When The Act Of Devastation Is Witnessed, The Need Of A Hero Maybe From A Different Solar System…

July 25, 2021 ·

We tried to save our home…our planet. But there were many who wanted to do more harm than good. Some wanted greed, fame, and only cared about themselves. Others wanted the peace…to work together to clean up our planet. But it was too late. We had had to try to find a new home for humanity. We were on target of the coordientes, but that black hole appeared from nowhere. We couldn’t escape it. But it’s what was on the other side that was the biggest surprise. This race…I don’t know what they are is causing havoc on what could be a very habitable solar system. But something happened to me when I went through that black hole. I was no longer just a captain, I have these powers that somehow allow me to exist in parallel worlds. But these powers are not like anything known. There have been times I should have died, but I was able to start again until the next phase of whatever it is I am supposed to get right. Maybe it’s to stop this race for good or maybe it’s to help conquer one of these worlds in the name of mankind. I am not sure if this message will make it, but I was the captain of the last human arks, but I am now just an Outlier. I hope that whoever is receiving this message, can follow it to our new home.

Features include:

  • Elaborate, yet randomized level generation -Every level is procedurally generated. This means each new restart is a brand-new experience for the player. You will meet different characters and experience new artifacts, weapons, and story pieces. Your unique abilities build across the game’s even in a single game session.
  • Making the most of VR – The advanced controls integrate a wide range of movements. As you tactically break your way through the enemy hordes and navigate the complex terrain, you’ll need to use your body to cast artifact powers, slam enemies with surrounding objects, cut them into pieces, dodge their attacks, hide behind objects, jump, dash, and more.
  • Micro and macro player progression – The combination of power-ups and ability modifiers makes for different experiences. Combine your spells together to get new ones: mix a fireball and a telekinetic push to acquire both an explosive fireball and a fire push. Shape your character and armory between the runs to construct diverse builds for any playstyle.”
  • Explore a looped Sci-Fi world – The solar system after alien race expansion is a harsh place, full of harsher occupants. As you progress through each planet, random events and new storyline pieces will help you to infiltrate the black hole and fight back against the intruders. Interconnected levels drive you to explore your surroundings, full of breathtaking landscapes and mysteries like secret rooms, hidden passages, and artifacts.
  • The decisions you make through each life and death cycle provide for a story that is uniquely tailored to each player.

How will you progress? What will you do when every level is procedurally generated? What decisions will you make? Find out when OUTLIER comes to Steam in 2021 and Oculus Quest/Quest 2 in 2022.

Until then…please enjoy…

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