VR Reviews

Arcade Bounce – The Review

December 12, 2024 ·

Many players around the world have played the game of pinball. Everyone has their favorite themed table they enjoy. There is just something about trying to aim the ball and score as many points as possible without the ball trying to go past your flippers. We have all played a game where you can tell there was homage played to the pinball game. But what if you could get to be within the game itself? Do you think you would… Read more.

Metro Awakening – The Review

November 17, 2024 ·

What if the world as you knew it became part of a nuclear blast that wiped out part of the human race? The destruction of the world crumbled as a shell of its former self. Some of your friends and loved ones didn't all make it. How would you survive what happened? Would you be able to make a home for those you found and work together and protect by any means necessary? It's scary to think about what if… Read more.

Arizona Sunshine Remake – The Review

October 31, 2024 ·

In December 2016, Vertigo Games released a zombie game called Arizona Sunshine for PCVR and PlayStation VR. This game allowed us to have fun killing zombies and enjoying some humor all while trying to survive. With this being part of one of my earlier reviews with The PlayStation Brahs back in 2017, I still found it was worth the time to play. So how does Vertigo Games take what was and make it into an even better experience? You remake it, of… Read more.

KIWI design G4 Pro Performance Controller Grips – The Review

October 11, 2024 ·

The Quest 3 and soon-to-be 3S Touch Plus controllers are pretty sweet and allow you to do amazing things within Virtual Reality. Out-of-the-box, they feel great in the hands even though not everyone may use the wrist straps that come with them when they should. Sure, most of us have a pretty good grip on the controllers, but what if you could have a better experience with them while also making sure they don't accidentally fly out of your hands… Read more.

KIWI design: V3 Facial Interface & K4 Comfort Head Strap for Quest 3 – The Review

July 9, 2024 ·

If you have received your Meta Quest 3 recently or have had it since day one, you know how impressive the tech is with Virtual Reality. With the improved controls and specs, the Quest 3 has become one of the must-have headsets. But there are some items about the headset that some may wish could change from the default that came with the headset. Two of those items would be the facial interface and the head strap that comes standard… Read more.

Arcade Paradise VR – The Review

June 30, 2024 ·

(www.pho.to) PhotoEngine::Collage::1

When was the last time you went to an arcade? When you went, was it for a party or to hang out with your friends? For some, going means collecting some tickets to turn in for prizes, for others, it can simply mean trying to get the highest score so they can get their names next to it, and for some it can be merely creating their own arcade experience in their own home. But does the developer, Nosebleed Interactive,… Read more.

MADiSON VR – The Review

June 23, 2024 ·

The camera can be a powerful tool. One that can take pictures to give us some of our fondest memories. A way to help tell the story is simply by seeing the image produced with a click of a button. But what if a picture could reveal more than possible from something not seen originally by the human eyes? Anything is possible and, if used in the right setting, could help with not only your survival but your sanity as… Read more.

Mixture – The Review

June 6, 2024 ·

What if you had to be paired up with someone that, from the start, you didn't think would work? It could be someone from work, a family member you never met, or even someone on your sporting team that you are part of. No matter how hard you try, your emotions get the better of you and you still feel the same way. Do you think you would keep trying if it was for the greater good or give up… Read more.

The Flip – The Review

June 1, 2024 ·

Picture your current life in your mind. Everything appears to be going well. Your life is complete with everything you desire, including consistency. Suddenly, it occurred. Against all odds, the one thing we believed to be impossible occurred. I'm referring to the scenario of a zombie apocalypse. In the current situation, would you be capable of surviving alone today, or would we need to form a group for mutual protection? I think some would try to survive on their own,… Read more.

The Pirate Queen: A Forgotten Legend – The Review

May 19, 2024 ·

The life of a pirate is a very interesting one. Some perceive pirates of thievery, while some envy and wonder what life they truly live. Some people experience their encounters with pirates firsthand. But others only dream of what it would be like to live the life of a pirate. If you could live your life as a pirate, what would you do? Would you search for treasure or try to hide the treasure you have? Would you sail from… Read more.

Medieval Dynasty New Settlement – The Review

May 18, 2024 ·

If you think about the different periods through time, which one do you think would be the most exciting and challenging to try and start a life in? Would it be when WWI was starting? Maybe it would be in the Wild West? Or maybe, you would want to try your luck in Japan. But if we were to think about the excitement of it all, we would also need to look at which would be the most challenging. Maybe,… Read more.

OVRDARK: a Do Not Open story

May 12, 2024 ·

What would you do if someone you cared about was in trouble? Would you do whatever you could to save them or would you have limitations that could prevent you from doing what needed to be done? What happens when the things you think are true start to be questioned by the ones you trust and become so out of the ordinary that you even start to question your mind? Would anything be believed or would your mind start playing… Read more.

Survivorman VR: The Descent – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 7, 2024 ·

When you think of survival, what comes to mind? Do you think of a scenario in the wild, or could it be the world as it is now? The unknown presents a challenge to anyone who dares to face it. Knowing survival skills, even if they seem strange, can accurately test one's abilities. Surviving the unknown is always a challenge for anyone who tries it. Survival skills can be a matter of life or death, and testing them in the… Read more.

KIWI design: Link Cable – The Review

May 4, 2024 ·

VR headsets are becoming more and more popular. Wired headsets, like the PlayStation VR, PlayStation VR2, HTC's Pro series, and even the Rift and Rift S, require a console or PC that can run VR. Wireless headsets, like the Quest series and the Pico 4, let you play anywhere. KIWI design has introduced a new cable for wireless headsets that allows you to play PCVR games. But how good is the experience? Is it worth it? Let's find out more… Read more.

HappyFunland – The Review

April 27, 2024 ·

When it comes to vacations, where do you and your family go? Maybe someplace that is warm or maybe you prefer the cold? Maybe it's a place you go to year after year and yet, it never gets old, but you can still call it your home away from home. Just think of all the memories you have made over the years and can look back at those pictures and videos whenever you feel a little homesick. But what would… Read more.

Hunt Together – The Review

April 26, 2024 ·

Have you ever seen a ghost? What about being asked if you believe in them? What would you say? Some feel that seeing is believing, while some believe in seeing. The paranormal, for many, is something worth believing, as there are more questions than answers about what happens in the afterlife. But let me ask you this: What would you do if you saw the very thing that you have been looking for? Would you believe your eyes, or would… Read more.

SWARM 2 – The Review

April 20, 2024 ·

What if your calling leads you to some challenging obstacles? Would you still attempt to fulfill what you were meant to do, or would you hesitate in the moment? But what if after becoming the hero and saving Earth, what do you think you would do then? Maybe you will start a new career. Or maybe you would still train in case anything were to happen.. It is interesting to think about what we think we would do versus what… Read more.

KIWI design Knuckle Grips Cover with Battery Opening for Quest 3 – The Review

April 6, 2024 ·

The Touch Plus controllers for the Quest 3 are pretty outstanding. They feel good in the hands; they are light and improve on the things we love about them. But as much as people love them, something stands out about the Touch Plus controllers for the Quest 3. Maybe it's the ergonomic button layout or the missing ring that has been the standard of the previous generations. One thing that I wish the controllers had was a little more grip.… Read more.

Bartender VR Simulator – The Review

March 31, 2024 ·

The act of bartending has been going on for centuries. Throughout history, there have been many occasions where individuals have trusted a capable bartender to concoct their beverages carefully, regardless of whether they are ordering or serving. Sure, each person may have their favorite places where their favorite bartenders will be. But have you ever thought about the skill that goes into the science of mixology? The skill of accurately pouring exact quantities to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, combined with… Read more.

Akka Arrh – The Review

March 29, 2024 ·

Imagine something that was supposed to be, wasn't. Something that you hoped would see the light of day, but yet, kept in the dark per se, only to be nothing more than a prototype. If you discovered it today, would you take the time and effort to be experienced? If so, how would you make it something special as of today? It's kind of interesting when you think about how something so many years ago could be interesting for the… Read more.

SkydiveSim – The Review

March 15, 2024 ·

Skydiving is a sport not for the faint of heart but for those with no regrets, no fear, and the no looking-back attitude. Many people have taken the jump only to show this newfound version of themselves. While those who would think two or ten times before even attempting, the select few will jump like there is no tomorrow. But for those who dare not try it in real life, you can try it at home thanks to Virtual Reality.… Read more.

Operation Serpens – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 11, 2024 ·

If you knew of an organization that was so evil and so ruthless, would you give up the fight and join them, or do you think you could take it down? Would you need the right team, the right force to be put together in hopes that the root of all evil within that organization would finally be stopped by any means necessary and at any cost? Thinking about what we would do vs. what would happen is always an… Read more.

Bulletstorm VR – The Review

February 25, 2024 ·

For some, the name Bulletstorm alone will bring memories of shooting whatever you can in a bombastic single-player experience where you go in, take out whatever may be in your way, and enjoy the conversations that go along with it without thinking twice about it. The kind of fun where you can even join online with some friends while everyone enjoys the action. But does developer, Incuvo, bring the VR action with this port? Let's find out with Bulletstorm VR… Read more.

Titanic: A Space Between – The Review

February 18, 2024 ·

Imagine a ship that was made out to be unsinkable and perfect in every way. But it wasn't until that evening, on April 14, 1912, that the unthinkable happened, the Titanic sank in 2 hours and 40 minutes. The 1,496 lives would never have the chance to try and get off the ship as it and the souls sunk. And as tragic as it was, what remains is at the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. But if you had… Read more.

Arashi: Castles of Sin – Final Cut – The PlayStation VR2 Review

February 11, 2024 ·

Stealth, shadows, loyalty, respect, and honor were all important in Feudal Japan. It was a time of being a warrior meant more. It was the life of the warrior that some could look up to and that some would fear. When you look at that life, it became this poetic art in a way that has helped make legends from the stories that have been told. But does developer, Endeavor One and publisher Skydance Interactive along with ForwardXP, bring something… Read more.

ZyberVR Quest 3 Sky Tower Charging Dock – The Review

January 29, 2024 ·

With the Quest 3 improving with every update, the headset provides a lot of benefits, and with that benefit comes using the Quest 3 for longer periods. Unfortunately, we all enjoy when we use it until we receive that notice that there is only a small percentage of battery before the Quest 3 needs recharging, and eventually, the Quest Touch Plus Controllers will run out of battery power, and before you know it, we have to escape the reality we… Read more.

ZyberVR ACE Quest 3 Elite Strap – The Review

January 29, 2024 ·

There are many things that we can say and agree on about the Quest 3. One of those would be the default head strap that comes with it and how we all wish it was more comfortable for those gaming sessions. Sure, technically, it does the job, but we are about that comfort and style. So let's take a look at one of the newest elite straps from ZyberVR, the ACE Quest 3 Elite Strap. First, let's look at the… Read more.

Hotel R’n’R – The Review

January 25, 2024 ·

If you had a chance to make a deal to become the rockstar you have always wanted to be, would you take it without any hesitation? What do you think you would do as a rockstar and what would your reputation be? Maybe you sing such an original song that it connects everyone for peace. Maybe you play an instrument that everyone knows as soon as it plays? It's always nice to dream about what we would do even if… Read more.

Tiger Blade – The Review

January 20, 2024 ·

Think about something so rare that it would make you stop what you were doing just to see it. Does art come to mind? Maybe it's a treasure that has only been shown as a replica because it was so rare. Maybe it's something that is from the spiritual side of the world that draws people near. Rarety can mean different things to different people depending on who you ask and is interesting when you think about it. But does… Read more.

Down & Out – The PlayStation VR2 Review

January 15, 2024 ·

Fighting in games can be a hit or miss. Sometimes being able to hit an enemy and see some type of impact makes it worthwhile, while other times, no matter what you do seems to have no impact, and makes you overthink what your next move will be. But if we must think of our next move, does that mean that our strategy in itself, needs to change? It's interesting when you think about it. So does developer, Zatun, give… Read more.

Sugar Mess – Let’s Play Jolly Battle – The Review

January 13, 2024 ·

Just think for a moment and try to imagine a land full of colors, energy, and royalty. What do you think you would do there? Would you try and visit with anyone you could or do you think you would be the shy type? What if you were the prince or princess of the land, would you invite everyone you could to your castle or keep everything as secret as could be? What if there was a book about your adventures,… Read more.

Wallace & Gromit in The Grand Getaway – The Review

January 9, 2024 ·

When you think about animation, there are different kinds of styles. You have hand-drawn, motion caption, etc., but probably one of my favorite types of styles is stop-motion. Maybe it's the physical manipulation in small amounts, maybe it's the characters, or maybe it's just the way everything comes together when everything is all said and done. From T.V. to the movies there is just something about seeing these characters that were created and allowing them to come alive in front… Read more.

Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye – The Review

January 7, 2024 ·

The world of the detective trying to solve the case is something that is not new, but the setting of the story is what will be remembered most of all. But it is when you can blend that story with the immersive cinematography that embodies the characters that make the adventure. But has developer, Peanut Button, found the formula to continue to intertwine robots and the 50's aesthetics? Let's find out with Retropolis 2: Never Say Goodbye for Quest 2,… Read more.

Arizona Sunshine 2 – The Review

December 31, 2023 ·

Zombies have a way of peaking the interest of many people. From those who love to watch movies about them to those who play games about getting rid of them, there is something about the undead and feasting on the living that has many rooting for them to those who secretly watch with their hands over their eyes with just enough room to peek to see what happens that make us fans of the zombie genre. Love them or hate… Read more.

Journey to Foundation – The Review

December 31, 2023 ·

If you were part of something that could save humanity, how far would you push yourself and those around you? Would the choices you make, be the ones that could end up harming the chances more than helping them? If it came down to it, would you be able to make every single choice without hesitation or would you have to stop and think about it for a moment? It's quite interesting when you think about it and how we,… Read more.

KIWI design Comfort Battery Head Strap – SPC For Quest 3 – The Review

December 24, 2023 ·

You have your new Meta Quest 3 or you hope to receive one for Christmas and as we all know, the default head strap that comes with the headset, while it does what it needs to do, it's not very comfortable. But as you are using it, you also wish that the Quest 3 just had some extra juice for your gaming sessions. Sure, you could plug a USB battery pack and then put that in your pocket, but that… Read more.

KIWI design RGB Vertical Stand – The Review

December 22, 2023 ·

We all have our favorite Quest headset. From Quest 2 to the Quest Pro to the new Quest 3, we enjoy what each brings to the Virtual Reality space, but there is one thing that we all have in common how do we charge it and where are we going to put our headset when it is not in use. Sure, you could use the cable and charger your headset came with and place the headset down and not think… Read more.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Justice – The Review

December 22, 2023 ·

Vampires have always been a topic of interest for many. From the books, the movies, and games, there seems to always be this connection with people. Maybe it's the setting, the characters, or even the music that helps draw us into the world of Vampires. For some reason, the mystery of it all intrigues people to this day. But does developer, Fast Travel Games, allow us to take a bite out of the fascination of the world of the undead? Let's… Read more.

Kill It With Fire VR – The Review

December 20, 2023 ·

There may have been times when you have experienced unwelcomed visitors such as ants, flies, and other bugs that just added to your day that you did not want. Sure, you spray a can of Raid like there is no tomorrow in hopes that it would end your problem only to have them return. You can call an exterminator that most of the time works. But what if those unwelcomed visitors turn out to be spiders that can crawl anywhere… Read more.

Hons VR Quest 3 – The Review

December 16, 2023 ·

When it comes to Virtual Reality, there is something we all enjoy, and that is being immersed in the worlds that we are in. Part of that immersion is how well we can make things out. And no matter how much the tech improves each time, if we don't keep a check on our eyes, things may not be as fun as they could be. Even when our eyes put in the extra work to make things out., there are… Read more.

Propagation: Paradise Hotel – The Review

December 10, 2023 ·

What would you do if you found yourself in different surroundings than what you might be used to only for those surroundings to become a life and death matter? Do you think you could be prepared for what you saw your possible future to become or could you overcome the outcome by any means necessary? Situations that are out of our control can be a scary situation. But does the developer, WanadevStudio, show us how to make the best out… Read more.

ZyberVR Quest 3 Elite Strap – The Review

December 6, 2023 ·

So you have had the Quest 3 since day one. Possibly, you scored an awesome deal for Black Friday, or you are hoping to get one for Christmas. One thing is for sure, the default head strap that comes with the Quest 3 may get the job done for a little bit, but it is not the most comfortable thing to wear as your play sessions go on. Sure you could keep using the Quest 3 as is, and at… Read more.

Ghostbusters: Rise of the Dark Lord – The Review

December 4, 2023 ·

There is something about the world of Ghostbusters that makes it an iconic franchise. From the characters to the music, we all have our favorite moments that keep drawing us in. There was just something about the mix of comedy and ghosts that has been trying to replicate the moments that we all love over the years. But do developer nDreams and publisher Sony Pictures Virtual Reality allow us to bust some ghosts while capturing the magic of the franchise… Read more.

The Foglands – The Review

November 16, 2023 ·

If the world around you forced what was left out of humanity underground, how do you think you would do? Do you think everyone would try and work together to make things work or would greed be the mindset of many? If there was a chance you could make the run to gather supplies knowing that your life could be over at any moment? But what if taking that opportunity leads you into deeper and darker paths, how many of… Read more.

Cactus Cowboy – Desert Warfare – The Review

November 11, 2023 ·

Greed can be a dangerous trait to have. You keep wanting and wanting, trying to feel a void that for some, can never be filled. But when that greed becomes greater than we ever imagined that even wars would start, then it's time to stop wanting and start trying to do what is right. But does developer Cactus VR Studio continue to allow our inner Cacti out, or do we become part of the crossfire? Let's find out with Cactus… Read more.

Survivorman VR: The Descent – The Review

November 10, 2023 ·

When you think of survival, what comes to mind? Is it something that you foresee as something that is out in the wild or could be the world as it is now? When it comes to surviving the unknown, things are sure to be a challenge for any who attempts it. But the knowledge of the skills, no matter how strange they may seem, can be a true test of one's abilities. But do developer, Descent VR Productions Inc., and… Read more.

The 7th Guest VR – The Review

October 31, 2023 ·

If you have ever played a Full-motion Video (FMV) game, you can see how it adds to the game in interesting ways. From the interactions of the characters to furthering the story, the genre of FMV games has a special place in the hearts of many. One of those is the classic, The 7th Guest, where many have gone through the doors of the abandoned Stauf Mansion and met its guests. But has developer, Vertigo Games, made it possible to… Read more.

Meta Quest 3 – The Review

October 22, 2023 ·

When you think of Virtual Reality, some might think about the games and experiences and how it can just take you away to become whomever and go wherever you want. But as the technology behind VR continues to evolve, so do its headsets. Virtual Reality headsets have been around for decades with such, from the first The Sword of Debacles in 1968 to Sega's own VR headset, the Sega VR that was never released to Nintendo's own Virtual Boy, which… Read more.

Crossfire: Sierra Squad – The Review

October 6, 2023 ·

Imagine the act of war as it surrounds the grounds you walked on. What would be your thoughts as the world you knew crumbled around you? Would you try to get to a safer place or stay and fight? But what if you were not going to wait for something to happen, but be part of an elite team that could end it? It starts to get really interesting when you start to think about it and how things could… Read more.

Pixel Ripped 1978 – The Review

September 17, 2023 ·

When you think back to the different eras of gaming, which one sticks out the most? For some, it could be the current generation of consoles that some of our favorites are born from to those that we have played, but this time, for the best version. For some, playing with the variety of handhelds, only to wonder at the time, how they would improve. And for some, it could be from the times when video games were finally able… Read more.

House Flipper VR – The Review

August 28, 2023 ·

Imagine starting your own business with a passion and drive for success, that no job was too small or too big, would you take the risk for the opportunity of the reward or stay left thinking what could have been? Starting anything new can be frightening and interesting at the same time. But does the developer, Frozen Way, show us the house flipping way? Let's find out with House Flipper VR for PlayStation VR. https://youtu.be/uIwYISY8mQU House Flipper VR is a… Read more.

Synapse – The Review

August 17, 2023 ·

If you could unlock the mind's ability, how would you use it? But if you could enter one's mind, would that ability become a power for good or would greed start to play into the mix? Would the outcome be for the greater good or would it set off a path of destruction? It's easy to think about what we would do and the possibilities, but does developer nDreams allow us to ability to test the power as we enter… Read more.

Red Matter 2 – The Review

July 7, 2023 ·

If you received a distress signal, would you answer it? Would you do whatever you could to try and answer the call if it was someone you knew, or would you not even bother with it? What if, by answering that call, you could stop whatever was about to happen? It's interesting to think about what could be at the other end or who or what may have sent it. But does the developer, Vertical Robot, improve on what has… Read more.

HUMANITY – The Review

July 6, 2023 ·

If humanity as you knew it lost its sense of purpose, what do you think would happen? Would the world and everything within it, just fall apart without a care? Would everyone fall into this stage of uncertainty or do you think there would be a fraction of hope by someone...anyone that still believes in humanity? It's interesting when you think about it and the possible outcomes that could result from such a fate were to happen. But does the… Read more.

KIWI Design – The Review

July 5, 2023 ·

So you have your favorite VR headset that you have just received or have had since day one, and you love it, you embrace it, and it is your new reality. But what do you do when you need to give your Virtual Reality headset a way to display it or add to your experience? Sure, you could click on the first ad that you see or look into a reliable source you can trust. All you know is that… Read more.

The VR Cover Head Strap Cover Set For PlayStation VR2 Review

July 1, 2023 ·

Playing on the PlayStation VR2, we all enjoy what it brings. From the 4K HDR visuals to the haptics, it allows us to play and feel in new and exciting ways. But as we are in full Summer mode and depending on where you may live, things can get mighty hot and you very well may have noticed an increase in sweat from playing. Sure, you may play with the AC blasting that air or have fans going on so… Read more.

Another Fisherman’s Tale – The Review

June 29, 2023 ·

If you could go on an adventure, where would you go, what would you do, and what tales would be told? Adventure is about the fun and freedom that it brings. But what if you could be part of the story being told? Would it be as fun as it was puzzling? It's always fun to think about what type of adventures we could go on and the things that we would try to do. But does developer, InnerspaceVR bring… Read more.

Across The Valley – The Review

June 22, 2023 ·

If you could have your own land with the bluest skies and no next-door neighbors, what would you do? Would you build upon the land? Maybe you would start to farm and harvest crops? Who knows, maybe your animals would be the greatest ones around and your crops would be the talk of the local market? Having your own farm would pay off, but it would be a lot of work. But does the developer, FusionPlay, show us farming life?… Read more.

Crimen – Mercenary Tales – The Review

June 20, 2023 ·

Think about the times when you were around a campfire and ghost stories were being told. It was a special time as the sounds around you in darkness other than the light of the campfire would almost come alive adding to the fear of it all. Tales being told from the ones before us, hold a special place in our memories and heart. But does the developer, Carbon Studio, allow us to live through the adventures of those telling the… Read more.

Tentacular – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 19, 2023 ·

Was there ever a time in your life when it just seemed like things were different, or maybe you didn't fit in? It could be that you felt like you were from a different place, or maybe there just wasn't this connection with everything around you. But regardless of where you are, do you ever feel like you could help out a lot more than what others will allow you to do? Trying to find a place where we belong… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 2 – The Eleventh Hour – The Review

June 17, 2023 ·

What happens when there is a conflict between what you are supposed to do and what needs to be done? Would you try to do the right thing knowing that there could be consequences or would you do what was in your heart knowing the results would affect the lives of the ones that you cared about most? The mystery of the situation is a conflicting one, but yet, a challenging one no matter the choices you make. But does… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 1 – The Review

June 17, 2023 ·

Imagine a city that could help prevent violence and crime with the help of dreams. But as you are able to see those dreams of our past memories open through the doors of those dreams. But what if, something within the city did not go how it was supposed to and something horrible was committed, would it be left alone and unsolved or could it be stopped so it could end? When you think about all the possibilities, how many… Read more.

Hons VR – The Review

June 9, 2023 ·

We all enjoy Virtual Reality, whether it's being immersed in our favorite games, being part of the experience, or just enjoying the social aspect of everything. Virtual Reality allows us to escape and become whomever we want in a different world. There are times when we may have to read something to solve that next clue or see an enemy from a distance to hopefully, gain the upper ground from the situation. But, there is one thing we can all… Read more.

Afterlife VR – The Review

June 4, 2023 ·

Imagine if you had a family member who, due to some unfortunate times, had to be admitted to a mental facility. What would you feel? How would you handle everyday life with the knowledge that they are in the same place where it has been known that patients were missing? Would you question the reasons why? Would you go and try to set them free? It's interesting to think what some of us would do in that situation. But does… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – Chapter 2: Retribution – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 3, 2023 ·

What if you woke up from a nightmare only to realize it was the norm of the world? Do you think you would become a stronger individual both physically and mentally? Maybe the word has another test for you and don't even realize it or maybe this is how you will be judged when it's time. Hopefully, we never get to this point in our lives as many try and make the right choices in life. But does the developer,… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – The PlayStation VR2 Review

June 3, 2023 ·

If there was an outbreak of the zombie apocalypse, how well would you do? Would you become one of the survivors or be destined to become one of the infected? For any of the survivors, who could you trust and who do you think you would have to fear? These questions and more have been thought about many times more than you might expect from people worldwide. Hopefully, we will never have to experience such an outbreak. But does the… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 29, 2023 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes focus and skill. You have to have an eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, and even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really… Read more.

