Tag: HTC Vive Cosmos Elite

Green Hell VR Is Bringing That Co-Op Love And The Spirits…

December 8, 2023 ·

Green Hell is one of those titles that just pulls you into its world of crafting and survival, along with the story. Ever since its release, there have been many players who have been requesting that the game receive some VR love. Incuvo delivered the experience when it was released for the Quest and PCVR platform and most recently with the PlayStation VR2 over the Summer and continues to add to it with new features. One of those features that… Read more.

When Hunting Ghosts Starts To Become Too Real For To Investigate, Will You Run Or Will You Embrace The Fears From The Other Side?

June 13, 2023 ·

You have known something was always there. You have seen things that others have described in their nightmares. You hear voices and footsteps when no one is there. You start to ask questions only to feel the cold spots and receive answers that you cannot explain while all trying to investigate the paranormal. But what will happen when the question that you ask is answered by hearing your own name and feeling like you are being touched? Do you think… Read more.

Place Your Bets On PlayStation VR2…

May 28, 2023 ·

Back in February of 2021, it was on the table to have PokerStars VR come to PlayStation VR. With PlayStation VR2 continuing to roll the dice, it was just a matter of time before we could step into the game of some fun times with others while we place our bets and try to win as much as we can all while being in a safe environment for everyone. What has been a positive experience for many, known as PokerStars… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Wants To Take You To The Lost Temple…

April 17, 2023 ·

The mystery is all around us. But to truly be mysterious, to be in paradise, one has to simply take a putt to the temple. This temple is like no other, in fact, holds a magical artifact. But this will be no easy task as the dunes are high, the structures are massive, and that throne room has everything a King or Queen could ever desire. But in order for the questions to be answered, one must find the clues,… Read more.

Ragnarock – The Review

April 8, 2023 ·

If you lived in the Viking times, what do you think your skill would be? It could possibly be crafting, farming, or maybe it would be raiding. The Vikings had many skills, but did you know that Vikings, even after their long days, would gather around to play music? As strongly built as they were, the music and gatherings were admired by most. So does developer Wanadev Studio show us what it is to live the Viking life with music?… Read more.

Will You Be Rocking Or Ragnarockin’ Out On PlayStation VR2¿

March 14, 2023 ·

The year was 2021 and the combination of Vikings and rock music was being made with a game called Ragnarock. In the game, you lead your Viking ship to victory as you have to pound your drums to the rhythm of the sound of epic music and try to climb those leaderboards to Viking rock fame. Then, the following year, information about the game coming to PlayStation VR was a possibility. But that all changed with the release of PlayStation… Read more.

When Life Depends On The Person Next To You, How Will You Survive?

March 5, 2023 ·

Ever since those cases have been reported, no one has felt safe. Over a billion people died from that virus that we know as V1V3. We hoped that the ones that were supposed to find the cure did. We know of one man who may have the answers...the cure. But in order to get our answers, we must face what is out there. We have to make it...we have to survive. Features include: UP TO 4 ONLINE PLAYERS COOP -… Read more.

Color Connect – The Review

January 29, 2023 ·

If you had the opportunity to take a break from your busy life, would you take it? What if the opportunity allowed you to lose yourself in space with the simplicity of colors? And if those colors could connect and form different objects, how far would you be willing to get lost? We all get busy with many things either by design or the test of time. But does developer Sanford Tech Limited give us that opportunity to escape into… Read more.

Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder – The Review

January 23, 2023 ·

If you could go on an adventure that could bring you all the riches you can imagine, would you go? What if that adventure had uncertainties from the possible to the unimaginable, would you still go? One would need to weigh the pros vs the cons to see if would all be worth it. It's easy to think about what we would do just by thinking vs what we would do if the opportunity presented itself. So does developer VRKiwi… Read more.

Crazy Kung Fu – The Interview

June 8, 2022 ·

When you hear the words, Kung Fu, what comes to mind? Would it be the training one must go through? What about the fighting skills one would earn? What about the focus of the mind someone would have throughout their journey? The art of Kung Fun takes dedication, training, and the mindset to truly become successful. But when I heard that the developer, Field Of Vision, had made something that allows you to do all of this while improving your… Read more.

