Get Ready For Those New & Improved Oculus Avatars…

April 27, 2021 ·

When Oculus first launched Avatars, it allowed you, the player a way to bring, well you, into the Virtual Reality world as you knew it. But as time passes and new technology advances, so do the things that we love. And with that, Oculus is revamping the Avatars that will be more customizable, more life-like in many ways, and well more of how you can be more expressive and diverse in Virtual Reality. So what is new you might be wondering? Well, quite a lot and it seems to be pretty impressive. You will be able to customize your avatar with such things as facial features including the nose, eyes, and mouth along with different body types, hairstyles, clothing and so much more.

But remember, you don’t have to have your avatar be an exact you, you can make it your own in ways that maybe you wouldn’t want to try in the real world. You want earrings, go for it. You want long or short hair, be thin or be the opposite, it’s up to you. And this new revamping is not limited to just a handful of selections, but over one quintillion permutations for you to decide how your avatar and how you want to be represented in the virtual world. But that’s not all, apps and games are available to developers so that they can allow your avatar, the virtual you, into their apps in games. How about riding a roller coaster with Epic Roller Coasters, playing poker with your friends in PokerStars VR, or playing some golf in Topgolf with Pro Putt to name a few.

If you think about it, it really is awesome how making our current avatars to edit them or starting from the ground up can become our own without having to worry about what someone in the real world thinks. So what are you waiting for, go make a new you or keep the ones you like and go have some fun in Virtual Reality.

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