Call of the Sea VR – The Review

May 27, 2023 ·

If you could go on an adventure, where would go? What if that adventure meant finding someone that went missing? How far would you go in order to find the answers no matter how hard the truth might be? Adventures can be fun, but could also be very risky depending on many factors including our own personal feelings. But does the developer Out of the Blue Games and publisher Raw Fury bring us the adventure we need? Let's find out… Read more.

Creed: Rise to Glory – Championship Edition – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 20, 2023 ·

The sport of boxing is a very interesting one. Two boxers step into the ring hoping one of them will be a winner. The punches are quick and powerful. Sometimes the opponent will dodge what is coming at them and other times, not so much. But if you could step in the ring, how well would you do? Would it be a tie? Would you be able to win by TKO? Maybe, you might become the champion of the world.… Read more.

A Knight In The Attic – The Review

May 14, 2023 ·

Think about the times you have visited your grandparents. You had the good times of hearing the stories of how your parents were when they were your age or even what the times were like back then. The memories that you made can last a lifetime and we start to think about those times at different points in our lives. But what if you stumbled into the attic and found something magical? What would you do? Would you tell someone… Read more.

Toy Monsters – The Review

May 13, 2023 ·

If you could play a game within the tower-defense genre, what would be your ideal setting? Animals? Miniature toy figures? What about monsters? I think mine would be a combination as there could be so many possibilities. But what if you could play it anywhere from the park to your house? How much more immersive would that be? When you think about the possibilities, the game could be endless. So does the developer, YetUnkown Games show us the fun the… Read more.

Block Buster – The Review

May 11, 2023 ·

Imagine what it was like being a child and you had your imagination to be your playground. What kind of adventures did your imagination take you on? What were some of the sound effects you made to add to the excitement? From the toys that we played with, to the ideas and rules we came up with, our imagination allowed for the stories to come alive. But does the developer, Happy Kramper Pictures, show us what it's like to enter… Read more.

Moss: Book II – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 7, 2023 ·

When you think of a hero, what or who comes to mind? Would they be someone like a superhero or someone closer to your heart? Maybe you look in the mirror and think of yourself as the hero that everyone else sees. But when you really think about it, what does a hero mean to you? Someone who can save a life without even trying or maybe a hero can be just someone who can listen and tell your story.… Read more.

Moss – The PlayStation VR2 Review

May 7, 2023 ·

Adventure is something many enjoy as you never know what may come your way. There could be treasures to be had, friends to make, and enemies to face. An adventure can be scary and mysterious. No matter how you take it, there is always going to be some risk involved possibly good or bad. But no matter how long it may take, you never know how the experience may make us grow. But does developer Polyarc bring the adventure and… Read more.

Pistol Whip – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 30, 2023 ·

No matter what we watch, read, hear, or even play, there is always the action that helps draws us into the moment. From the movies of our favorite actors to the books of our favorite authors to even the voice talents from our favorite games. There is something about the action that keeps us going. But if you were to merge action with the rhythm of music, what do you start to think about? That superhero movie, that t.v. or… Read more.

Synth Riders – Remastered Edition – The Review

April 29, 2023 ·

Music has a way to the soul. A way of calming it or moving it. When the soul moves, the body is sure to follow. What type of music moves you? It could be Rock, Rap, Metal, Bluegrass, or even Electric. With the right type of music, atmosphere, and letting go, you might be surprised at what you can do. But does developer Kluge Interactive bring the note-catching, physical dancing to a better-remastered experience? Let's find out with Synth Riders… Read more.

Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge – Enhanced Edition – The Review

April 23, 2023 ·

You know the characters; you know the movies, the shows, the books, and even the sounds of Star Wars. There is something so iconic about the music and the characters. We all have our favorites and even some friendly conversations about some characters and who shot first. But we have all thought about what it would be like to be in a galaxy far, far away. But the question is, if you were able to be in that galaxy, what… Read more.

2MD: VR Football Unleashed ALL☆STAR – The Review

April 22, 2023 ·

Football is a sport enjoyed by many. Fans will live by the team at the highs and stay with them at their lows. Some fans will even switch teams when they felt like their team let them down only to be on the bandwagon when the next season starts. A Quarterback's job is not an easy one with trying to make the plays in hopes that the play gets executed in the right way. But when it comes down to… Read more.

Townsmen VR – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 16, 2023 ·

The settlement life had to be a tough life as well as a rewarding one. From building to farming, everyone had their part to play. Not only did the people have to worry about their own people, but from the outsiders that wanted to take what they thought was theirs without any repercussions of their unwelcome visit. But as time passed, people learned new skills, and resources became manageable, settlements became bigger and more popular. But does developer Handy Games… Read more.

Unplugged: Air Guitar – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 15, 2023 ·

We all have our favorite genre of music from the Blues to Rock. We all have our favorite bands and artists that we enjoy. Some of us sing out loud while others pretend to be holding our favorite instrument whether it be the cowbell or the guitar as we are just enjoying the moment. Music can help bring out the emotion in all of us to enhance our mood. But does publisher, Vertigo Games, and developer, Anotherway help to bring… Read more.

After the Fall – Complete Edition – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 13, 2023 ·

If humanity as you know it changed, how easily could you adapt to it if it was like nothing you were prepared for? Would you adjust and exceed where it counts or would you fall victim to it and become its prey? Change can be a difficult and challenging thing when it interrupts the flow of humanity. But does developer Vertigo Games bring us the fear of change and allow those to help make it adaptable? Let's find out with… Read more.

Pavlov – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 9, 2023 ·

When you think of multiplayer shooters, what comes to mind? A particular name, a map design, or maybe it's the way weapons reacted that holds a place in your memory. But when it comes to multiplayer games and everything it incorporates into their world, the design can either break or make the experience with players coming back for more. So does developer Vankrupt Games give the game to keep us coming back for more? Let's find out with Pavlov for… Read more.

Puzzling Places – The PlayStation VR2 Review

April 8, 2023 ·

We are all familiar with puzzles and the pieces it takes to put them together. From the original flat version to even more intriguing 3D versions. Puzzles have developed over time to where we can even have them as a centerpiece of our collection to share with friends and family. Puzzles and the pieces that come with them can help us relax and allow our minds to refresh. But does developer realities.io add new pieces to the puzzle? Let's find… Read more.

Ragnarock – The Review

April 8, 2023 ·

If you lived in the Viking times, what do you think your skill would be? It could possibly be crafting, farming, or maybe it would be raiding. The Vikings had many skills, but did you know that Vikings, even after their long days, would gather around to play music? As strongly built as they were, the music and gatherings were admired by most. So does developer Wanadev Studio show us what it is to live the Viking life with music?… Read more.

Song In The Smoke: Rekindled – The Review

April 2, 2023 ·

Survival of the fittest. Living off the land. The rock is my pillow. These sayings have a lot in common today just as in our past. We have progressed since the time of our prehistoric world. But knowing what we know now, how well could we have survived back then with given just the basic tools for survival? It's kind of interesting when you think about it. But does developer 17-Bit rekindle the love? Let's find out with Song in… Read more.

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR – The Review

April 1, 2023 ·

If you could experience the world of a nightmare, how would you go about it? Would you face the fears? Maybe you would try to find different paths in hopes the outcome may be different. Perhaps you would try to have something close to your heart that you knew could help you through whatever the tale may be. All I know is that nightmares can be a scary situation if we let them take over. But does developer Supermassive Games… Read more.

Cities: VR – Enhanced Edition – The Review

March 25, 2023 ·

Think about the city you live in. If you could change something, what would it be? Maybe the roads to get to your destination quicker, maybe more schools and businesses, or maybe you would start from nothing and build your own city as you envisioned it. There are many things we would change about the city we live in and many things that we like how they are currently. But does developer Fast Travel Games AB allow us to live… Read more.

RUNNER – The Review

March 25, 2023 ·

If you felt trapped, would you do whatever you could to escape even if your life depended on it? Would you try without hesitation or would you try to find different alternatives? Fear of the unknown can allow making those split decisions we may not typically have made and can somehow test how far we are willing to go without giving it a second thought. But does developer Truant Pixel show us what it's like to go rogue at fast… Read more.

Thumper – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 19, 2023 ·

Back in 2016, one of the launch titles for PlayStation VR was a game called Thumper that allowed rhythm and violence to combine and bring us a trip of speed, colors, and music. It tested our reflexes as we twisted and glided around every turn that was thrown our way and we loved every minute of it. Fast forward and the game is now a launch title for PlayStation VR2. But did developer Drool bring us the best version of… Read more.

Tetris Effect: Connected – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 19, 2023 ·

Tetris. The name that everyone knows and may be one of the games that more people have played has been around for decades that had spanned books, video documentaries, and films. As Tetris became ever so popular, so did the versions. Probably the best version that we have come to love was when Tetris Effect came to PlayStation VR in 2018. So do developers, Monstars Inc., Resonair, and Stage Games, along with publisher Enhance bring us all connected? Let's find… Read more.

Rez Infinite – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 18, 2023 ·

What would you do if the world around you became hacked and your sensory pathways became a triggered reaction? But imagine the reimagined, where the world you thought you knew allowed you to experience it in new ways. Would you try to find out everything you could or try to embrace your new reality? I for one would embrace it all and experience all that was waiting for me. When you think about it, it would be an interesting choice… Read more.

The Last Clockwinder – The Review

March 12, 2023 ·

If there was an object that was part of your past that was broken, would you want to try to repair it or just forget about it? What if that object would be a part of your future more than you realized, would you make the attempt or just let the opportunity slip by? It's hard for us to know how important something may be or what part it will play in our lives until it's too late. But does… Read more.

Kayak VR: Mirage – The Review

March 11, 2023 ·

Kayaking can be an amazing time, not only for the sport but just to relax with the environment. It can give you a place to think as you see the night sky or just enjoy nature around you. And as we all seem to get busier with life, any chance to have that moment of escape, we should take it. But does the developer, Better Than Life, really allow us to take a more relaxing journey realistically? Let's find out… Read more.

Cactus Cowboy: Plants At War – The Review

March 10, 2023 ·

When you think of acts of war, what are your instant thoughts? Anger, betrayal, or maybe it's the protection of your home. Other thoughts could be family and if you will ever see them again. Or one might think about who will take care of the plants. Either way, they are all good thoughts to have when going into war. But what if the reason for that war was the betrayal of the ones you called family and then find… Read more.

Demeo – The PlayStation VR2 Review

March 4, 2023 ·

Tabletop role-playing games have been around for decades allowing friends to get into their creative minds all while being able to play something they all had in common and loved. From the roll of the dice to the character sheets to even the books that contained the rules, everyone had a role that they enjoyed playing. But as time grew, so did the technology and the reimagining of the genre. But has developer Resolution Games, brought the best version of… Read more.

Per Aspera VR – The Review

February 25, 2023 ·

If you had the opportunity to terraform Mars, would you do it? Would you be willing to take on all the dangers in order to help find humanity a new home? If the chance came along, I honestly think I would take it. From researching to exploration. Life on another planet has both its pros and cons, but for humanity, the pros outweigh the cons. But do developer Tlön Industries and publisher Raw Fury bring the strategy and story to… Read more.

Gun Jam VR – The Review

February 25, 2023 ·

When you hear music, what do you really hear? Is it the words, maybe you are hearing the instruments, or maybe it's the part that really gets you into the song? Rhythm and music have always been a part of each other. But what happens when you add a new element to the mix? But does developer Jaw Drop Games and publisher Raw Fury Will it add to the atmosphere or distract you from it? Let's find out with Gun… Read more.

Drop Dead: The Cabin – The Review

February 20, 2023 ·

What would you do if you were stuck in the woods and found a cabin? Would you see if anyone was home? Maybe you would try to keep searching until you knew where you were. But what would you do if there were zombies? Would you try and barricade yourself in the cabin and try to survive as long as possible? From everything we know, we think we might be prepared like nothing other. That is until we were actually… Read more.

