What if the world as you knew it became part of a nuclear blast that wiped out part of the human race? The destruction of the world crumbled as a shell of its former self. Some of your friends and loved ones didn't all make it. How would you survive what happened? Would you be able to make a home for those you found and work together and protect by any means necessary? It's scary to think about what if… Read more.
Escape Into Your Reality
PSVR2 Reviews
If you are like many of us have had our PlayStation 5s and PlayStation VR2 that we have enjoyed since day one had their systems and hardware within the past year. There is nothing like playing your favorite games, whether on the T.V., monitor, or even a projector, or maybe diving even more into the deeper side of Virtual Reality. But there is one thing that we have all been through: how are we going to charge our DualSense Wireless… Read more.
The camera can be a powerful tool. One that can take pictures to give us some of our fondest memories. A way to help tell the story is simply by seeing the image produced with a click of a button. But what if a picture could reveal more than possible from something not seen originally by the human eyes? Anything is possible and, if used in the right setting, could help with not only your survival but your sanity as… Read more.
What if you had to be paired up with someone that, from the start, you didn't think would work? It could be someone from work, a family member you never met, or even someone on your sporting team that you are part of. No matter how hard you try, your emotions get the better of you and you still feel the same way. Do you think you would keep trying if it was for the greater good or give up… Read more.
What would you do if someone you cared about was in trouble? Would you do whatever you could to save them or would you have limitations that could prevent you from doing what needed to be done? What happens when the things you think are true start to be questioned by the ones you trust and become so out of the ordinary that you even start to question your mind? Would anything be believed or would your mind start playing… Read more.
When you think of survival, what comes to mind? Do you think of a scenario in the wild, or could it be the world as it is now? The unknown presents a challenge to anyone who dares to face it. Knowing survival skills, even if they seem strange, can accurately test one's abilities. Surviving the unknown is always a challenge for anyone who tries it. Survival skills can be a matter of life or death, and testing them in the… Read more.
When it comes to vacations, where do you and your family go? Maybe someplace that is warm or maybe you prefer the cold? Maybe it's a place you go to year after year and yet, it never gets old, but you can still call it your home away from home. Just think of all the memories you have made over the years and can look back at those pictures and videos whenever you feel a little homesick. But what would… Read more.
The act of bartending has been going on for centuries. Throughout history, there have been many occasions where individuals have trusted a capable bartender to concoct their beverages carefully, regardless of whether they are ordering or serving. Sure, each person may have their favorite places where their favorite bartenders will be. But have you ever thought about the skill that goes into the science of mixology? The skill of accurately pouring exact quantities to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, combined with… Read more.
Imagine something that was supposed to be, wasn't. Something that you hoped would see the light of day, but yet, kept in the dark per se, only to be nothing more than a prototype. If you discovered it today, would you take the time and effort to be experienced? If so, how would you make it something special as of today? It's kind of interesting when you think about how something so many years ago could be interesting for the… Read more.
When you think about work, what comes to mind? The job that has to be performed? Resources that are needed? Maybe deadlines have to be met to meet the needed goals. Work can mean a lot of different things to different people depending on the job and team needed to make the work-life successful. With work, we all have a role to play, even if we disagree with the task. But do publisher, Wired Productions and developers, Oiffy and Wolf… Read more.
If you knew of an organization that was so evil and so ruthless, would you give up the fight and join them, or do you think you could take it down? Would you need the right team, the right force to be put together in hopes that the root of all evil within that organization would finally be stopped by any means necessary and at any cost? Thinking about what we would do vs. what would happen is always an… Read more.
For some, the name Bulletstorm alone will bring memories of shooting whatever you can in a bombastic single-player experience where you go in, take out whatever may be in your way, and enjoy the conversations that go along with it without thinking twice about it. The kind of fun where you can even join online with some friends while everyone enjoys the action. But does developer, Incuvo, bring the VR action with this port? Let's find out with Bulletstorm VR… Read more.
Stealth, shadows, loyalty, respect, and honor were all important in Feudal Japan. It was a time of being a warrior meant more. It was the life of the warrior that some could look up to and that some would fear. When you look at that life, it became this poetic art in a way that has helped make legends from the stories that have been told. But does developer, Endeavor One and publisher Skydance Interactive along with ForwardXP, bring something… Read more.
