Oculus And Facebook Will Start To Require You To Have A Facebook Account Very Soon…

August 20, 2020 ·

The times of just getting on your favorite Oculus device to escape reality is about to have a new requirement for everyone. If you were not aware, back in 2014, Facebook bought Oculus and since then we have seen some amazing devices come our way. From the Oculus Go to the Oculus Rift S and the more recent Oculus Quest. Each device has its perks and allows you to escape reality in its own way. But starting this October 2020, the following changes will be made.

  1. If you are using an Oculus device for the very first time, you will need to log in with a Facebook account.
  2. If you have already been using an Oculus device, which means you should probably have an Oculus account, there will be an option to log in with your Facebook and merge both your Oculus and Facebook accounts.
  3. If you are an existing user and you elect at this time not to merge the accounts, you will have two years to just use your Oculus account. But keep in mind, after those two years, in order to continue to use your Oculus device, you will need to merge the accounts.
  4. After January 1, 2023 (after the two years), the support for Oculus accounts will end, you can still use your device, but the functionality will require a Facebook account. Apps and games you purchased will have support as there will be steps to help you to continue to use what you paid for, but keep in mind if the support from the Developers is not there, then using the paid apps and games may still be an issue.
  5. All unreleased future Oculus devices will require a Facebook account regardless if you have an Oculus account.
  6. Your VR activity will not be posted to Facebook without your permission.

Now, before you start to get upset and protest by saying you will not purchase an Oculus device or you are selling your device, there could be some advantages such as…

  • An easier way to connect with friends.
  • Social VR.
  • Additional multiplayer and social experiences such as chats, parties, live streaming, events.

Just keep in mind even when you do log in with a Facebook account, you can still have that special VR profile and allow only your Facebook profile to be visible to you only.

Yes, the decision for a single log account can be questionable and to some a real deal breaker for future purchases just out of despite as well as any developmental backlash from creators. So just keep this in mind before making a decision or saying something that you may end up regretting. Each of us has a right to how we want to be entertained as well as certain things we expect when being entertained. For some, the fight will be there but could end up being a costly fight for privacy and for others, the embracement will be there for their enjoyment as many will not even notice. But we all should always respect each other based on the decisions the others make and should not be judged based on them.

In this Virtual Reality, how will you escape?

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