Will You Be Able To Protect Humanity When The Titans Attack

July 7, 2023 ·

When they attack is when our people fear for their lives. Those giants…those Titans of evil with that evil look in their eyes doing whatever they can to grab anyone in their path. But we, the Scout Regiment, have been training for these trying times. We have the means thanks to our gear and weapons to succeed in this fight for the protection of our people and for all humanity. We will not stop until these Titans are no more.

Features include:

  • Exhilarating Flight Experience -Get ready for a unique adventure with UNIVRS’ anti-motion sickness technology that will help bring the thrilling cross-range combat against killer Titans to life
  • Multiplayer – Team up with another member of the Scout Regiment in a two-player co-op or go solo in the fight for humanity
  • Devise a strategy – There will be a number of enemies out to get you. With a wider range of weapons at your disposal, devise and execute the best plan to cut down the Titan population in the city

Are you ready for the adventure? Will go at it alone or team up? Do you have the strategy to save humanity? Find out when Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable comes to the Quest 2/3/Pro on the Oculus Store in the Winter of 2023.

Until then…please enjoy…

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