Get Ready To Spike The Ball For The Winning Point…

March 21, 2022 ·

As we start to approach the warmer months, there are a few things we can look forward to enjoying. We have the weather, we have the fresh air, and we have the Volleyball instinct to take our game to the next level. Sometimes it is the people watching to get us hyped and other times it is just being on the court to really get us in the game, but there is one thing for sure, when it comes to that final point, sometimes you just need to spike the ball for the win.

Features include:

Early Access features –

  • Nice smooth hand/ball interactions
  • 4 environments
    • Sunny Beach with a selectable time of day and extra activities (free tour fairy wheel and disco)
    • Six coconuts Beach
    • Paris Arena Stadium
    • Eden Rock
  • Joe and Alice characters

Full Release features –

  • Nice smooth hand/ball interactions
  • 6 unique environments and ambiance with a selectable time of day on some of them
  • The choice between Arcade or Realistic gameplay
  • 2 VS 2, 4 VS 4, and 6 VS 6 Game modes
  • Tutorial
  • Training game mode
  • 1 special arcade game mode
  • Tournament mode
  • Interactive environments (freely discoverable and some interactions are possible like taking a tour in a big wheel on the beach)

Are you ready to play like a pro? How will you handle the pressure when it’s game on? Do you have what it takes to win the game? Find out when Highline Volleyball VR comes to Steam VR on June 22, 2022.

Until then…please enjoy…

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