If you had a chance to make a deal to become the rockstar you have always wanted to be, would you take it without any hesitation? What do you think you would do as a rockstar and what would your reputation be? Maybe you sing such an original song that it connects everyone for peace. Maybe you play an instrument that everyone knows as soon as it plays? It's always nice to dream about what we would do even if… Read more.
Think about something so rare that it would make you stop what you were doing just to see it. Does art come to mind? Maybe it's a treasure that has only been shown as a replica because it was so rare. Maybe it's something that is from the spiritual side of the world that draws people near. Rarety can mean different things to different people depending on who you ask and is interesting when you think about it. But does… Read more.
Fighting in games can be a hit or miss. Sometimes being able to hit an enemy and see some type of impact makes it worthwhile, while other times, no matter what you do seems to have no impact, and makes you overthink what your next move will be. But if we must think of our next move, does that mean that our strategy in itself, needs to change? It's interesting when you think about it. So does developer, Zatun, give… Read more.
Zombies have a way of peaking the interest of many people. From those who love to watch movies about them to those who play games about getting rid of them, there is something about the undead and feasting on the living that has many rooting for them to those who secretly watch with their hands over their eyes with just enough room to peek to see what happens that make us fans of the zombie genre. Love them or hate… Read more.
If you were part of something that could save humanity, how far would you push yourself and those around you? Would the choices you make, be the ones that could end up harming the chances more than helping them? If it came down to it, would you be able to make every single choice without hesitation or would you have to stop and think about it for a moment? It's quite interesting when you think about it and how we,… Read more.
Vampires have always been a topic of interest for many. From the books, the movies, and games, there seems to always be this connection with people. Maybe it's the setting, the characters, or even the music that helps draw us into the world of Vampires. For some reason, the mystery of it all intrigues people to this day. But does developer, Fast Travel Games, allow us to take a bite out of the fascination of the world of the undead? Let's… Read more.
There may have been times when you have experienced unwelcomed visitors such as ants, flies, and other bugs that just added to your day that you did not want. Sure, you spray a can of Raid like there is no tomorrow in hopes that it would end your problem only to have them return. You can call an exterminator that most of the time works. But what if those unwelcomed visitors turn out to be spiders that can crawl anywhere… Read more.
What would you do if you found yourself in different surroundings than what you might be used to only for those surroundings to become a life and death matter? Do you think you could be prepared for what you saw your possible future to become or could you overcome the outcome by any means necessary? Situations that are out of our control can be a scary situation. But does the developer, WanadevStudio, show us how to make the best out… Read more.
There is something about the world of Ghostbusters that makes it an iconic franchise. From the characters to the music, we all have our favorite moments that keep drawing us in. There was just something about the mix of comedy and ghosts that has been trying to replicate the moments that we all love over the years. But do developer nDreams and publisher Sony Pictures Virtual Reality allow us to bust some ghosts while capturing the magic of the franchise… Read more.
If the world around you forced what was left out of humanity underground, how do you think you would do? Do you think everyone would try and work together to make things work or would greed be the mindset of many? If there was a chance you could make the run to gather supplies knowing that your life could be over at any moment? But what if taking that opportunity leads you into deeper and darker paths, how many of… Read more.
Greed can be a dangerous trait to have. You keep wanting and wanting, trying to feel a void that for some, can never be filled. But when that greed becomes greater than we ever imagined that even wars would start, then it's time to stop wanting and start trying to do what is right. But does developer Cactus VR Studio continue to allow our inner Cacti out, or do we become part of the crossfire? Let's find out with Cactus… Read more.
If you have ever played a Full-motion Video (FMV) game, you can see how it adds to the game in interesting ways. From the interactions of the characters to furthering the story, the genre of FMV games has a special place in the hearts of many. One of those is the classic, The 7th Guest, where many have gone through the doors of the abandoned Stauf Mansion and met its guests. But has developer, Vertigo Games, made it possible to… Read more.