STRIDE Wants To Test Your Time…

May 22, 2022 ·

STRIDE the parkour action that puts you in the game has seen some updates and the newest one has to do with the Time Run from a new environment to some adjustments to the mechanics this looks to be some fun to be had, so check out what is included in the newest update:  New Time Run levels in a new urban environment have been added, as well as the long-requested option to have the ghost of the player's best score in… Read more.

When There Are Unruly Passengers At The Airport, A Fight Just May Break Out…

May 22, 2022 ·

Traveling is supposed to be a fun time. Getting to the airport and boarding your flight are all part of the fun. But sometimes, the people at the airport may not be in the best of moods. Sure, they may have had a delay or even missed their flight, or even decided to overstay their welcome altogether. But sometimes, it's how you deal with them that can be the most rewarding of them all. Features include: New level: Airport with… Read more.

The Atlas Mystery: A VR Puzzle Game – The Review

May 13, 2022 ·

If you were in charge of a place that was full of mystery, do you think you would be able to solve it or do you think it would go unsolved throughout the test of time? Sometimes, it's the thoughts that go into solving them Mysteries can be the hardest part for some and easy for others. It is just the way we look at them that can even stump the hard-core detectives. From the way they are designed to… Read more.

Townsmen VR – The Review

May 1, 2022 ·

If you were part of a settlement, do you know what everyone's job would be? How would one keep up with what needed to be built and where? Would there be someone to make the food? What about protection or even being there for religious beliefs? But what if the help you needed was right above you giving you guidance every step of the way? Being part of something new can be scary and interesting at the same time. So… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Go Toe To Toe?

April 27, 2022 ·

Sometimes in the Old West, differences will be made that will need to be settled. Sometimes it's words and other times its violence. But here in this town, we do things a little differently. Sure, there may still be words and a little violence, but we settle our disagreements with the code, honor, and games. Features include: Unique minigames set in various styles in which you can go toe to toe against others or challenge yourself. Single-player - Here you can test… Read more.

Into The Radius Wants To Take You On A Quest…

April 13, 2022 ·

Back in February 2020, we learned about the single-player survival shooter called Into the Radius. In the game, you are sent stalking through the surreal post-apocalyptic Pechorsk Radius Zone where physics-based interaction, realistic weapon handling, and a moody atmosphere where you get immersed in the adrenaline-pumping action as you try and survive. The game has been out for the Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store, Steam VR, and Viveport. In a recent tweet from the official account, it looks like… Read more.

When The Towns Need To Be Built, Not Any Normal Townsmen Will Do…

April 11, 2022 ·

I could tell that the people of these towns needed some help, some guidance to make sure their daily lives could be the most productive of them all. From the structures to the everyday tasks so that everyone has a purpose and there is a purpose for everyone. It may look like an easy task helping the fishermen fish, the food is cooked for the feast, and gardening that has to be done. But like everything that seems to be… Read more.

The Shore VR – The Review

April 10, 2022 ·

If you ended up on a mysterious island, how would you react? Do you think you could survive the elements from the weather to whatever may be on that island? Do you think you would ever find your way home? Hopefully, none of us will end up in some strange place trying to figure out these questions for ourselves, but it really is quite interesting how we think we would handle these types of situations. But does developer Ares Dragonis… Read more.

When Death Enters Your Mind, Will Even Your Sanity Be Able To Save You?

February 1, 2022 ·

Those flashing lights, the sound of the screams within those halls trapped within these walls as much as the smell of blood and death that came before it. But something about this place keeps me thinking about my life before. I don't remember what happened or why, but all that I know is the voices within my head are becoming more and more real. Almost as if death itself wants to play a game. But if we cannot kill what… Read more.

If You Are Going To Get Into A Drunkn Bar Fight, You Just May End Up At The Police Station…

January 27, 2022 ·

Isolation for many has turned out to be a good thing. Not having to deal with traffic or people can sometimes give you that peace of mind that you have always been thinking about. But for those that feel that they just need to go out and hit the local pup, they may have forgotten to act civilized when around others and well, become not so sober. And with that, may come the fights that could end you at the… Read more.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Relax And Get Connected?

January 15, 2022 ·

We are all busy with many things in life. Sometimes we wish things could be a little bit more simple, a little bit more time for ourselves, and a little bit of time to relax. But why do we have to wish, when we have the time to relax, to lose ourselves, and to connect is now? Features include: Color Connect - Lose yourself in space with over 50+ challenging puzzles, putting your gray matter to the test - Sit, Solve… Read more.