PathCraft – The Review

February 15, 2023 ·

When you look at blocks, do you see think about what you would build? Maybe you would build a fort, a scene from your favorite movie or game, or possibly something no one has even thought of before. Do you ever find yourself getting a little frustrated because you know the block that is supposed to fit to add to your creation is just enough to not make things fall over, but no matter how many times you try, something… Read more.


February 12, 2023 ·

If you could visit outer space and be able to move about, would you hesitate for a moment? What if you could swing like there was no tomorrow with just the freedom of the space around you, would you try it? Questions like these can make you really think. But what if the questions were no longer impossible, but very well possible and all that was needed was a little hope and determination to make it all happen? It's always… Read more.


February 9, 2023 ·

If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do to ensure you could survive to the fullest of your abilities? Would you be running away to go to some new place? Would you try to protect what is yours? Maybe your plan would be to get with other survivors to band together in hopes that you would not become one of them. It's fun to think about what we would do if an emergency situation like that would ever… Read more.

Isle Of Pan – The Review

February 2, 2023 ·

When you finally get to escape from your daily routine and get to go on vacation, what are some of the things that are on your list to do? It could be checking out the local businesses, relaxing, or maybe even sightseeing. For me, it's always been sightseeing and taking pictures of anything and everything as you never know what random object you may have taken with a click of a button while going from place to place as it's… Read more.

Color Connect – The Review

January 29, 2023 ·

If you had the opportunity to take a break from your busy life, would you take it? What if the opportunity allowed you to lose yourself in space with the simplicity of colors? And if those colors could connect and form different objects, how far would you be willing to get lost? We all get busy with many things either by design or the test of time. But does developer Sanford Tech Limited give us that opportunity to escape into… Read more.

Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder – The Review

January 23, 2023 ·

If you could go on an adventure that could bring you all the riches you can imagine, would you go? What if that adventure had uncertainties from the possible to the unimaginable, would you still go? One would need to weigh the pros vs the cons to see if would all be worth it. It's easy to think about what we would do just by thinking vs what we would do if the opportunity presented itself. So does developer VRKiwi… Read more.

VR Pigeons – The Review

January 16, 2023 ·

The world of a pigeon is a complex one and a fascinating one. From delivering messages in the First and Second World Wars, being referenced biblically, to even being able to remember a certain amount of images for long periods of time. But have you looked at a pigeon and thought about what it would be like to be a pigeon just for a day and asked the question, how hard can it really be? Yes, a pigeon's life may… Read more.

Federation 77 – The Review

January 7, 2023 ·

When you think about violence in today's society, what really comes to mind? Is it things you hear or read about in the news, wars going on, or could it hit more at home on the domestic side of things? When you think about the future, do you think things will change or will there be a different kind of violence that we have not even been accustomed to? When it comes to violence, it is sometimes best not to… Read more.

ForeVR Pool – The Review

December 12, 2022 ·

The game of pool is all about the style, the ability to line up the shot, and calculation. It's a game that many try to master and many enjoy. There are different Pool games, from the traditional 8-Ball to Snooker to Billards. Games can be of a serious nature where bets can either make or break someone to others where it is just the fun of hitting that cue ball in hopes of knocking the final ball in the pocket.… Read more.

Among Us VR – The Review

November 12, 2022 ·

If you had a set of tasks to complete, for the most part, you should be able to complete them without any issues. But imagine trying to complete those tasks with others with the thought that someone could be among you whose only purpose was to betray any trust anyone might have and use that trust to kill you. How would you go about your time? Would you always be trying to look over your shoulder? Would everyone you see… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 1 – The Review

November 1, 2022 ·

What if you could be part of a city that could help prevent crimes before they even happened all through dreams? But with those dreams, a doorway opens to past memories where the opportunity to help find the truth is needed. But if something happened in your city where crime is supposed to be non-existent, how would you handle it? Do you think, if unsolved, the actions would continue, or would it be over? Thinking about the possibilities of the… Read more.

STRANGER – The Review

October 27, 2022 ·

The fear when we are alone can play tricks not only on the eyes but the mind as well. From the darkness of the night to just enough light to let someone know you are home. But it's the noises that you hear, the senses letting you know something may not be right, and even your heart pounding louder and louder. What would you do if you found yourself in a situation where you were alone at night and someone… Read more.

Interkosmos 2000 – The Review

October 19, 2022 ·

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and thought about what it must be like to travel through space? The ability to see things, including Earth, from a different perspective is something many of us would sign up for in a heartbeat. But do you think everything would go as planned or do you think you would have to go through the basics of training just to see if you could stay alive just to make it to… Read more.

Eolia – The Review

October 14, 2022 ·

Imagine the world we live in with its beauty, life, and surprises both big and small. The world we call home has a lot going for it. But think about how habits can change the look and feel of the environment around us. Would you do anything to protect it or would you let it change for the worse until it was too late? Most of us would try to do our part, but some would not even think about… Read more.

Transformers Beyond Reality – The Review

October 1, 2022 ·

Transformers. The name alone means so many memories to so many people. From the iconic voices of Peter Cullen who voiced Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Wingspan among many others to Fran Welker who voiced Megatron, Jazz, and Groove among many others as well. There is just something about the action of the show, the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons, and that iconic sound that can make us instantly think of our favorite moments of the series from that transforming… Read more.

Wands Alliances – The Review

September 27, 2022 ·

Magic has always been essential in storytelling from the movies to games. There is just something about being able to have the ability to cast spells for protection as well as trying to battle against enemies. There is something about dueling against others with this sense of power and satisfaction that draws towards it all. But do developer Cortopia Studios and publisher Beyond Frames Entertainment bring the magic and fun of casting spells in battle? Let's find out with Wands… Read more.


September 20, 2022 ·

Magic has always had an essential part in stories, movies, and games. It allows those that possess the power of magic with incredible abilities. And it's with that magic and responsibility that when faced with the challenge, it can be chosen to be used right away or used when it is most needed. But what if you had the chance to be part of the magical arts? What do you think your favorite spell would be and do you think… Read more.

Olly Power Play – The Review

September 14, 2022 ·

When life gets busy, we all could use some time to just sit back and relax. Some people enjoy reading, being outside, or even just being around family. Being able to take some time for yourself or engaging with those around you is all that is needed. We all have our ways to have that feeling of calmness in our lives, even if it might be in short bursts. So does developer Waysun provide such an opportunity to relax in… Read more.

The Twilight Zone VR – The Review

August 21, 2022 ·

There was a show from the creator Rod Sterling called The Twilight Zone. And even though the opening words changed a little each season, the world of The Twilight Zone can be best summed up best with the last two seasons which say, "You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance,… Read more.

The Last Taxi – The Review

August 7, 2022 ·

The life of a taxi driver can be very interesting when you think about it. Picking up passengers and listening to the stories that they tell all while engaging in the conversation. What do you think if what you were told was something that could become something very dangerous or possibly the one you heard about on the news, was actually the one sitting right behind you? Do you think you would be nervous, try to help in any way… Read more.

Moss: Book II – The Review

May 22, 2022 ·

If you thought of yourself as a hero, do you think you could accomplish anything regardless of your size? Do you think that if someone or something was so much bigger than you, they would stand in your way, or do you think you would have to strategize more about how you would go about things? Adventures can be exciting and scary at the same time. The unknown of it all can make our hearts beat and our eyes open.… Read more.

The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game – The Review

May 13, 2022 ·

If you were in charge of a place that was full of mystery, do you think you would be able to solve it or do you think it would go unsolved throughout the test of time? Sometimes, it's the thoughts that go into solving them Mysteries can be the hardest part for some and easy for others. It is just the way we look at them that can even stump the hard-core detectives. From the way they are designed to… Read more.

Townsmen VR – The Review

May 1, 2022 ·

If you were part of a settlement, do you know what everyone's job would be? How would one keep up with what needed to be built and where? Would there be someone to make the food? What about protection or even being there for religious beliefs? But what if the help you needed was right above you giving you guidance every step of the way? Being part of something new can be scary and interesting at the same time. So… Read more.

Green Hell VR – The Review

April 24, 2022 ·

What would you do if you were thrown into a situation where you had anyone and anything possibly wanting to attack you or worse? Do you think you could handle the situation alone based on instinct or would certain skills need to be crafted in order to help with your chances of surviving? Hopefully, we will never have to encounter where we are totally out of our elements in a strange place. But does developer Incuvo show us the art… Read more.

Cosmonious High – The Review

April 23, 2022 ·

If you were a new student, how well do you think you would do overall? Would the classes be super hard or do you think you could pass them with flying colors? Do you think you would fit in or would you stand back some just to get a feel of everything? Being a new student can be tough. New people you meet, the interactions with them, and even how you present yourself can be a real test of character.… Read more.

Virtuoso – The Review

April 20, 2022 ·

There is something about being in the Virtual Reality space where it is yours to be creative, to be who you want to be, and as artistic as one sees fit to be. But if you had the space to create the music, what do you think you would create? What do you see that music being as a representation of who you are? So do publisher Fast Travel Games and developer Really Interactive give us the tools for creating… Read more.

OUTLIER – The Review

April 18, 2022 ·

If you were a captain of one of the last human arks, do you think you could survive trying to find a new home for humanity? And if you found a place, would it be habitable for everyone? But what if on your way, you landed in a new world with something new than what you left home with? Do you think the world as you knew it, would ever be the same, or would the chances of ever getting… Read more.

The Shore VR – The Review

April 10, 2022 ·

If you ended up on a mysterious island, how would you react? Do you think you could survive the elements from the weather to whatever may be on that island? Do you think you would ever find your way home? Hopefully, none of us will end up in some strange place trying to figure out these questions for ourselves, but it really is quite interesting how we think we would handle these types of situations. But does developer Ares Dragonis… Read more.

Deadness – The Review

April 9, 2022 ·

Horror and VR are something that usually goes hand in hand. There is just something about the atmosphere that the sound can also play an important part of it all. From the screams to the sounds to the gore to the jumpscares, with the right combination VR horror can become a terrifying experience for one to be a part of. So does developer Alien Studio give us something new when it comes to the VR horror genre? Yes, they do.… Read more.

Operation Serpens – The Review

April 7, 2022 ·

If you knew of an organization that was so evil and so ruthless, do you think you could take it down? Do you think you could do it alone or would the right team, the right force need to be put together in hopes that the root of all evil within that organization would finally be stopped by any means necessary and at any cost? Sure, it's fun to think about and try to plan what our moves might be.… Read more.

Shadow Point – The Review

April 2, 2022 ·

If someone you knew went missing, how would that make you feel? Would you be scared? Would you have a lot of questions? Or maybe you would try to find the answers for yourself. But what if the way to find the answers was just a ride away and all you had to do was step inside? It can be a very scary situation for something like that to occur and hopefully one that we will never have to face… Read more.

Tentacular – The Review

March 26, 2022 ·

Have you ever thought that maybe something just wasn't right your whole life? Maybe you felt like you didn't belong like you should or maybe when you were in a different location surrounded by others, there is just this connection of how it should be. But regardless of where you are, do you ever feel like you could help out a lot more than what some will allow? When you think about it, finding the place where we should be… Read more.

Republique VR: Anniversary Edition – The Review

March 22, 2022 ·

I think if we all had the opportunity to help someone in need, we would do whatever we could within our abilities to try to help. Sometimes we are put to the test of what our abilities can truly be. But what if the type of help that was needed, allowed you to help more remotely without being seen? How far would help if your own identity may not be revealed? It's interesting to think about what we might do… Read more.

Pistol Whip – The Review

March 10, 2022 ·

Think about some of the most memorable action scenes. What comes to mind? Would it be something that came out of a superhero movie, maybe it was something you saw on a T.V. show or maybe it was from a story that you read. Action in Virtual Reality allows us to become something that, for most, would not attempt in real life. But when given the chance in VR, well almost without hesitation take the energy with guns blazing and… Read more.

AGAINST – The Review

March 4, 2022 ·

If the city that you lived in was full of crime what would you do? Would you stand by and try to move on with your day or wait and let your city become more infested by the unruly acts? Violence is never a good thing to try to take into your own hands alone nor is it the answer. But does developer Joy Way show us what happens when we have the ability to become the hero and to… Read more.

Morels: Homestead – The Review

February 19, 2022 ·

Have you ever had the thought about how life has changed in such ways that you didn't think you would be where you would be today? Maybe it's the city life, maybe your family grew in some sort of way, or maybe you can look back and think about that one point in your life where if you would maybe have answered a different way or did something different, that your life would be either more challenging or little more… Read more.