Imagine the act of war as it surrounds the grounds you walked on. What would be your thoughts as the world you knew crumbled around you? Would you try to get to a safer place or stay and fight? But what if you were not going to wait for something to happen, but be part of an elite team that could end it? It starts to get really interesting when you start to think about it and how things could… Read more.
When you think back to the different eras of gaming, which one sticks out the most? For some, it could be the current generation of consoles that some of our favorites are born from to those that we have played, but this time, for the best version. For some, playing with the variety of handhelds, only to wonder at the time, how they would improve. And for some, it could be from the times when video games were finally able… Read more.
If you could unlock the mind's ability, how would you use it? But if you could enter one's mind, would that ability become a power for good or would greed start to play into the mix? Would the outcome be for the greater good or would it set off a path of destruction? It's easy to think about what we would do and the possibilities, but does developer nDreams allow us to ability to test the power as we enter… Read more.
If you received a distress signal, would you answer it? Would you do whatever you could to try and answer the call if it was someone you knew, or would you not even bother with it? What if, by answering that call, you could stop whatever was about to happen? It's interesting to think about what could be at the other end or who or what may have sent it. But does the developer, Vertical Robot, improve on what has… Read more.
If humanity as you knew it lost its sense of purpose, what do you think would happen? Would the world and everything within it, just fall apart without a care? Would everyone fall into this stage of uncertainty or do you think there would be a fraction of hope by someone...anyone that still believes in humanity? It's interesting when you think about it and the possible outcomes that could result from such a fate were to happen. But does the… Read more.
If you had a spirit friend, would you tell anyone or keep it to yourself? If you needed help, would you be afraid to ask for it and could you offer help to those in need? When you think about it, friendship can mean more than you know and without hesitation, become one of our strongest values. But does the developer Jestercraft, give us the story and puzzles? Let's find out with Seeker: My Shadow for PlayStation VR2. https://youtu.be/iYRns8mCrfQ Seeker:… Read more.
If you could go on an adventure, where would you go, what would you do, and what tales would be told? Adventure is about the fun and freedom that it brings. But what if you could be part of the story being told? Would it be as fun as it was puzzling? It's always fun to think about what type of adventures we could go on and the things that we would try to do. But does developer, InnerspaceVR bring… Read more.
Think about all the frustration in your life. How do you deal with it? Maybe you go to therapy, play games, or just escape to think and clear your head. Maybe you just had one of those days when you don't want to wake up. Everything is not going your way and you don't really know why, but you want to keep your distance from it all. Maybe you just want to break a lot of stuff. We have all… Read more.
If you could have your own land with the bluest skies and no next-door neighbors, what would you do? Would you build upon the land? Maybe you would start to farm and harvest crops? Who knows, maybe your animals would be the greatest ones around and your crops would be the talk of the local market? Having your own farm would pay off, but it would be a lot of work. But does the developer, FusionPlay, show us farming life?… Read more.
Was there ever a time in your life when it just seemed like things were different or maybe you didn't fit in? It could be that you felt like you were from a different place or maybe there just wasn't this connection with everything around you. But regardless of where you are, do you ever feel like you could help out a lot more than what others will allow you to do? Trying to find a place where we belong… Read more.
What happens when there is a conflict between what you are supposed to do and what needs to be done? Would you try to do the right thing knowing that there could be consequences or would you do what was in your heart knowing the results would affect the lives of the ones that you cared about most? The mystery of the situation is a conflicting one, but yet, a challenging one no matter the choices you make. But does… Read more.
Imagine a city that could help prevent violence and crime with the help of dreams. But as you are able to see those dreams of our past memories open through the doors of those dreams. But what if, something within the city did not go how it was supposed to and something horrible was committed, would it be left alone and unsolved or could it be stopped so it could end? When you think about all the possibilities, how many… Read more.
Imagine if you had a family member who, due to some unfortunate times, had to be admitted to a mental facility. What would you feel? How would you handle everyday life with the knowledge that they are in the same place where it has been known that patients were missing? Would you question the reasons why? Would you go and try to set them free? It's interesting to think what some of us would do in that situation. But does… Read more.