Windlands 2 – The Review

January 13, 2022 ·

There is something about being in Virtual Reality and doing different things. From the ability to walk, to jump, to even swing in different and unique ways. But to make those abilities work, there has to be some dedication and hard work put into it along with giving the player some fun. So does developer Psytec Games bring what was loved about the first Windlands and improve on it the ways we could have hoped for? Let's find out with… Read more.

When One Must Look Into Their Own Memories, Will One Find The Right Trail?

January 3, 2022 ·

We all have that one relative that we find inspiring even without knowing all that we could. Mine was my uncle. I was younger. And I will never forget all the times of his mysterious ways and sneaking out at night when I was asleep. But it's when I saw him keep coming back, looking all tired, and then seeing him at his typewriter that made me more and more curious. But now, after the news that I received, my… Read more.

On The Battlefield, There Is No Time For Panic…

December 28, 2021 ·

To some, the battlefield just seems as empty as can be. For me, I see what could be. But there are others who wish to make this their field and think that it's their time to conquer. But they are wrong. It's not their time, it's our time to protect this field...this land. We tried to reason with them, but they want to play on a different level...on a different playing field. What they don't know is in order to… Read more.

When The Stakes Are Stacked Against You, Do You Have What It Takes To Survive It All?

December 23, 2021 ·

When I signed up to become the newest member of the Order-Of-Objectivity, OOO for short, many have said that they were the most feared, the mightiest of them all. I thought I had everything planned out. Was that ever a rookie recruit mistake. But this mission to find this agent named Cyanha has us going to the Twin planet system. They paired me up with this pilot named Lucia and together we will have to face the unknown. The readings… Read more.

Paranormal Detective: Escape From The 80’s – The Review

December 21, 2021 ·

If you were a detective, what do you think are some of the more interesting cases you come across? Maybe it would be a crime scene that would relate to a famous person or possibly a mystery out in the middle of know where trying to find an answer. Detective work can be quite challenging, but sometimes it's just a matter of knowing where to look and having that special feeling. But does the develepor, LunaBeat Games show us what… Read more.

Walkabout Mini Golf Welcomes You Shangri-La…

December 21, 2021 ·

Playing the courses of the Walkabout can be tough and challenging. Sometimes the downright feeling of uncertainty as you try to put your way into that top spot. But no matter the courses you played on or the Northern Lights you played under, it was all test to get you to Shagri-La and experience the beauty of the ancient Tibetan way. Features include: Achieve pure putting perfection surrounded by calming temples, clouds, and the snowy peaks of the Himalayan mountainsMeditate… Read more.

Windlands 2 – The Interview

November 30, 2021 ·

When you are able to explore in a game, finding hidden things is part of the fun, but when you can soar through the world, seeing everything from a different view can add a new appreciation to things. Sometimes it's just seeing how big everything is to just see the overall beauty that can be presented. But when Psytec Games made a sequel to Windlands, I wanted to know more. So I reached out and the CEO of Psytec Games,… Read more.

Sometimes The World Around Us Just Needs Some Baby Hands To Play With It…

November 10, 2021 ·

The world is a big place, but to a baby, the living quarters alone can seem like a playground just waiting to be explored. Sometimes the littlest of things can become a different world for the imagination. The toys can come to life, objects that might be one out in the open can be lost and become hidden just waiting for you to discover them, and then sometimes, you might be left alone to defend yourself in different ways. In… Read more.

Swordsman Wants To Take You On A Quest…

October 9, 2021 ·

Those that have played the physics-based game, Swordsman, already know that you can fight with swords, fight pirates, have hand-to-hand combat, and even allow you to make your best doomfist. But it now it looks like you will be able to do this without any restrictions of cables and in your own play area from a gym to your backyard to even on an actual pirate ship (if you can actually find one) as it looks like Swordsman is coming… Read more.

Can You Escape From The 80’s?

September 29, 2021 ·

They say I know how to solve a case. I can look at any clue and figure out what happened. I am not the normal detective people think but I specialize in unusual cases. And I think I just found the case of the century. It turns out that back in 1987, one Corey Savage disappeared never to be heard from again. But there are some clues that may be able to solve this case. Corey's parents asked me to… Read more.

