Get Ready For The Beat Saber Interscope Mix Tape…

May 24, 2021 ·

It seems that Beat Saber is getting some new tracks coming soon from Interscope Records and artists Kendrick Lamar and LMFAO. In a tweet from Oculus’s account, the questions of ‘Are you ready to party?’ ‘To Rock?’ ‘To keep on rollin?’ in the short clip you can hear “every day I am shuffling” which is from LMFAO’s Party Rock Anthem. Nothing is official as far as what songs will be able to be played and for what all systems as the clip only shows the Oculus Quest 2, but I will not be surprised if it does not come to all platforms down the line if not at the same time. We will need to wait until May 27, 2021, for the official news.

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