What if you woke up from a nightmare only to realize it was the norm of the world? Do you think you would become a stronger individual both physically and mentally? Maybe the word has another test for you and don't even realize it or maybe this is how you will be judged when it's time. Hopefully, we never get to this point in our lives as many try and make the right choices in life. But does the developer,… Read more.
If there was an outbreak of the zombie apocalypse, how well would you do? Would you become one of the survivors or be destined to become one of the infected? For any of the survivors, who could you trust and who do you think you would have to fear? These questions and more have been thought about many times more than you might expect from people worldwide. Hopefully, we will never have to experience such an outbreak. But does the… Read more.
Mini Golf is a game that takes focus and skill. You have to have an eye for the hole and the readiness to take the shot when everything around it is just right. Sometimes, wind, water, and even the height of the course can, with one misaligned putt, cause the ball to be lost and cause your score to keep increasing. But yet, when you play with friends and family, the game can also become this friendly competition that really… Read more.
The sport of boxing is a very interesting one. Two boxers step into the ring hoping one of them will be a winner. The punches are quick and powerful. Sometimes the opponent will dodge what is coming at them and other times, not so much. But if you could step in the ring, how well would you do? Would it be a tie? Would you be able to win by TKO? Maybe, you might become the champion of the world.… Read more.
When you think of a hero, what or who comes to mind? Would they be someone like a superhero or someone closer to your heart? Maybe you look in the mirror and think of yourself as the hero that everyone else sees. But when you really think about it, what does a hero mean to you? Someone who can save a life without even trying or maybe a hero can be just someone who can listen and tell your story.… Read more.
Adventure is something many enjoy as you never know what may come your way. There could be treasures to be had, friends to make, and enemies to face. An adventure can be scary and mysterious. No matter how you take it, there is always going to be some risk involved possibly good or bad. But no matter how long it may take, you never know how the experience may make us grow. But does developer Polyarc bring the adventure and… Read more.
No matter what we watch, read, hear, or even play, there is always the action that helps draws us into the moment. From the movies of our favorite actors to the books of our favorite authors to even the voice talents from our favorite games. There is something about the action that keeps us going. But if you were to merge action with the rhythm of music, what do you start to think about? That superhero movie, that t.v. or… Read more.
Music has a way to the soul. A way of calming it or moving it. When the soul moves, the body is sure to follow. What type of music moves you? It could be Rock, Rap, Metal, Bluegrass, or even Electric. With the right type of music, atmosphere, and letting go, you might be surprised at what you can do. But does developer Kluge Interactive bring the note-catching, physical dancing to a better-remastered experience? Let's find out with Synth Riders… Read more.
Football is a sport enjoyed by many. Fans will live by the team at the highs and stay with them at their lows. Some fans will even switch teams when they felt like their team let them down only to be on the bandwagon when the next season starts. A Quarterback's job is not an easy one with trying to make the plays in hopes that the play gets executed in the right way. But when it comes down to… Read more.
The settlement life had to be a tough life as well as a rewarding one. From building to farming, everyone had their part to play. Not only did the people have to worry about their own people, but from the outsiders that wanted to take what they thought was theirs without any repercussions of their unwelcome visit. But as time passed, people learned new skills, and resources became manageable, settlements became bigger and more popular. But does developer Handy Games… Read more.
If humanity as you know it changed, how easily could you adapt to it if it was like nothing you were prepared for? Would you adjust and exceed where it counts or would you fall victim to it and become its prey? Change can be a difficult and challenging thing when it interrupts the flow of humanity. But does developer Vertigo Games bring us the fear of change and allow those to help make it adaptable? Let's find out with… Read more.
When you think of multiplayer shooters, what comes to mind? A particular name, a map design, or maybe it's the way weapons reacted that holds a place in your memory. But when it comes to multiplayer games and everything it incorporates into their world, the design can either break or make the experience with players coming back for more. So does developer Vankrupt Games give the game to keep us coming back for more? Let's find out with Pavlov for… Read more.