It’s Time For You To Be Free To Express Yourself…

September 7, 2021 ·

Sometimes it's hard to express how you are truly feeling. Maybe you do it through art, culture, or even music. You just want to be able to show not only those around you, but the world what motivates you, what inspires you, and more importantly, who you are. You just need a platform for anybody from around the world to see. What if you could see the work...the creativity of others that may inspire you that could inspire others? Wouldn't… Read more.

It’s Time For Someone To Rest In Pieces…

August 21, 2021 ·

The world and everything around you at a time was intact. But now, everything you thought you knew no longer exists. Humanity had a place on Earth, but that was until the undead and the demons started to take over. Now, in order to survive, we all had to go below. But we do not belong here. A team was formed to take back what is ours. We formed this project in order to reclaim the Earth from them. It's… Read more.

Rhythm ‘n Bullets – The Review

August 17, 2021 ·

Rhythm, racing, and infusion. Three words can mean a lot of things to many people. Some could think of the speed as you race with some adrenaline of the music. Others might think of a combination of sorts that is all mixed in different ways. But if you were to add a pair of starfighters to the mix, what would be your thoughts then be about space or another world? If you thought about any of this, you would not… Read more.

Can You Escape The KRAMPUS KILLER?

August 15, 2021 ·

I am not sure where I am...why I am here. But the stories are true. He got me and now I have to get out of here. I have to escape as my life depends on it. This cabin holds the clues to my escape, but these riddles are not from a sane mind, but that of a killer. I am not sure why or what games this freak is trying to play. But in order to beat the criminal,… Read more.

Rythm ‘n Bullets – The Interview

August 12, 2021 ·

If you could travel across a virtual zone in a pair of starfighters to defend the core from doom, how well do you think you could protect it? Do you think you could go in without a second thought, without any hesitation to save the day or would you go with a more strategic approach? How well do you think your reflexes would be with bullets flying at you from different directions? To me, I would need to be in… Read more.

Swordsman Wants You To Make Your Best Doomfist…

August 9, 2021 ·

The world of Swordsman has come in many forms from Pirates to even Hand-to-Hand combat. We have seen weapons from swords to holding enemies by the throat to even a mace. But thanks to the newest form, get ready to invoke the power of your punch and send these enemies to the moon. Well, not really the moon, just more like further away from you, but in a more fun and satisfying way. With this new modifier, your punches are… Read more.

When One Dives Deep Enough, What Will One Find Out About Themselves?

July 28, 2021 ·

I knew somehow we would meet again Q. Somehow back here in this place where we know it all too well. But I haven't stopped remembering about my time...our time here. I know what happened last time was a failure of sorts, but that doesn't mean we cannot try to fix it. This place is full of mystery, but I know if we work together anything is possible. But I feel that there may be something that is being hidden… Read more.

STRIDE Is Ready To Take You On A Quest With A Bonus Winning…

July 24, 2021 ·

You want that parkour action. You need to feel the wind in your face as you race across buildings as the fusing between parkour and combat comes together. But it's not just across rooftops, you will need to vault through those windows. use those cables to slide, swing from hooks like never before, and all this without the limitations of your creativity, attentiveness, and reactive skills. And now it looks like all the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 players are about to… Read more.

Do You Have The Rhythm For These Bullets?

July 21, 2021 ·

What happens when enemies in space are coming at you from all sides? Do you try to hide, call for backup, or do you shoot and fight? Chances are you are not going to back down when you have a pair of starfighters where you can shoot the enemies with your bullets in rhythm. But just firing at the enemies will not be enough, you will need to time your shots to the beat for the maximum effect in order… Read more.

Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual – The Review

July 13, 2021 ·

If there has been a duo that has been since the 80s that is still popular today, who do you think? Would it be someone from the music, the movies, or even a series? What about a duo that had the one-liners to make you crack a smile as you tried to solve whatever mysteries may come their way. I am talking none other than the Freelance Police duo of Sam & Max. But throughout their run either through comics,… Read more.

Sometimes Collaborations Can Bring Better Experiences…

July 10, 2021 ·

It's always good when you have one studio that has a great product and you have another studio that has a great product. Each with their own unique style added while each sharing the familiarity that so many people enjoy. Well, it looks like Odders Lab, the creators of OhShape and Kluge Interactive, the creators of Synth Riders have joined forces for the anniversary of their first collaboration to brings us the electronic sounds DLC of Caravan Palace. There will… Read more.

