If You Were Reborn, How Awaken Would You Be?

November 6, 2019 ·

The world as you knew it or at least you thought you knew was much different. Full of evil, full of destruction, full of lost hope. The world seems to have robots that want to destroy, your ancestry blood of samurais are standing in your way. But there is hope and technology is the answer. This technology allows you to be resurrected so that you can be the one that can we can all count on. But remember, those who live by the sword, will die by the sword. So make the smart choice, choose your weapons wisely as you fight against robotic invaders using laser samurai swords and high tech guns.

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But if one happens to have that chance at redemption…to be reborn and awoke, what differences would you make? Can you save humanity? Find out now with Reborn: A Samurai Awakens out now on PlayStation VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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