We are all familiar with puzzles and the pieces it takes to put them together. From the original flat version to even more intriguing 3D versions. Puzzles have developed over time to where we can even have them as a centerpiece of our collection to share with friends and family. Puzzles and the pieces that come with them can help us relax and allow our minds to refresh. But does developer realities.io add new pieces to the puzzle? Let's find… Read more.
If you lived in the Viking times, what do you think your skill would be? It could possibly be crafting, farming, or maybe it would be raiding. The Vikings had many skills, but did you know that Vikings, even after their long days, would gather around to play music? As strongly built as they were, the music and gatherings were admired by most. So does developer Wanadev Studio show us what it is to live the Viking life with music?… Read more.
Survival of the fittest. Living off the land. The rock is my pillow. These sayings have a lot in common today just as in our past. We have progressed since the time of our prehistoric world. But knowing what we know now, how well could we have survived back then with given just the basic tools for survival? It's kind of interesting when you think about it. But does developer 17-Bit rekindle the love? Let's find out with Song in… Read more.
If you could experience the world of a nightmare, how would you go about it? Would you face the fears? Maybe you would try to find different paths in hopes the outcome may be different. Perhaps you would try to have something close to your heart that you knew could help you through whatever the tale may be. All I know is that nightmares can be a scary situation if we let them take over. But does developer Supermassive Games… Read more.
Think about the city you live in. If you could change something, what would it be? Maybe the roads to get to your destination quicker, maybe more schools and businesses, or maybe you would start from nothing and build your own city as you envisioned it. There are many things we would change about the city we live in and many things that we like how they are currently. But does developer Fast Travel Games AB allow us to live… Read more.
If you felt trapped, would you do whatever you could to escape even if your life depended on it? Would you try without hesitation or would you try to find different alternatives? Fear of the unknown can allow making those split decisions we may not typically have made and can somehow test how far we are willing to go without giving it a second thought. But does developer Truant Pixel show us what it's like to go rogue at fast… Read more.
Back in 2016, one of the launch titles for PlayStation VR was a game called Thumper that allowed rhythm and violence to combine and bring us a trip of speed, colors, and music. It tested our reflexes as we twisted and glided around every turn that was thrown our way and we loved every minute of it. Fast forward and the game is now a launch title for PlayStation VR2. But did developer Drool bring us the best version of… Read more.
Tetris. The name that everyone knows and may be one of the games that more people have played has been around for decades that had spanned books, video documentaries, and films. As Tetris became ever so popular, so did the versions. Probably the best version that we have come to love was when Tetris Effect came to PlayStation VR in 2018. So do developers, Monstars Inc., Resonair, and Stage Games, along with publisher Enhance bring us all connected? Let's find… Read more.
What would you do if the world around you became hacked and your sensory pathways became a triggered reaction? But imagine the reimagined, where the world you thought you knew allowed you to experience it in new ways. Would you try to find out everything you could or try to embrace your new reality? I for one would embrace it all and experience all that was waiting for me. When you think about it, it would be an interesting choice… Read more.
If there was an object that was part of your past that was broken, would you want to try to repair it or just forget about it? What if that object would be a part of your future more than you realized, would you make the attempt or just let the opportunity slip by? It's hard for us to know how important something may be or what part it will play in our lives until it's too late. But does… Read more.
Kayaking can be an amazing time, not only for the sport but just to relax with the environment. It can give you a place to think as you see the night sky or just enjoy nature around you. And as we all seem to get busier with life, any chance to have that moment of escape, we should take it. But does the developer, Better Than Life, really allow us to take a more relaxing journey in a realistic way?… Read more.
When you think of acts of war, what are your instant thoughts? Anger, betrayal, or maybe it's the protection of your home. Other thoughts could be family and if you will ever see them again. Or one might think about who will take care of the plants. Either way, they are all good thoughts to have when going into war. But what if the reason for that war was the betrayal of the ones you called family and then find… Read more.
Tabletop role-playing games have been around for decades allowing friends to get into their creative minds all while being able to play something they all had in common and loved. From the roll of the dice to the character sheets to even the books that contained the rules, everyone had a role that they enjoyed playing. But as time grew, so did the technology and the reimagining of the genre. But has developer Resolution Games, brought the best version of… Read more.