Wanderer – The Review

February 6, 2022 ·

If you could travel through time, where would you want to go? Would you witness some historical event or maybe try and stop an event that would change the world as you know it? Would you go trying to meet someone famous or perhaps try to change your history for the better? When you think about it, anything could be possible when you are talking about time travel. So do developers Oddboy and M-Theory give us that time travel experience?… Read more.

Lost Recipes – The Review

February 5, 2022 ·

Think about your favorite recipe that to this day, you can still remember? Is it something such as the seasoning that may go on the food or the special ingredients that went into making it? Maybe it was the way it was cooked or maybe it was from one of your favorite vacation spots. We all have our favorites and sometimes those recipes may become lost overtime only to wish to taste it just one last time. So does developer… Read more.

Anshar 2: Hyperdrive – The Review

February 4, 2022 ·

If the opportunity to fly in space came about, would you take it? But what if the war you thought you left on your planet was taken to a new playing field in space, would you fight for the glory of what was right? How far would you be willing to go for a cause when your life and the others that you love are all on the line? When you think about it, it really can put a different… Read more.

GOLF+ – The Review

January 29, 2022 ·

When you think about the game of Golf, what comes to mind? Could it be players like Arnold Palmer, Karrie Webb, Walter Hagen, Tiger Woods, or even Jack Nicklaus? Maybe it's the different courses around the world such as Pebble Beach Golf Links, Friar's Head, or even the Golf de Morfontaine in Senlis Oise, France? Maybe it could be just being outside riding in the golf cart while you were young and watching your Grandfather or Grandmother play. Anything can… Read more.

7VR Wonders – The Review

January 26, 2022 ·

We can learn a lot from history. We can learn where we have come from to the techniques that have been used to make the most well-known places still relevant today. It gives us a chance to learn and build upon that knowledge to make a better place for all to live not only for today but for tomorrow as well. But does developer, VRMonkey show us the 7 wonders of the world in a new way? Let's find out… Read more.

Down & Out – The Review

January 24, 2022 ·

There has always been a constant theme when comes to brawling in video games. Sometimes it's the number of combo moves you do in the right order, sometimes it's jumping from platform to platform, and sometimes it might be going through a town to clean up the streets. So does developer Zatun show give us that pick me up for when you are feeling down? Let's find out with Down & Out for PCVR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMBxYdMsDYg Down & Out is an… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf – The Review

January 18, 2022 ·

Mini Golf is a game that takes skill. You have to have the eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really can leave a… Read more.

Windlands 2 – The Review

January 13, 2022 ·

There is something about being in Virtual Reality and doing different things. From the ability to walk, to jump, to even swing in different and unique ways. But to make those abilities work, there has to be some dedication and hard work put into it along with giving the player some fun. So does developer Psytec Games bring what was loved about the first Windlands and improve on it the ways we could have hoped for? Let's find out with… Read more.

Skybinder – The Review

January 6, 2022 ·

Have you ever just looked up in the sky and saw the clouds and started to see things appear, but the person right next to you could see something else? What about looking up at the night sky and thinking to yourself, what could possibly be up there? For me, it's always been about the stars in the sky where there are no other lights around and trying to find all the constellations I could while also trying to see… Read more.

Viking Days Remaster – The Review

December 31, 2021 ·

If you were a Viking, what would you imagine your life would be like? Would be sailing the seas looking to conquer whatever was in your way? Would you raid the lands hoping to find the greatest of treasures? Maybe it would just enjoy the local life throughout the rest of your days. Either way, the life of a Viking can be a tough one. But does developer, VRMonkey show us the Viking ways? Let's find out with Viking Days… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – Complete Edition – The Review

December 30, 2021 ·

In 2019, I, along with many others, was invited into AFFECTED: The Manor for a tour, if you will. A tour that even back then played on your emotional strings of both expected and the many not-so-expected jump scares throughout. It invited all in, with some not lasting the entire experience to those who were brave enough to try to make it all the way through. So does developer Fallen Planet Studios improve the experience in any way? Yes...yes, they… Read more.

2076: Midway Multiverse – The Review

December 22, 2021 ·

There are many different types of genres when it comes to the games we play. Some enjoy the horror and seeing if they can get scared, others enjoy the action and adventure of being their favorite hero, and some even enjoy the side-scrolling action. But there are some who enjoy the Science Fiction aspect of gaming. I like it when games explore the time and space that allows you to escape within the escape. So does developer, Ivanovich Games give… Read more.

Paranormal Detective: Escape From The 80’s – The Review

December 21, 2021 ·

If you were a detective, what do you think are some of the more interesting cases you come across? Maybe it would be a crime scene that would relate to a famous person or possibly a mystery out in the middle of know where trying to find an answer. Detective work can be quite challenging, but sometimes it's just a matter of knowing where to look and having that special feeling. But does the develepor, LunaBeat Games show us what… Read more.

ForeVR Darts – The Review

December 19, 2021 ·

The game of Darts can be fun to play either alone or with other people. It's a game that can be quick but at the same time, take the skill of precision to try and get your darts on the board. Sometimes it's the environment that you are in that can help bring the mood all together or simply just a way to escape and just have some fun. But does developer, ForeVR Games bring new life into the sport… Read more.

After the Fall – The Review

December 16, 2021 ·

Imagine the world we live in changed before our eyes. The world that we knew became frozen and overrun by evil undead monsters. Do you think you would be able to survive what the world has become or would you and many others have to find a different way, a different location, to bring new meaning to the word survival? Would you reach out to be the one that helps or no matter what, accept the hand that reaches out… Read more.

Lucky’s Tale – The Review

December 10, 2021 ·

When it comes to 3D platformers, what instantly comes to mind? Could it be the main character of the tale? Is it the jumping to make sure you make that landing? What about the colorful worlds? Maybe it's the enemies and bosses you encounter? All of this helps make a well-rounded 3D platformer to play. But does developer, Playful, bring their 3D platformer into the mix of fun and enjoyment to the world of Virtual Reality? Let's find out with… Read more.

Resident Evil 4 – The Review

December 4, 2021 ·

Probably one of my and many others' favorite entries into the Resident Evil Universe is Resident Evil 4. But it's not just any port of Resident Evil 4 I am talking about, but the one made for the Nintendo Wii. There was just something about using the motion controls that were ahead of the time and I knew that someday that the controls and our view would become the best version imaginable. So has developer Armature Studio brought us the… Read more.

YUKI – The PSVR Review

November 15, 2021 ·

When we were all younger, we had our favorite toys to play with and it was up to us to use our imaginations to help bring the adventures to life. Sometimes we would play with our friends and, when combined with their toys, made it for one of the greatest adventures throughout space and time that we could have ever had while the sun was still out. Then there would be times when we may have had only our own… Read more.

Gravitational – The Review

November 13, 2021 ·

If you were a scientist on the verge of a major discovery, how far would you take the experiments in order to make sure the results would be as impactful as possible? Would you do anything and everything to ensure you would be the first one with the answers or would you maybe take the safer approach of the wait and see? Fining the answers can be a lot of work and sometimes there is a danger that may come… Read more.

Captain ToonHead vs The Punks From Outer Space – The Review

November 9, 2021 ·

When you think of the word hero, who or what comes to mind? Would it be someone with great strength, maybe the greatest of minds, or maybe it could be someone we typically would not think to fit that role. Heroes can come in any form and any size. They could possibly be the ones we always thought of them even if they may not see it themselves. Sometimes it even might be the ones we wouldn't think could be… Read more.

Jurassic World Aftermath: Part 1 & 2 – The Review

November 6, 2021 ·

The first time we saw Jurassic Park and witnessed seeing the dinosaurs come to life left a memorable impression on many of us still to this day. Even with its two sequels, The Lost World and Jurassic Park III, it along with the new step in the series with Jurassic World and its series of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous and Battle at Big Rock, and the sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, many of us have had the thought if we… Read more.

Unplugged – The Review

October 27, 2021 ·

We all enjoy different things in life. But there is one thing that a lot of us will agree that one of the things we have in common and that is music. Music has a way of soothing the soul and can make us forget the most troubling of times to make us remember some of our greatest memories just by hearing our favorite type of music from our favorite genre and artists. Sometimes we like to sing along while… Read more.

Eye of the Temple – The Review

October 24, 2021 ·

Think about some of your favorite adventure entertainment. It could be your favorite movie, game, series, or even stories that you have read or have been told to you. For me, it has always been visual entertainment when it came to adventure. Movies like Indiana Jones to The Goonies to Willow to even series like Hercules to Alcatraz to LOST. Sure, we have all played games with an adventure that we could have some sort of connection with and it's… Read more.

Hell Road VR – The Review

October 23, 2021 ·

If there was an apocalypse and the world that you knew was now infested with zombies, how well do you think you could survive? Do you think that you would be better on foot or out on the road? Would the roads be any safer than on foot? Anything could happen on the outside at any time, but if there was any chance for safety, it might be a risk worth taking if would mean a chance for survival. But… Read more.

VIRO MOVE – The Review

October 20, 2021 ·

Fitness is something we all hear about, but do we do enough of it ourselves to warrant the better health we all deserve and need? From anything from running to sports to just any type of movement, the things our bodies can put up with when you think about it is a great deal and most of us just need to find the time and mindset to get into it. But does developer FIT REALITY show us how to move… Read more.

Song In The Smoke – The Review

October 16, 2021 ·

Survival. When you hear the word, what comes to mind? Would it be just seeing how well you could last out in the wilderness, or maybe if there was a natural disaster? What precautions would you take to make sure you could last as long as possible? Some would try to plan, while others may do whatever they could at the spur of the moment to make sure that survival was the number one priority. But does developer 17-Bit show… Read more.

Probe: A Game Dev Experience – The Review

October 12, 2021 ·

We all love playing games. From first hearing about the game to the new trailers that are released, and even the final product can bring an amazing amount of joy and excitement. It really is a fun way to see how it goes from being first announced to being able to experience everything. But have you ever wondered how the process of having the idea to the creation of that idea comes about? It really is a different process when… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble 3D: Vacation Odyssey – The Review

October 5, 2021 ·

Many are familiar with the duo of Bub and Bob from the duo of Bust-A-Move and that evolved into what now is known as Puzzle Bobble. Always doing what they do best as they are trying to get the right amount of matching color order so that the stage can be cleared and on to the next. But over the years and many birthdays and adventures, the duo has done what they could to bring enjoyment to as many players… Read more.

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia – The Review

September 26, 2021 ·

If your home was full of magic, musically filled creatures that somehow had a balance with nature, would you do anything to protect it? What if, the one thing that helped keep the balance somehow became unbalanced? What would you do and how would you do it? Would you make sure that the ecosystem thrived at the most crucial part when it surely seemed to be breaking around you? When you think about it, I think if given the chance,… Read more.

MYST – The Review

September 12, 2021 ·

If there was ever a game that set the term of classic, adventure, puzzle-solving, many of us would have our own favorites as to why we think set the standard for the genre. But there is one name that has been on pretty much every platform from the PC PlayStation to Atari Jaguar, to Android to the Oculus Quest even back on to PC and that is MYST. Even though there may have been remakes of the game from realMyst… Read more.

RC Rush – Early Access Review

September 9, 2021 ·

There is something about having a controller in your hands as you drive your favorite RC vehicle around. Maybe it's the speed or the quick turns. But have you ever raced them on a track? Trying to make those turns in hopes that you either don't crash your vehicle and something break, crash into other vehicles, or possibly hit that jump and land in such as awesome way that there is no stopping you towards the finish line. Anything can… Read more.

Dark Threads – The Review

September 7, 2021 ·

If you had the ability to transfer your conscience into an AI, would you do it? Would you trust that everything you have worked for, lived for, and loved for would truly be safe? Do you think that the decisions you make would have a positive effect on the world as you know it? Or would it be possible that the decision you make would continue on a destructive path you were hoping to avoid? It really is interesting when… Read more.

Totally Baseball – The Review

September 6, 2021 ·

Baseball. They say it's America's National Pastime. The batter vs the pitcher and the rest of the outfield just waiting to catch the ball that comes near their direction. Everyone who likes and loves Baseball has their favorite team for different reasons. Some love just being in the atmosphere at the moment and some could love eating their favorite food while watching the game when it's that perfect day or night. But does developer Viewer Ready show what it's like… Read more.

I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and The Liar – The Review

September 2, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to be a spy and ever think how well you would do in certain situations? Situations like defusing a bomb, pretending to be someone else, or even try to escape a deadly situation. Sure we can all say how we would think we would do, but until we are put into those situations, we may never really know. It's fun to imagine about the what if, but sometimes it is more fun in the doing that… Read more.