It’s Time To Hit That Homerun…

July 8, 2021 ·

It's Summertime and for a lot of people, that means a few things. No school, vacation, the pool, and Baseball. But sometimes the weather may make it too hot to run and hit, but you still want to play. So you have the option of going outside when it's 100+ degrees sweating before you even get up to plate and having to drink water every two minutes to stay dehydrated or stay inside where there is ac, shade, your favorite… Read more.

Sam & Max: This Time It’s Virtual – The Interview

July 4, 2021 ·

When you hear the word franchise what comes to mind? Maybe it's your favorite series, movies, games, or even books. Is it the characters, the world it portrays, or could it be the adventures it takes us on that make it the lasting impression that keeps us coming back for more? For me, it can be a variety of things from the characters making that special impact to the chemistry they have with each other. But it's when the franchise… Read more.

If You Were Involved, How Far Would You Be Willing To Go To Prevent The Outcome?

July 2, 2021 ·

I'm not sure how it happened, but something tells me this may have been no accident. But with the recent incidents of those who lost their lives, this just doesn't add up. Why me? What do I have to do with it all? That car accident could have been possibly planned. But ever since it did happen, that detective is asking more and more questions. Questions that I am not sure I have the answers for. I may not know… Read more.

It’s Time To Freestyle, Dance, & Ride Like There Is No Tomorrow…

June 30, 2021 ·

You hear the music and you start to move. The adrenaline starts to take over. Before you know it, you are moving like there is no tomorrow. But you will need to make sure your whole body is ready and in rhythm as this is not going to be some walk to the beat in the park type of movement. This is going to be the ride that you were not expecting, but the ride you have been waiting for.… Read more.

Swordsman Wants You To Get Your Hands Dirty…

June 28, 2021 ·

Fighting with all these weapons can be tough. In fact, for the amount of time you are holding the weapons, your hands can become stiff, form arthritis, and in this time, there are not too many doctors that would have the modern medicine to actually help you. That's why, thanks to the new update, you can get free your hands, use your hands, and throw with your hands. Who needs weapons when you can grab the enemy by the throat… Read more.

Sometimes It Takes A Partnership To Show The Importance…

June 16, 2021 ·

Back in December of 2020, ROTU Entertainment gave us a glimpse of IONIA and how change to not only the heart and soul can break and disturb the balance. We were introduced to Allegra who is out to help save The Harpa, the would of IONIA. We were introduced to this world full of magic, beauty, life, and the dangers that are set to make things once remembered, be lost. But sometimes it's the ones that we make a partnership… Read more.

When The Chase Is On, Will You Survive The Ride?

May 24, 2021 ·

When there is evil in the world who was to make sure you do not get away, what would you do? Stay or try to escape by any means necessary? That was my thought before I made the decision to escape. Luckily, there was a train nearby, but that evil corporation that I escaped from didn't really like that I escaped and are still chasing me without any signs of giving up. It seems that any enemy that they can… Read more.

Boxed In – The Review

May 22, 2021 ·

Do you ever think about games that you used to play when you were younger and how if given a chance to be reborn in a way for a new audience, how well they would do? What changes would you make to some of your favorites? Maybe adding an upgrade in the graphics or new sounds to bring a refreshing take on it would be ideal. Maybe add in a new control scheme that could actually make the gameplay better… Read more.

Maskmaker – The Review

May 12, 2021 ·

If you had a craft that was so special, that everyone wanted one of your masterpieces every time, what would you do to make each piece of art you created something special? Would you change the color, the shape, or even the materials used to make it? What if your craft was so special, it could teleport you to new places beyond your wildest dreams? How far would you be willing to continue with it? I think I would keep… Read more.

Are You Worthy Of Grand Sensei’s ‘Table of Trials’?

April 29, 2021 ·

Listen young apprentice. Your desire is great, your wisdom is strong, and your willingness to achieve greatness is unmatchable. But there are still lessons that one must learn if they are truly to become the legend. You are the chosen one and well, the three others that showed up as well. It will be up to all of you, well, hopefully you don't fall under the pressure to prove once and for all, that you are truly ready for my… Read more.

Swordsman – The Review

April 29, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live life in the Dark Ages, or possibly the life of a pirate? I am not talking so much about what you would be doing in those times or how you think your life would be much different without the distractions of things such as technology, climate change, or even the things that are in the news that we have today. I am talking about more of what it… Read more.

Will You Escape Or Be Boxed In?

