Tag: Escape Room

The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game – The Review

May 13, 2022 ·

If you were in charge of a place that was full of mystery, do you think you would be able to solve it or do you think it would go unsolved throughout the test of time? Sometimes, it's the thoughts that go into solving them Mysteries can be the hardest part for some and easy for others. It is just the way we look at them that can even stump the hard-core detectives. From the way they are designed to… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Discover The Secret?

May 8, 2022 ·

Sometimes when one is trapped in a room, there are many emotions that can overcome people. Fear and frustration can overcome you like nothing else. Not knowing how or when you will be able to escape and wondering if the time will ever come if you can ever see the light of day. But sometimes, the clues that we need to escape could be around us without ever knowing it. But what if you did not have to do this… Read more.

When Death Enters Your Mind, Will Even Your Sanity Be Able To Save You?

February 1, 2022 ·

Those flashing lights, the sound of the screams within those halls trapped within these walls as much as the smell of blood and death that came before it. But something about this place keeps me thinking about my life before. I don't remember what happened or why, but all that I know is the voices within my head are becoming more and more real. Almost as if death itself wants to play a game. But if we cannot kill what… Read more.

Paranormal Detective: Escape From The 80’s – The Review

December 21, 2021 ·

If you were a detective, what do you think are some of the more interesting cases you come across? Maybe it would be a crime scene that would relate to a famous person or possibly a mystery out in the middle of know where trying to find an answer. Detective work can be quite challenging, but sometimes it's just a matter of knowing where to look and having that special feeling. But does the develepor, LunaBeat Games show us what… Read more.

Can You Solve The Answers Of The Mystery?

December 20, 2021 ·

The Atlas Theatre was the place where everyone went to. A place where they could watch that next movie. But then something happened in the 1940s that cast a dark time on the theatre. But something happened that one night that no one has yet to solve. They say the place is haunted, full of spirits just waiting for anyone to take the time...to listen. Features include: Escape-room style gameSolve intricate puzzlesDiscover startling artifactsEvade sinister forces Will you be able… Read more.

When Time Matters The Most, Can You Escape No Matter The Altitude?

October 23, 2021 ·

I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning. Something told me it was not going to be a good day. I finally interfered with the plans of my rival and somehow I think they got the best of me. I got on this plane knowing I could outsmart them, but somehow they left me here to die and all I can hear is that ticking like a bomb is about to go off. But I am the… Read more.

Can You Escape From The 90’s?

September 29, 2021 ·

The 80's was a crazy time with that kid missing. What was his name...oh yeah, Corey. But I will need to tell that tale for another time. Years have passed and I thought things were slowing down being a paranormal detective of the unusual and all. Then things changed here in the year 1998 when I received a lead of a case where one teenage girl, Delia has disappeared. She was last seen in this abandoned mall with an arcade.… Read more.

Can You Escape From The 80’s?

September 29, 2021 ·

They say I know how to solve a case. I can look at any clue and figure out what happened. I am not the normal detective people think but I specialize in unusual cases. And I think I just found the case of the century. It turns out that back in 1987, one Corey Savage disappeared never to be heard from again. But there are some clues that may be able to solve this case. Corey's parents asked me to… Read more.

I Expect You To Die 2: The Spy and The Liar – The Review

September 2, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to be a spy and ever think how well you would do in certain situations? Situations like defusing a bomb, pretending to be someone else, or even try to escape a deadly situation. Sure we can all say how we would think we would do, but until we are put into those situations, we may never really know. It's fun to imagine about the what if, but sometimes it is more fun in the doing that… Read more.

Flow Weaver – The Interview

June 6, 2021 ·

What would you do if were for some reason, trapped with what seems like no way to escape? Would you get worried or try to make sense of the situation you were in? What if you could travel between dimensions along with being able to use magic to help solve in order for you to possibly find an escape? Do you think you would succeed or get lost traveling between the dimensions? For me, I think it would be interesting… Read more.

Flow Weaver – The Review

March 23, 2021 ·

Escape Rooms can be a fun time in trying to look for clues to escape the room that you are in. It's a simple concept and depending on the type of scenario, can be a puzzling and unforgiven one where you will know who your true friends are or possibly never want to speak again. But in order to escape, one might have to know their surroundings well enough and put together the clues to have the chance of that… Read more.

If You Could Change A Relationship Gone Wrong, Would You?

April 9, 2020 ·

Imagine a time when you and another family member had a close relationship. That family member could be a brother, sister or even a cousin. But what if that close relationship changed at some point in time? A change that set the tone for the future. A future that when you think about it, you wished you could change to correct. Waking up alone in the storeroom, you find that the mansion you have been living with your father and… Read more.

A Chair In A Room: Greenwater – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

What would happen if one day all that you knew or thought you knew was not how it was supposed to be? And what if on that day, you were in a place that you did not know? The questions you would need to ask yourself are if this were to happen to you in a place that you did not recognize, would you do what was told for your safety and out of your fears and how far would… Read more.

18 Floors – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

If you somehow woke up in a room that seemed to have no escape, would your fears start to automatically kick in or would you be able to take the time to think about how to escape? Just imagine how it would feel like as your heart pounding, your mind starts to play tricks, and wonder who or what was doing this. But think about it, what would your last thoughts truly be or even your last words if you… Read more.

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