Blair Witch VR Edition – The Review

August 31, 2021 ·

The words Blair Witch have a special meaning for a lot of people. From the Movies, the mockumentaries, to even the games, Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr, Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock, and Volume III: The Elly Kedward Tale, and even Blair Witch: Oculus Quest Edition. There is just something about the Blair Witch universe that is intriguing and mysterious about it that keeps drawing us towards it. So does developer Bloober Team show us any improvements… Read more.

Wind Wind – The Review

August 28, 2021 ·

What do you think happens when the body dies? What happens to the soul? Maybe it goes on to the next life or a place where all other souls can be in pure happiness and joy. But what if the souls go as high as they can and become stars of their own for everyone to see shining bright in the night sky? But maybe not all souls can escape to their place, as there can be bad ones still… Read more.

Arashi: Castles of Sin – The Review

August 21, 2021 ·

Stealth, Japan, Shinobi. Each has its own special meaning and each has significance with a certain style. When I think about them, I think of them as art. The art of the style of stealth, the art of Japan, is known for, and the art of the dedication of a Shinobi. Something about this period has always interested me and has always made for some legendary stories. But does developer Endeavor One bring the art, style, and dedication? Let's find… Read more.

Disc Ninja – The Review

August 21, 2021 ·

Disc Golf and Ninja. When you hear these words, what immediately comes to mind? A new ninja skill? A new sport? A new special menu item at Starbucks? If you guess any of these, well, except for Starbucks, you would be on the right path. Words that I, you, or anyone else may have never thought to put together. But what if you did put them together and combined forces? Could it possibly be a new Olympic sport that we… Read more.

Rezzil Player 22 – The Review

August 17, 2021 ·

Do you have the mindset of wanting to get into better shape? Maybe you would love to go out and run or go to a gym. But then maybe it's too hot outside due to the Summer heat or maybe being around others during a pandemic may not be the best thing for you. Either way, one should not be counted out for having a healthier lifestyle. It's about choice and dedication. But does the developer, Rezzil, bring the workout… Read more.

Rhythm ‘n Bullets – The Review

August 17, 2021 ·

Rhythm, racing, and infusion. Three words can mean a lot of things to many people. Some could think of the speed as you race with some adrenaline of the music. Others might think of a combination of sorts that is all mixed in different ways. But if you were to add a pair of starfighters to the mix, what would be your thoughts then be about space or another world? If you thought about any of this, you would not… Read more.

Wardwell House – The Review

August 15, 2021 ·

What if you went on a trip where the majority of your time would be on the water, but somehow got lost, how well do you think the sanity of your mind would stay in place? If you came across an island, without food or water for days or weeks, would you even think about what dangers could lie ahead or would you be happy to just get off the boat and step foot onto land? It may start to… Read more.

Winds & Leaves – The Review

August 10, 2021 ·

If you go outside and look at your lawn, what do you see? What about if the landscape was on a much wider scale, what do you envision it to look like? Would climate take a part in the growth of the area? Do you think you would have the skills to take what appears to be a lifeless land into something of beauty, harmony, and unity? For some, many may not think twice about the ground around us. For… Read more.

Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing – The Review

August 7, 2021 ·

Ever since seeing Harry Potter, I thought it would be fun to fly on a broom going around Hogwartz to have the ultimate experience. Sure there have been shows and movies about the idea, but there really have not been that many games when it comes to witches and brooms and especially in Virtual Reality. Do does developer, UNIVRS. Inc show us what it's like to race broom race around? Let's find out with Little Witch Academia: VR Broom Racing… Read more.

The Secret of Retropolis – The Review

August 4, 2021 ·

When you hear the words point and click, what comes to mind? What about mystery? Even Noir? Do you think about trying to solve a crime or a mystery? To me, it's all of these, but then the old detective movies start coming into play along with the laid-back attitude. There is just something that can really draw you into this atmosphere with the music, the characters, and just wondering who done it and why. So does developer Peanut Button… Read more.

Paper Birds: Part I & II – The Review

August 3, 2021 ·

I want to ask you a question of simply what motivates you? Is it family? What about the dreams that we all have? Maybe it's believing in the helping of others? Any of these answers and more could be the answer. Many things can inspire us...to motivate us in ways that we may not have really asked ourselves or thought about. Sometimes just simple emotions or words can make a spark on the journey to our destination. But does the… Read more.

Bodies of Water – The Review

August 1, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about going into the ocean to look around? Maybe you wanted to find some buried treasure? Possibly you have gone scuba diving where you enter another world to see life, big and small, in its own habitat? For some they may never get that chance to get into the depths of the oceans or maybe for those that have, wish that they could escape every day into those waters in some manner from hours to even… Read more.

YUKI – The Review

July 27, 2021 ·

Think back to when you were a kid or even now if you have kids or relatives who might be of a younger age. Do you remember playing with your favorite toy and your imagination coming to life with the action and adventures that we had our toys in? Things such as becoming that iconic superhero trying to stop evil or doing a cross-over with different brands simply because it wasn't happening at the time? I still remember and those… Read more.

A Township Tale – The Review

July 23, 2021 ·

If you could enter a world where a town was abandoned and it was up to you and others to help build it up into a town for the ages, how do you think you would do? What would be your skill in order to contribute to the town? I mean you could be a carpenter and build things, a cook so everyone could eat, what about a blacksmith? But outside the town, there is still the unknown of what… Read more.

Soulpath: The Final Journey – The Review

July 20, 2021 ·

When you think about life, what emotions come to mind? Anger? Sadness? What about happiness? There are times throughout our life from the days to the months and even the years where we all have a variety of emotions that we go through. But how one accepts those emotions and how one reacts because of those emotions can be two different things. But what if, throughout our life with each emotion, our life as we know it, seems to collect… Read more.

Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual – The Review

July 13, 2021 ·

If there has been a duo that has been since the 80s that is still popular today, who do you think? Would it be someone from the music, the movies, or even a series? What about a duo that had the one-liners to make you crack a smile as you tried to solve whatever mysteries may come their way. I am talking none other than the Freelance Police duo of Sam & Max. But throughout their run either through comics,… Read more.

Sniper Elite VR – The Review

July 9, 2021 ·

If you were living in the 1940s with the Nazis present, being invaded, and had the skill to help out an end to the war, would you do what you could or stand by and see if anything would possibly change? If the skill you possessed was the ability to have amazing accuracy with a sniper rifle as you looked down the sites, would you hesitate for a moment or take the shot knowing without even thinking knowing that the… Read more.

Marvel: Powers United VR – The Review

June 29, 2021 ·

Imagine being part of the Marvel universe and fighting on the side of good vs that what is evil. Think about your favorite Marvel hero and becoming them with their powers. Who would you be? Wolverine, Deadpool, Blackbolt, or maybe even the Incredible Hulk. All have their strengths and weaknesses, but all bring out that inner superhero we all thought about becoming at some point either growing up and using our imaginations, reading comic books, or even watching the movies.… Read more.

Eternal Starlight – The Review

June 26, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to be part of a starship command where you could go through space and doing what you could to help protect the right? What about being able to command your own ships into combat in hopes that your strategic mindset would have a victorious outcome? If the plan didn't work out, how would you upgrade and make your fleet stronger? It's really interesting when you think about all the movies, shows, books, and games that we… Read more.

In da Hoop! – The Review

June 17, 2021 ·

Have you ever gone to an arcade to see what the variety of games there is to play? You have the arcade games, the crane ones where you try to win prizes, Skee Ball, and even Pinball. Any time I have gone I always try and play a mix of all the different types of games that are available. Usually, I give Pinball and Skee Ball a second or third attempt until I see the Basketball one. The one where… Read more.

ForeVR Bowl – The Review

June 7, 2021 ·

Bowling is a great game to play. Being in the bowling alley picking out your shoes, feeling the ball, and just being around people. Then when it's your turn to bowl, you have the pins lined up in your sights, you know you cannot miss, you release the ball only to either put too much, not enough or just the right amount of pins and hopefully knock down some pins. Or all of that happened, the alley is too oiled… Read more.

Gadgeteer – The Review

June 6, 2021 ·

Do you remember a time either when you were a child or perhaps recently when you might have been in a meeting at work where you may not have been able to focus as much as you should or just needing something to help spark that creative thinking? Maybe it was drawing something or calculations to see how if an actual project would work. For me, there was a lot of creating with objects around me just to see how… Read more.

Rain of Arrows – The Review

June 1, 2021 ·

If you had the ability to fire an arrow, do you think you could hit the target you aimed for? If arrows were being fired at you, do you think you could dodge them and still fire off your shot making the impact you hoped you would? Could you do this all while moving and wishing that you came out all in one piece? It really makes you think about the dedication and focus one must have, the instinct one… Read more.

Solaris Offworld Combat – The Review

May 31, 2021 ·

When you think about eSports now, what really comes to mind? Would it be the action, the environment, maybe even the thrill of the moment as your favorite team tries to win and hopes that they will become number one? But what if the next phase, the next evolution in eSports allowed to be played in Virtual Holofields where the action took place because of your actions of playing? Seeing how things progress, we may not be too far from… Read more.

Puzzle Bobble VR: Vacation Odyssey – The Review

May 27, 2021 ·

When you hear the name dragon, what comes to mind? There's Pet's Dragon, Puff the Magic Dragon, Dungeon, and Dragons. To me, there is a series that featured two dragons named Bub and Bob that have spanned over the years in different variations. From Bubble Bobble to Bust-A-Move to the more recent Puzzle Bobble. Over the years, Bub, the green dragon, and Bob, the blue dragon worked in various ways and went on many adventures. So does developer, Survios, show… Read more.

Boxed In – The Review

May 22, 2021 ·

Do you ever think about games that you used to play when you were younger and how if given a chance to be reborn in a way for a new audience, how well they would do? What changes would you make to some of your favorites? Maybe adding an upgrade in the graphics or new sounds to bring a refreshing take on it would be ideal. Maybe add in a new control scheme that could actually make the gameplay better… Read more.

Demeo – The Review

May 16, 2021 ·

What comes to mind when you hear the letters RPG? Do you think about the games you played with a controller trying to increase your character's levels? Maybe it's a particular character that can casts spells or who can shoot those arrows with such accuracy that is your favorite. Or maybe it is the times where you can sit with friends as you roll the die, trying to collect treasure, and just see the hours pass by as everyone is… Read more.

Maskmaker – The Review

May 12, 2021 ·

If you had a craft that was so special, that everyone wanted one of your masterpieces every time, what would you do to make each piece of art you created something special? Would you change the color, the shape, or even the materials used to make it? What if your craft was so special, it could teleport you to new places beyond your wildest dreams? How far would you be willing to continue with it? I think I would keep… Read more.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife – The Review

May 6, 2021 ·

What would you do if one day you became part of the undead and did not know what happened to you? What would your initial thoughts be? Would you think about your past and see if there was a crossroads moment in which things could have been different? What about any loved one and seeing the impact it would have on them? There would be so many questions I would have that, honestly, I don't know where I would start… Read more.

Star Wars Pinball VR – The Review

May 4, 2021 ·

When you play pinball, what is your favorite thing about it? The table design, the number of flippers that are used, what about the sounds of your favorite table? I have said it before and I will say it again, there is just something about the game of pinball that will always be that getaway from playing it. The way you could get lost the memorizing action that is happening right there on your favorite pinball table as you rack… Read more.

Carly and the Reaperman – The Review

May 1, 2021 ·

What if one day you were living and the next you were in no place like you have ever been before? I know for me, at least, a lot of questions would be coming to thought. Questions like how did this happen, what exactly happened, and why of all things did this happen? All these questions come to mind and I am sure many of you may even have some other questions that you would be asking. But as I… Read more.

Swordsman – The Review

April 29, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live life in the Dark Ages, or possibly the life of a pirate? I am not talking so much about what you would be doing in those times or how you think your life would be much different without the distractions of things such as technology, climate change, or even the things that are in the news that we have today. I am talking about more of what it… Read more.

ALVO – The Review

April 26, 2021 ·

War can be a scary thing when you go at it all alone or with a team. Not knowing who may be around the corner waiting at the right time just as you start to make your move and then it can be all over in a blink of an eye. Everything you were fighting for could either be gone or still that end goal just waiting for you to make your mark. It's one thing to think about how… Read more.

Speedy Gun Savage – The Review

April 21, 2021 ·

If you and a mechanical robot were aboard your ship flying through space, what do you think you would do? Maybe you could travel to different worlds, try to reach plaid speeds, or would you try to collect as much money as you could while collecting bounties? There could be countless possibilities of what your task could be and it's always fun to try to think about what if while we use our imagination. But does developer Gamitronics show us… Read more.