April 28, 2021 ·

Puzzles don't seem to bother you. In fact, you thrive on them. No one has seen your puzzle skills and no one ever will witness the greatness that you are. But this is a new type of puzzle, a new way for you to add another notch in your belt, another way for you to escape...if you can. But in this puzzle room of colors, don't let the bright squares fool you as you will need to match three of… Read more.

Layers of Fear VR – The Interview

April 27, 2021 ·

When you step into Virtual Reality, what are some of your favorite places to go? Maybe it's a distant planet where you can be a hero, maybe it's a museum in a different country, or maybe it's getting closer to animals. All those are exceptional choices when you want to escape. But has your mind ever wandered into the screams and scares of horror? A genre that when combined with Virtual Reality, can take things to another level and playing… Read more.

Swordsman – The Interview

April 23, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about the simpler times in life? I mean the times where there is not the technology that we have today. Maybe it could be the Dark Ages as you go into battle with another with maybe nothing but a sword and shield in your hands with some armor on your body or maybe being a pirate as you fight other pirates on a ship with the waves crashing and hope you never have to go into… Read more.

Cosmodread – The Interview

April 13, 2021 ·

The words survival-horror alone can automatically bring some of the best memories from movies and games for many. Trying to survive with what you have while the horror seems to be closing in on what may be your last breath. It can be fun to watch on your favorite screen or even when playing your favorite character in a game. But the moment you step into the genre in VR, the fun can easily be twisted to take you on… Read more.

When One Enters The House Uninvited, One Will Get Slaughtered…

April 7, 2021 ·

The scrolls were right. An enemy will enter the house uninvited not for the sake of good, but for the intentions of evil. But he who has the patience to make the strike is one who has the will to train not only the heart but the mind as well. My training will not go unnoticed, it will have the honor and respect of the Samurai. For when the time comes, it will not be my blood that will cover… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Review

April 7, 2021 ·

There is something about our daily lives that just seem to be busy whether we would like it to be or not. Sometimes it is work, sometimes it is family, and sometimes it's the combination. Sometimes just trying to find some time for yourself and maybe some friends can be difficult when it really shouldn't be. We all try and find ways to deal with our schedules of life and sometimes we manage, but then there are days that we… Read more.

Swordsman Wants To Take You On A Pirate Adventure…

April 6, 2021 ·

So ye thought the story was over. Ye thought there was not another slash, another combat, another ounce of blood that needed to be dropped. Ye just might be three sheets to the wind on that one. Let me tell ye the tale of an adventure. One of a buccaneer, a true pirate. One that will comes straight from the depths of Davy Jones's locker. That ship is cursed with evil. The ocean will take its toll on all aboard… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Interview

April 5, 2021 ·

Think about space and how big it is. The stars, the planets, the different galaxies that are all up in space. If given the chance, would you go, would you live, would you party like it was nothing of the world that you knew? I know that many of us will not be going into space any time soon, it is still fun to think about. But what if we could go with others and just forget our troubles? So… Read more.

STRIDE For PlayStation VR Gets Delayed…

March 30, 2021 ·

I know, delays are no fun at all. But good things are still coming. It looks like an announcement by developer Joy Way explained that the intent was to release STRIDE in mid-Spring, but they want to work on improving the mechanics and redesigning the tutorial to make sure they provide the best content and that everyone has the best experience possible. https://twitter.com/JoyWayVR/status/1376651153027502080 https://twitter.com/JoyWayVR/status/1376651155766398978 So like they say, the wait will be rewarded. Plus, the Story Mode teasers alone should… Read more.

YUPITERGRAD – The PSVR Reinvigorate Edition Review

March 14, 2021 ·

Heading back into space as a comrade seemed like a compelling way to go back into this. As I reviewed YUPITERGRAD back on September 18, 2020, there was one thing I wanted more of, and that was more of it. The swinging action, as you had to at times, got things just right to make that jump to get to the next area, and the humor of everything just made it a great overall experience in Virtual Reality. So does… Read more.

Are You Ready To Direct The Rays?

March 7, 2021 ·

The world of humans is a puzzling one, but it's when evil confronts our existence that sometimes we will have to form a unity to destroy it. But there just might be a way to get rid of this evil, these devils of sorts to turn them into stone. We found that by using these tools of magic, we could actually use the light rays to turn them into stone. But it's not easy, as these rays need help with… Read more.

