shoulder, there are a few things that you should be aware of. First, you want to make sure you have some space to play. Yes, it is possible to play sitting down, but if you want to be able to dodge some attacks and bullets, you want to be able to move. Second, make sure those controllers are charged. You don’t want to get into an arena of violence to swing a weapon only to have no response. Been there, not fun. Third, I will say the subject matter in Federation 77 can be on the sensitive side of things as there is the presence of drug use along with violence. And finally, have some fun. With that said…let’s continue…

In Federation 77, you play a cyber psycho, whose program crashes due to a fatal error and because of so said error, you are now wanting to kill and clear the streets of the riff-raff by any means necessary. You will notice a few things, one which should be familiar and that is a gaming system with similarities, but not in no way, shape, or form an actual NES along with the light gun which is how you will interact with the menu. From the menu, you can adjust the settings from the language and sound, leaderboards, and start the tutorial. You will also notice your friendly robot that may or may not have some wise things to say.

You should really start with the tutorial to get used to how things are going to be. I mean, you could jump right in and you might do pretty well, but it’s probably safe to go ahead with so said tutorial. When the tutorial starts, you see the words “Drugs are life!”. Again, this can be a sensitive subject matter for some, so just be warned. From this point on, we will just say the illegal meds do seem to give you some advantage for a short period of time. To activate them, you just hold them in your mouth and pull the trigger. This, for some reason, has the making of a song to be made. There are items that you can throw at enemies which will come in handy when the weapon that you finally get and enjoy decides it will not work anymore due to no ammo.

But since you are a cyber psycho with a fatal error that is making you want to clean up the streets by any means necessary, it’s time to start the game. You do have a choice to make. Do you want to play Arcade, Adrenaline, or take some time on the Shooting Range? The maps are limited but are of a nice variety with one of the maps being a Graveyard and another one of the maps being the Coliseum. When you find the map that you would like to start, just click on that go button and it’s going to be up to you to try and survive wave after wave after wave all while trying to get the highest score possible.

Weapons are effective from axes to guns to even explosives. Just remember, you are trying to get the highest score possible, so take advantage of those combos to boost your score.

Let’s talk about the graphics and sound. The art style works really well here. It’s Cyberpunk animation of colors that really brings an essence of what a city recovering from war would look like. Going around fighting with the different enemies, I couldn’t help but look at the colors that were used. From a clouded sky with the sun trying to come through as it is setting, the neon lights of the buildings, to even the leaves of the trees looked really good in VR. When listening to the sound, it’s always good when there is that balance that matches the gameplay. But when the action is picking up and that hard music is playing, you can’t help to feel the need for some action as you try to clean the streets and make the city M like how it is supposed to be remembered.

There are some things I would love to see added. For one, more maps. There are just a handful of maps here and playing in the garages and market is a nice touch, I just would love to see even more locations to fight in. Second, an online co-op experience. Federation 77 would benefit from having the ability to allow online matches and just have players go at it. Plus, if there was the ability to customize your own character so each player was as unique as possible while keeping with the theme, it would be an added benefit. And finally, available on more platforms. There are plans to have the game come to the Oculus Store and even talks with PlayStation VR. The question is now, with PlayStation VR2 right around the corner, could there possibly be even more surprises in store?

Federation 77 gives us the chance to let out some frustration by any means necessary within its own means. Yes, it does have mature content that everyone should be aware of and decide for themselves if it is something for them. But again if you think about it, anything we play can have its own interpretation of what can be used. Yes, illegal meds are never the way and violence is never the answer in real life as life is too short as it is. And should we all add more to our own lives instead of something that may be out of our control trying to take it away?

Federation 77 is out now on Steam VR with plans to come to Oculus and PlayStation VR. A review code was provided.

To learn more about MiroWin Studio, please visit their sitelike them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram, join their Discord, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I think I need to clean up the streets a little more.

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