How Far Would You Go To Have A Purpose?

January 7, 2021 ·

What if one day, the expected became the unexpected? When you you wake, it didn’t feel the same, in fact, where you find yourself is a new place, a place lands. A place where you are not alone. A place where the mot unlikeliest creature would become your friend you need. But as you cross paths with this creature, this helpless companion, it’s where the journey leads you that becomes the mystery of it all to make sure that you find the secrets, the ones that will ensure destiny will be met.

Features include:

  • Explore the vast and strange landscapes by the means of an artificial bird.
  • Guide and protect a vulnerable AI companion on her unexpected adventure.
  • Let the curiosity of the companion inspire you to explore and discover the underlying narrative spanning over 8 chapters.
  • Immerse yourself in the ambient atmosphere and otherworldly music for a soothing experience.
  • Search for lost artifacts hidden throughout the world in order to unlock the final secret of Mare.

What secrets will you discover? Will companionship mean more than you could hope for? How far would you go to have a purpose? Find out now with MARE. Out now for the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 on the Oculus Quest store.

Until then…please enjoy…

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