SWARM – The Review

April 18, 2021 ·

What if you the opportunity to be something more than you were? Someone where people would come to you when the world needed you the most? Would you take it without any thought, regrets, or danger? But if you did become that person, how would you change including your attitude? How would you be perceived in the eyes of those around you? It's something most people would not think about but is a good look at the different sides of… Read more.

Floor Plan 2 – The Review

April 11, 2021 ·

When there is a sequel to a favorite movie, book, or even game, what are your first thoughts? Is it you hope it will be good, maybe it's I hope they don't mess up what worked or possibly even that you have an automatic preconceived notion that you will not like it for whatever reason? All of these are valid thoughts to have and there even could be more such as will it be better than the original. So does… Read more.

Zombieland: Headshot Fever – The Review

April 3, 2021 ·

Think about your favorite systems from the past and the type of games that came from them There of course is action, adventure, horror, fighting, and sports to name a few. But I am talking back a little further with light-gun games where the NES had the NES Zapper, Super Nintendo had the Super Scope, Sega had the Light Gun, the Light Phaser Gun, even the Menacer Light Gun, and the most recent PlayStation VR's Aim controller. But as we… Read more.

Shooting Arena VR – The Review

March 27, 2021 ·

Virtual Reality can allow us to do many things that some of us would not have a chance to do or possibly not even thinking about doing. It can range from a variety of things from flying a plane to conquering our fears. VR is a very powerful platform when you think about it. Sometimes it's nice to escape just to try something new even in our own reality, we may not even make the attempt. So does Developer Infinity… Read more.

Flow Weaver – The Review

March 23, 2021 ·

Escape Rooms can be a fun time in trying to look for clues to escape the room that you are in. It's a simple concept and depending on the type of scenario, can be a puzzling and unforgiven one where you will know who your true friends are or possibly never want to speak again. But in order to escape, one might have to know their surroundings well enough and put together the clues to have the chance of that… Read more.

Crashland – The Review

March 20, 2021 ·

Imagine having a reputation as an intergalactic gladiator. Space and all that is around it is yours for the taking. The battles you would have, the flights that those young gladiators in training can only dream of, and the ability to come back and to tell the tales as only you can. It would be a glorious life to live that is for sure. But does Developer Llyr ap Cenydd show us what it's like to crashland on an alien… Read more.

YUPITERGRAD – The PSVR Reinvigorate Edition Review

March 14, 2021 ·

Heading back into space as a comrade seemed like a compelling way to go back into this. As I reviewed YUPITERGRAD back on September 18, 2020, there was one thing I wanted more of, and that was more of it. The swinging action, as you had to at times, got things just right to make that jump to get to the next area, and the humor of everything just made it a great overall experience in Virtual Reality. So does… Read more.

Moose Life – The Review

March 10, 2021 ·

The world of a moose should be a simple one. Just enjoy nature and enjoy life. But what if, as a moose, life was not as simple? What if instead of the life of the open air, eating all that food you could want that the world could provide, and one where it seems like it was just perfect, it turned out to be a trippy experience with shooting weapons and dealing with spaceships? Well, it would be a life… Read more.

ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos – The Review

March 7, 2021 ·

Sometimes when you read your favorite story, the words can become meaningful and powerful in their own right. But what if you could take that story and elevate it beyond the visual graphic novels and become immersed not only with the story and characters but also based on what you chose, there could be different endings to the story that is being told. Would you continue to read in the same way or take the next step? It is really… Read more.

Vanishing Grace – The Review

March 2, 2021 ·

Stop for a moment and think about your own life. One where you think you have made the best choices up to this point. You may be growing up with the best family or actually have a family all of your own. But have there been times when the one you wanted to be with may not have always been the only option? What about pinpointing that time in your life where you made the decision that you knew had… Read more.

STRIDE – The Review

February 24, 2021 ·

Parkour. The word alone brings the ability to move through complex environments to a new level. The way one moves while using what is all around you as almost like stepping stones with such speed and discipline really is amazing. The challenges that one would face not just physically, but mentally as well not only for themselves but for the feeling of being alive for some. But does developer Joy Way bring the idea, the concept of Parkour into Virtual… Read more.

Ven VR Adventure- The Review

February 19, 2021 ·

Looking at what works well in VR, there is a genre that we don't seem to get a lot of and could benefit from more of. I am talking about platformers. The ability to see the jumps from point A to point B and hoping that you land that jump. Or the ability to dodge in move in ways that Virtual Reality brings a different view compared to non-VR gameplay. There is just something about it that really intrigues me.… Read more.

Bullet Roulette VR – The Review

February 9, 2021 ·

Think about the last time you sat around playing cards with your friends. Just being able to talk and hope you had the best hand. Or what about the Old West where players would set around and if someone thought someone was cheating, they would either call them out on it or worse, one less player to deal with. Either way, it can be a good time if you have the right mix of people. So does Developer Fibrum bring… Read more.

CanopySim – The Review

February 6, 2021 ·

When you think about Virtual Reality and all the things you can do, who you can become, and even the places you can visit, there is something about the immersion it brings. But there has been something that hasn't been able to experience in Virtual Reality and that is skydiving. Sure, being able to fly or be at certain heights can give you a sense of the scope of things, but being able to be in the air as you… Read more.

FORM – The Review

January 30, 2021 ·

If you had the opportunity to work on something spectacular, would you continue with it no matter the costs? The long hours, the dedication, the missed moments of those precious relationships. But if it was all for the greater good, would you continue if you were so close to knowing the answer? It is something to think about if given the chance. But knowing the risks could have its greatest rewards. So does Developer Charm Games give us a chance… Read more.

MARE – The Review

January 24, 2021 ·

What if you opened the door and walked in not knowing what to expect only to find something unique and charming that you could not stop going forward? Would you keep on not knowing what is out there? Would you take that opportunity and embrace it even though it may be something that you might not have thought about in the past? These are some interesting questions that if presented to you, might make you stop and think for a… Read more.

1976 – Back to Midway – The Review

January 13, 2021 ·

One of the games that I really loved playing was the 194X series. There was just something about controlling a plane and shooting and as simple as the controls were, you had to have the hand-eye coordination to make sure that you didn't lose all your lives and it was game over. No matter how much I would get frustrated because I knew I had the pattern down, something would change and the more frustrated I would become. Not in… Read more.

MYST – The Review

December 31, 2020 ·

Back in 1993, there was a game that came out on PC that really caught my eye and it was one of the reasons I had to have a PC. That game was MYST and it is a game that still holds sentimental value to me. Over the years we have seen the game and its sequels go from PC to consoles to handhelds to even mobile devices. I knew from the moment I saw the game and later played… Read more.

Twilight Path – The Review

November 24, 2020 ·

When you think about life, what comes to mind? The story that is being told? The impact we make on others? What about the journey? When you really think about it, many people may have many ideas and beliefs on what they feel is the right one when it comes to this subject. For me, it's really about the path that we take that leads on that journey in a way that we impact others. It really can become this… Read more.

Cook-Out: A Sandwich Tale – The Review

November 12, 2020 ·

One type of genre I have enjoyed in both non-VR and in VR is cooking. The ability to get all the ingredients and try to get them in the right order all while trying to please the customer in hopes that you do not end up getting some bad reviews. It really helps build up your hand-eye coordination skills. So does Developer Resolution Games bring fun and chaos into the Virtual Reality recipe? In simple ingredients terms, yes they do.… Read more.

Blaston – The Review

November 12, 2020 ·

If there has been something in Virtual Reality that I have always wanted more of it is player vs player action while each other gives it their best. The ability to look your opponent right in the eyes and having the best player win all while having some fun. So do Developer Resolution Games bring the PvP combat action, the intensity, and the quick thinking that we need in Virtual Reality? Let's find out with Blaston for the Oculus Quest/Quest… Read more.

Terje Haakonsen’s Powder VR – The Review

November 11, 2020 ·

With winter coming there are a couple of things to get excited for. We have the holidays, we have colder weather, and for some parts of the world, we have snow. And during this time a lot of people go on Winter Breaks to get away from it all. It could be to someplace warmer or it could be hitting the slopes on some fresh powder as you ski or snowboard your way to let you inner Terje Haaksonsn come… Read more.

Blair Witch Oculus Quest Edition – The Review

November 7, 2020 ·

Think about the name Blair Witch for a moment. What comes to mind? The woods, the year 1994, what about the footage found on the camcorder or even the fear of the unknown? To me, it's all of those along with the mythology of Ely Kedward and how she was accused of luring children into her home to draw blood and then found guilty of witchcraft. Then, towards the end of 2019, the game Blair Witch came out which many… Read more.

OhShape – The Review

October 29, 2020 ·

Think about the rhythm genre for Virtual Reality. There is movement, there can be sweat, but there is one thing this genre has in common is exercise. The ability to move and position yourself in order to keep going for that high score or target those calories. It's something that I quite enjoy because it works extremely well in VR. But does Developer Odders bring the fun, fitness, and rhythm into an experience we should play? Let's find out with… Read more.

Pancake House – The Review

October 27, 2020 ·

Think about the Earth and as many resources it provides for everyday life. The water, the plant life, and even the animals all provide resources. But imagine if all of it was gone and the mission was to fund a new source, but in doing so, things turn out worse than possibly thought. Would you be able to handle the outcome no matter who may become a victim in its wake? So does Developer ELIOT show what's it's like to… Read more.

Dash Dash World – The Review

October 26, 2020 ·

One thing that can be really fun in Virtual Reality is racing. Single-player racing against AI can be fun, but then after some time, you almost need to have the multiplayer aspect to keep the fun going. But if there is one thing that really can get the engines going is if you add some drifting, some power-ups, and the ability to customize basically everything. So does Developer MOTIONX Studio bring all the elements of racing in VR? Let's find… Read more.

Until You Fall – The Review

October 25, 2020 ·

One of the mechanics in VR that I have always would hope would keep on improving is holding a weapon and actually making the swinging and contact seem more realistic than ever before. The ability to have a weapon in each hand to block an attack and hit with the other weapon in hand and have the movement be as smooth as possible without the feeling of something was missing. But did Developer Schell Games deliver on that hope? In… Read more.

Budget Cuts – The Review

October 15, 2020 ·

Stealth can be a good thing or a bad thing in Virtual Reality depending on how you are at it. But have you ever thought when you were working at an office and just some of the people didn't sit well with you and how if given the only in a video game in VR type of opportunity, how you might plot your escape without being detected or maybe on a whim do what you could to make sure you… Read more.

Star Wars Squadrons – The Review

October 14, 2020 ·

Star Wars for many of us have a special place in our hearts. From the movies to the games to the books. We all have our favorite moments and favorite characters that we just have a connection with. But not all the characters move like an alien or a person, but more in the line of spacecraft such as the X-Wing and Tie fighters. But does Developer MOTIVE Studios and Publisher Electronic Arts allow us to live out that Star… Read more.

The Stranger – The Review

October 12, 2020 ·

If the world as you knew it was overtaken by machines and what you knew or thought you knew of mankind had to live underground, how would your whole look on life change? Would you do what you could to fight even though the outcome might not be so bright or would you believe in yourself when no one else would to come above and fight the machines? It really gets you thinking that with the world the way is… Read more.

The Walking Dead Onslaught – The Review

October 4, 2020 ·

When you have a show as iconic as AMCs The Walking Dead, there are some things that you expect. You expect the walkers, you expect the episodes to bring the stories, and you expect the characters to help bring the emotion and action to bring everything together. So does Developer Survios open the doors and allow you to become part of The Walking Dead? Let's find out with The Walking Dead Onslaught for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KKef4wvdjQ&feature=youtu.be Before you begin… Read more.

Dance Collider – The Review

September 23, 2020 ·

Think about the last sport you played or maybe it was a game that allowed you to move around. Was it something that got your heart rate up or something that made you sweat. Did you think about after you stopped that this could be a work out you could get into and possibly get you motivated to do more? It's kind of amazing what experiences in Virtual Reality can give us. So does Developer emergeWorlds give us that heart… Read more.

Party Pumper – The Review

September 22, 2020 ·

One of the things that people like to do is listen to music. Sometimes it's when you are around friends or even strangers that you are in an environment such as a club or outside that the music starts to flow and before you know it, everyone, at least, for the most part, will start dancing and just enjoying themselves. And sometimes that energy can intensify if there is a D.J. and how good they may be. But does Developer… Read more.

Coaster – The Review

September 18, 2020 ·

Rollercoasters are some of the best times when going to theme parks. We all have our favorite be that they are themed after a particular movie or superhero or just the design of the track along with the thrill of the ride. Sometimes we just want to escape for a few without the lines and the crowds and just go on the ride. But does Developer Monster Paw allow us that front row seat? Let's find out with Coaster for… Read more.