When The Strings Are Pulled, Will You Continue To Be The Puppet Or Become The Master?

March 6, 2021 ·

That voice. I can't see it, but I can hear him, one Dr. Finnegan who owns the estate. The one that conducts all the experiments. But something happened...something that I am not sure who I am supposed to help. I awoke in this body fit for a doll constrained to this wheel chair machine.But I don't think I am alone in this place...this abandoned place. I don't know how I got here, why I am here, or even who I… Read more.

Hyper Dash – The Interview

March 5, 2021 ·

There is something about entering an arena where it is you placed on a team with strangers that you don't even know each other's names, but yet work together for the common goal. It really shows you what the world should really be like. Maybe it's the ability to have that distance between each other, but yet have that common passion that brings us all together as we try to forget our daily lives just to embark on a wild… Read more.

STRIDE – The Review

February 24, 2021 ·

Parkour. The word alone brings the ability to move through complex environments to a new level. The way one moves while using what is all around you as almost like stepping stones with such speed and discipline really is amazing. The challenges that one would face not just physically, but mentally as well not only for themselves but for the feeling of being alive for some. But does developer Joy Way bring the idea, the concept of Parkour into Virtual… Read more.

Welcome To Hyper Dash…

February 23, 2021 ·

Our team has some missions. To secure the payload, control the point, and to dominate. But it seems that those who have been watching think they have what it takes to become the team. The ones that rule the arena, the ones who are on top of this mountain, and the ones who want to take us down. From what we can tell, they have a few tricks up their sleeves, but they are not ready, they are not prepared… Read more.

Are You Ready To Escape And Help Thaco?

February 21, 2021 ·

Being a genie can be tough especially when you are trapped for who knows how long and trying to figure out how to get out of whatever this place is. You know you can do so much more if you were not trapped inside and have your talents wasted. But in all the planning, in all the strategy, you can't leave, because trust me, I tried. But it wasn't until that day...that moment when great wizard, Thaco summoned me, a… Read more.

You Can Now Kiss Your PSVR Babushka Goodbye…

February 17, 2021 ·

It’s been in your blood to become part of the discovery…part of the team. Every day you hope for something new and refreshing. Something that hasn’t been so ordinary. You are a Slavic cosmonaut and this mission that you so gracefully signed up for as you thought you were so prepared for, has not gone as planned. The mission was to go to the Jupiter base and test a new device, launch it to hopefully produce the fuel needed and… Read more.

Stride – The Interview

February 11, 2021 ·

Virtual Reality can take us many places and allow us to do things that we normally would not even attempt in real life. Things such as flying a space ship, entering an alien world, being in a shark cage or even doing parkour on top of rooftops without any hesitation about our life being over if we were to miss that jump. Virtual Reality really is the dimension between worlds and realities. So when I heard that Developer Joy Way… Read more.

Are You Ready For Some Insanity And Try To Scoop Out The True Meaning?

February 6, 2021 ·

My life, at least to me, is filled with this vision of beauty. One that I have crafted to perfection some would say. My house here, the one that you are visiting has this sort of inspirational value to it. But you just might want to be careful where you point your camera as what you thought you were taking a picture of may not be the result you would have hoped for. Sure, others may know only part of… Read more.

How Far Can You Make It To Become The Best?

February 2, 2021 ·

There is just something about the speed of it all. This city...my city is just a playground of a metropolis. Here, I am free and nothing can stop me. I can roll with the best of them, swing like nothing else, and I am pretty handy with a weapon if I do say so myself. But, of course, there are those who want to stop me, but they can't catch me. But I have to keep moving, I have to… Read more.

FORM – The Review

January 30, 2021 ·

If you had the opportunity to work on something spectacular, would you continue with it no matter the costs? The long hours, the dedication, the missed moments of those precious relationships. But if it was all for the greater good, would you continue if you were so close to knowing the answer? It is something to think about if given the chance. But knowing the risks could have its greatest rewards. So does Developer Charm Games give us a chance… Read more.

It’s Time To Kiss Your Physical Babushka…

January 5, 2021 ·

The mission was supposed to be simple. All you gotta do comrade is go to Jupiter base, test the new device, launch the experiment to produce the fuel, and then return home. We are trying to get you home, but we need you to stay in that space station, use those grappling hooks with plungers, and swing your way to success. You won't be all alone, as you will have General Varnikov and the AI voice of Alsha to help… Read more.

