Resident Evil 4 VR Wants To Take You On A Quest…

April 17, 2021 ·

And what looks to be an announcement out of nowhere, it looks like VR and Resident Evil fans have something to look forward to. In the Resident Evil Showcase from Capcom, Mike Morishita, Executive Producer at Facebook, and Mike Verdu, VP of Content at Facebook Reality Labs, stated that Resident Evil is still going strong after 25 years and that Resident Evil 4, which launched in 2005, the industry had evolved and new ways to play it entered the market. In the reveal trailer, you get to see how the gameplay will work in VR with just being able to use your hands for weapons, such as firing and reloading, along with inventory and interactions with objects. I still remember playing Resident Evil 4 on the Nintendo Wii and that version still has a place in my heart. But playing Resident Evil 4 in VR, if we learned anything about Resident Evil Biohazard, is that Resident Evil and VR can be really immersive and work in VR and we should all get excited about this. So it looks like in a partnership with Capcom, Oculus Studios, and Armature Studios are bringing Resident Evil 4 to the Oculus Quest 2 in 2021.

Until then…please enjoy…

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