September 18, 2020 ·

If you had the job of a cosmonaut that had a mission, what would be one of the first things you would do? Would you take selfies in your suit? Would you try to do some flips in zero gravity? Would you communicate back home in a humorous way? All those are very valid and admirable choices in their own right. But what if you could be a swinging cosmonaut on another planet? You may start to think of new… Read more.

WREST – The Review

September 13, 2020 ·

Imagine if parts of the world as we knew it were only habitable in the very cold regions such as the artic. Depending on where you live you would have some choices to make. Stay and try to make it or move for a chance to survive. But what if things were not as they seemed, what if it was to be believed that our past may have been the cause of everything to this point in time? Would you… Read more.

Phantom: Covert Ops – The Review

September 10, 2020 ·

Many things come to mind when it comes to war. The strategy would be one of them. Also, weapons and vehicles are others that could come to mind as well. But what if you needed that special department of the military that takes a special kind of person to have the mindset, to have the courage, and to have what it takes to help make things safe all without you really knowing or hearing about it? What type of planning… Read more.

Virus Popper – The Review

September 8, 2020 ·

Ever since the early part of 2020, the world has been a crazy place with COVID 19. From schools for the most part going to virtual, to even lockdowns, to more and more people working from home, a virus has taken over in ways that we have not seen or been a witness to in our lifetime. So does Developer Starcade Arcade give you the opportunity to learn about hygiene so you can attack the virus head-on and pop it… Read more.

Lies Beneath – The Review

August 25, 2020 ·

Think about your favorite comic book and the story it's trying to tell. Is it one of the superheroes trying to protect their city? Maybe it's one of just classic fun and continuing with their adventure. Perhaps, it could be of science fiction with aliens from outer space or maybe even a horror one and saw the terror that was written. They are all good in their own right. But have you ever read a comic and somehow the words… Read more.

Spuds Unearthed – The Review

August 22, 2020 ·

Think about your childhood and the way your imagination ran as you tried to be creative. Some used the green army men or maybe even had action figures you would use while using the outside or inside as the battlefield. But I remember getting creative and using like soup cans with some paper and colored on the faces or even boxes of pasta that when combined with twigs as arms, became giants that I was sure would be to my… Read more.

Pixel Ripped 1995 – The Review

August 16, 2020 ·

When you think of the word sequels, what comes to mind? Hope may come to mind as we hope they maybe as equal to the original if not better. Continuation could be another word as we want to have the story to be continued to be told. Many other words may also come to mind, but has ARVORE done it? Made a sequel of nostalgia that is as much fun to play as it is to experience? Let's find out… Read more.

Timeless Paradox – The Review

August 3, 2020 ·

Think about your life now and think back to a point in your life where the choice that you made got you to where you are now. Would a different choice that you made have an effect on your life the way you have always thought it would? What if you could go back in time to make that one change if you could? And depending on that choice...that mission in your life, do you think you would have a… Read more.

The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners – The Review

June 23, 2020 ·

When you hear the words, The Walking Dead, many things come to mind. The comics, the show, the characters, even dead that walk. The Walking Dead is no stranger to invite you into the world where people are trying to take what once was the normal everyday type of world and flip into a world where you must try to survive within it all without trying to become infected. But does Developer Skydance Interactive allow us to enter the universe… Read more.

Down the Rabbit Hole – The Review

June 14, 2020 ·

There are many stories and fairy tales that have been told. But one that might be very well recognized is Alice in Wonderland. I remember seeing both the Disney animated version as well as the live-action version and thinking the same thing in that there has to be more to this world. A world that is full of fascinating characters each with their personalities that seemed to match the craziness of Wonderland. But does Developer Cortopia Studios give us a… Read more.

GORN – The Review

June 13, 2020 ·

Think about some of the best fighting movies that you have seen or stories you have heard about or read. More importantly, the gladiator genre. Of course, you have tales like David and Goliath and movies like Gladiator, Spartacus, and even Thor: Ragnarok, but have you ever thought about actually being in that moment and thinking about how you would handle the situation? Would you know defeat or would you be victorious? Just by thinking about these questions, you escaped… Read more.

Final Assault – The Review

June 9, 2020 ·

For some, some of the best childhood memories is playing with G.I. Joe, Transformers, or even a combination of anything and everything that you could get a hold of with your friends and just let the imagination of the battle while outside and just having a blast. Bringing vehicles to the mix was an added bonus to the fun that everyone was having. It's that type of simple fun that brought a lot of smiles to many children's faces. But… Read more.

Paper Beast – The Review

June 3, 2020 ·

What if the ecosystem you thought you were part of was somehow a one that was forgotten. An ecosystem where it was not set in the present day as you might think, but one where deep down, its lost but at the same time a beautiful open one where you wouldn't want to leave, but want to fix? If you had the opportunity would you try and leave it or stay to escape what you thought you knew? So does… Read more.

A-Tech Cybernetic – The Review

May 7, 2020 ·

Think about the future for a moment. No, I am not talking about 5-10 years from now, I am talking about centuries. How do you imagine the world will be then? Would the world be full of machines and humans be the ones who are the minorities? How about a place that is unlivable and maybe humanity is somewhere else? In fact, is it possible that there would even be a world then or at least what we think of… Read more.

Good Goliath – The Review

May 6, 2020 ·

Remember the stories that we were told of giants. From David and Goliath to Willie the Giant in Disney's Mickey and the Beanstalk to even Andre the Giant. All those characters had an enormous presence because they are well, giants. Big and very tall, some mean and some kind and misunderstood simply because they were different. Every time I heard the stories I almost felt bad for the giants as they didn't fit this type of mold that everyone would… Read more.

Covert – The Review

May 5, 2020 ·

Think about your favorite spy book, movie, or game. What was your favorite part of it? Sneaking by the enemies and getting the upper hand? Maybe it was all the awesome gadgets? Maybe just the music alone set the tone for how good the action was going to be. Sometimes when we get really into that favorite scene or point in the game, we wish that there was a way to either go at it alone or maybe if you… Read more.

A Room Where Art Conceals – The Review

May 4, 2020 ·

Do you ever look at a sculpture or a painting and wondered what might have been the inspiration, the meaning behind it all, or even what the artist was feeling? Have you ever wanted to escape within that painting of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" or Monet's "Water Lilly" and just visit and see maybe the artist creating at that exact moment or even walked in the same footsteps to really understand? It's something I often thought about when just admiring… Read more.

Separation – The Review

May 1, 2020 ·

Have you ever felt sorrow and even though you had loved ones around you, you still felt alone? But if one of those loved ones that you cared so much about passed away, would emotions such as sadness, sorrow, depression, or even maybe regretfulness be felt? For some, any of these could be a possibility or more. But what happens when you need to have that escape? What if you're in a pandemic like we are now, how do you… Read more.

Darkness Rollercoaster – Ultimate Shooter Edition – The Review

April 30, 2020 ·

One of the things I enjoy at theme parks is rollercoasters and rides where you can ride and shoot targets at the same time. Sometimes the rides are just there with no real type of theme, but for the ones that do have the theming, it really can help tell the story of the ride you are about to go on. But with theme park rides, most of the time there is that wait which may or may not make… Read more.

Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency – The Review

January 8, 2020 ·

Have you ever thought about what if your job, your position that you worked so hard for was suddenly replaced with robots? Machines that could efficiently do what you do much better, faster, and without pay. And while this is going on, there was more of a deeper plan to remove humanity from the picture so that only artificial intelligence is left to rule. It really is a scary thought and the way the world is heading, somewhere in some… Read more.

Journey For Elysium – The Review

November 18, 2019 ·

Have you ever wondered at times, when maybe daydreaming, listening to your favorite song or even just starting at the night time sky looking up at all the stars and wonder if it were all to end, would what you did with your time be enough would it all be worth it to gain redemption? These are some questions that one could easily ask themselves but may not like the outcome when the answers are given. But does Developer Mantis… Read more.

Touring Karts – The Review

November 10, 2019 ·

Kart racing can be a blast as you can race against your friends as well as those that you never have met as you try to make the laps in the best time and try to finish in the first place. But with the pressure of racing can come the start of the race all the way to the final seconds of the final lap. But does Developer Ivanovich Games reinvent the kart-type racer by giving us some surprises to… Read more.

Minotaur Arcade Volume 1 – The Review

November 9, 2019 ·

When a creation is made many years ago that brought joy to so many people, how does one create that joy and revamp it in a way so that more of a mass can enjoy it? You allow for a familiar vibe of those that played it along with a new exciting tone for those who may be new and bring it all into the world of Virtual Reality. So well is this experience from Developer Llamasoft? Let's find out… Read more.

Spectro – The Review

November 4, 2019 ·

What would you do if you were comfortable in your own town and all of a sudden, your help was needed and not by criminal mischief of the physical kind per se, but more of the spirit haunting kind? Would you run? Would you hide? Would you move out of the neighborhood? Would you call someone? All of those are very respectful choices in their own right, but what if the one that could possibly save the day was you?… Read more.

Vacation Simulator – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Vacation. It’s something everyone thinks about no matter the time of the year. From all the hard work that you do throughout the year, isn’t it nice just to take a minute or two and imagine being on vacation? The thing is, that imagination gets interrupted by your job and whatever else life wants to throw at you. But wouldn’t it be nice to go on vacation whenever you wanted? Well, developer Owlchemy Labs has an unexpired ticket any time… Read more.

Konrad’s Kittens – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Cats! They can be tough, they can be cute, and they can even be heroic, but they can also get into mischief, especially when they are kittens. But are you or someone you know without a cat in their lives? What about the people who may be allergic to cats or ones who just want to prove that they are responsible enough to take care of one? Does Developer FusionPlay show what it’s like to own a cat and kittens… Read more.

Space Junkies – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

If you think about it, a gun of light has been around for a long time. From when people were first introduced to Laser Tag to even bringing that action home, there has always been the urge to take the combat to new levels. From Nintendo to Sega to PlayStation to PlayStation VR, the light gun has always added that extra level of immersion. But even at all the times playing laser tag I have always wanted that feeling of… Read more.

Manifest 99 – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." Truer words have never been spoken in such a transferring experience than with Flight School’s Manifest 99 for the PlayStation VR. I want to say this first before… Read more.

The Lost Bear – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

The Lost Bear from the Developers Odd Bug Studio and Publishers Fabrik Games LTD is a 2D platformer in a hand-drawn world. And what the Publishers and Developers have done with this art is truly amazing that has yet to be seen in VR and just may have set a new level of standard when it comes to combining 2D with 3D immersive VR and this is a very good thing. When I first started The Lost Bear I knew when that… Read more.

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

I am going to start off by saying this now...if you have a weak heart, a tendency to scream loud because you are scared, easily have nightmares or usually say $&*#@()!~)(@#)$, then be prepared, because you just might experiences all of these and say things far worse then you would have ever thought. Horror games and VR, something about this combination works and it works very well...almost too well here. Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul from VRWREX is a VR… Read more.

Neptune Flux – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

I first heard about Neptune Flux from Zoxide Games last year and have been waiting for it to finally come home to PlayStation VR and I can say that Zoxide Games did not disappoint. So what is Neptune Flux? It is an underwater story where you play as Sarah, as you start to dive down to the depths of the sea in your one-person sub as you try to escape the above that is pretty much not worth living in, with no other… Read more.

Moonshot Galaxy – The Review

September 28, 2019 ·

Golfing in the Galaxy… There used to be a cartoon called the Jetsons. It was about a family in the future who lived and how we all imagined the future would be. One of the things that George loved to do in his spare time was to play golf. Ever since seeing how the golf courses were floating in the air and the way the Jetsons would travel through space, I knew that one day that Golf in outer space… Read more.

Dick Wilde – The Review

September 28, 2019 ·

Welcome to Swamp Life: When certain games come out, I like to think about what if. What if Joe Dirt, Duke Nukem, and Kid Rock were combined and living in the swamps as an exterminator, what would that be like? I will tell you what it would be like, just like Dick Wilde. When you first look at Dick Wilde just by the screens you might think oh it’s just a wave shooter and there are dozens of those. Well, I can honestly… Read more.

Drunkn Bar Fight – The Review

February 19, 2018 ·

You had a rough day. Your day could be so rough that your wife or girlfriend left you. You had a bad day at the office…what about if your pet just passed away…or what if you attempted to sign up for Amazon’s new service where a stranger enters your home to deliver a package and you come home and everything is gone except that package of limited edition Big Chew gum you ordered… that is a rough day…a rough day;… Read more.

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