Sometimes You Just Need A Little Boom In Your Life…

October 26, 2022 ·

Every day I try and find something interesting to be curious about. The other day, it was about pumpkins, and then today, I saw a plate that contained worlds. As curious as I am, I tried to be very wary of everything, until, well, I crashed into that plate causing an immediate distortion of reality and time. I know I may be some oldish god-weirdo type known as Boomdha, but I am sure that no one will mind a little mess, especially you.

Features include:

  • Wreak havoc with destructible environment physics — destroy anything from buildings to moving objects
  • Stretch bombs to change their blast power, pull the fuse to adjust the explosion delay and toss them in any direction (blowing yourself up is harmless here, but don’t try this at home!)
  • Choose your way of moving around in VR — teleport or smooth motion (using sticks), climb up to higher spots, and enjoy the spectacular vista of collapsing structures! Game locations are planned with a flat landscape in mind, so this should also cause less sickness
  • Explore the surreal and cartoonish sandbox worlds. Find out what happened to you and why the only thing you’re bound to do is to destroy everything and everywhere

What will you explode? What will you smash? Can you fix what Boomdha caused? Find out when Let It Boom comes to Steam VR in 2023.

Until then…please enjoy…

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