The world of Swordsman has come in many forms from Pirates to even Hand-to-Hand combat. We have seen weapons from swords to holding enemies by the throat to even a mace. But thanks to the newest form, get ready to invoke the power of your punch and send these enemies to the moon. Well, not really the moon, just more like further away from you, but in a more fun and satisfying way. With this new modifier, your punches are extremely more powerful than Roman Reign’s Superman Punch and Orange Cassidy’s Orange Punch could ever be. Check out what the new patch can do:
- You can break necks with one hand if the other hand is on the neck
- Punch and Weapon haptics are separate settings
- Neck snap sounds are louder with more oomph
Best of all, this Swordsman update is out now for free and yours for the punching right now on the Oculus Store, PlayStation VR, Steam, and Viveport.