Our island is a friendly one. We have everything you need from the local GameStomp, the speed limit is 30 mph, and yeah, we have what we locals call a monster. It’s not a scary monster as it is a helpful one. I mean what other island has a monster that could use the elec wires as a slingshot and sling a boat across the water or stack crates for the ultimate game of Jenga? We see the monster more as a local islander just trying to help. We just sometimes have to wonder, what the monster will do next.

Features include:
- Pleasureable VR actions and mechanics
- Glorious physics
- A sense of accomplishment
- Tactile Tentacles! – Get a grip on things with fully physics-based tentacles complete with Octo-grade suckers
- Titanic Tasks! – Apply lateral thinking and giant limbs to 50+ puzzle and action levels, building huge structures and contraptions
- Colossal Constructions! – Cultivate your creative side in a constantly expanding construction sandbox

Who will step inside GameStomp? What will a monster be able to do? What will happen on the Island of Laklama? Find out when Tentacular comes to the Quest/Quest 2 on the Oculus Store and Steam VR in the Spring of 2022.
Until then…please enjoy…