Get Ready For That Blood & Truth PS5 Improvement…

November 9, 2020 ·

One of the games that set the experience on PlayStation VR to a must-have is Blood & Truth. From the action that you are in and making it feel like a movie, Blood & Truth is still awesome on the PlayStation 4. But with the PS5 releasing this week, new details from London Studio had some new enhancements that is getting me all excited to experience the action all over again on the PS5. In a tweet, it lists the following:

  • High resolution
  • Higher framerate (up to 90 fps)
  • Highest detail assets used at all times
  • Improved texture details.

And this is not just the main game, but all the free DLC as well.

I know we may not have the PSVR 2 yet, but if this is as good as it sounds, I can’t wait to see what else is coming our way for PlayStation VR.

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