Twilight Path – The Review

November 24, 2020 ·

When you think about life, what comes to mind? The story that is being told? The impact we make on others? What about the journey? When you really think about it, many people may have many ideas and beliefs on what they feel is the right one when it comes to this subject. For me, it's really about the path that we take that leads on that journey in a way that we impact others. It really can become this… Read more.

Ninja Legends – The Review

November 4, 2020 ·

Ninjas are perceived as mysterious, quick, agile, dedicated, and spiritual. They are part of an elite force that you may never see coming. But regardless of the movies, stories, or games, ninjas always have had this sense of focus that I have always admired and wondered if I had the training, what it would be like to unleash that ninja from within. So does Developer Coinflip Studios shows us what it's like to become a ninja when the action is… Read more.

OhShape – The Review

October 29, 2020 ·

Think about the rhythm genre for Virtual Reality. There is movement, there can be sweat, but there is one thing this genre has in common is exercise. The ability to move and position yourself in order to keep going for that high score or target those calories. It's something that I quite enjoy because it works extremely well in VR. But does Developer Odders bring the fun, fitness, and rhythm into an experience we should play? Let's find out with… Read more.

Your Babushka Is About To Get Attacked…

October 27, 2020 ·

With the release of Yupitergrad on Steam, the Oculus Store, and Viveport with some very positive reviews, it looks there are some great updates coming our way. For one, the Custom Controls Update. One thing that has been wanted was the ability to customize the controls, so the call has been answered that includes: Turn on smooth rotation and choose the speed of it;Turn off the rotation and play without it;Or play with classic snap rotation;Also for better gameplay customization, you can now calibrate… Read more.

Do You Have The Courage for This Ghost Hunt?

October 18, 2020 ·

The paranormal is an interesting by itself. The thought of ghosts and spirits haunting a place that they are tied to. Many will just mark it as crazy and they do not believe. But what if what you and your team knew all along and in fact, that they are real. But this is just not some friendly ghost(s) that you will encounter. This is something that maybe should have been left alone. Features include: Procedural Ghosts - Each game… Read more.

Budget Cuts – The Review

October 15, 2020 ·

Stealth can be a good thing or a bad thing in Virtual Reality depending on how you are at it. But have you ever thought when you were working at an office and just some of the people didn't sit well with you and how if given the only in a video game in VR type of opportunity, how you might plot your escape without being detected or maybe on a whim do what you could to make sure you… Read more.

Party Pumper – The Review

September 22, 2020 ·

One of the things that people like to do is listen to music. Sometimes it's when you are around friends or even strangers that you are in an environment such as a club or outside that the music starts to flow and before you know it, everyone, at least, for the most part, will start dancing and just enjoying themselves. And sometimes that energy can intensify if there is a D.J. and how good they may be. But does Developer… Read more.

Get Ready To Get Your Body Into Shape…

September 20, 2020 ·

It's been a crazy year and secretly you have been thinking that it might be time to not just sit and wonder, but to actually get up and move. But not just any movement, you want movement to music. You want to be able to move through, punch or dodge walls following the beat of the music. You don't have to wonder no longer, so get ready to get into shape...OhShape. Features include: 2 awesome environments.27 handcrafted maps with 4… Read more.

Coaster – The Review

September 18, 2020 ·

Rollercoasters are some of the best times when going to theme parks. We all have our favorite be that they are themed after a particular movie or superhero or just the design of the track along with the thrill of the ride. Sometimes we just want to escape for a few without the lines and the crowds and just go on the ride. But does Developer Monster Paw allow us that front row seat? Let's find out with Coaster for… Read more.


September 18, 2020 ·

If you had the job of a cosmonaut that had a mission, what would be one of the first things you would do? Would you take selfies in your suit? Would you try to do some flips in zero gravity? Would you communicate back home in a humorous way? All those are very valid and admirable choices in their own right. But what if you could be a swinging cosmonaut on another planet? You may start to think of new… Read more.

Yupitergrad – The Interview

September 16, 2020 ·

One of the things that keep on surprising me within Virtual Reality is movement. You can drive or fly a ship and go as fast as possible. You can walk or run and you can even swing based on the mechanics of the experience. But when I heard that Gamedust was making a game where you have grappling hooks that you can swing around along with acrobatics along with solving puzzles with humor, I was intrigued. I had to know… Read more.

Starblazer Is Going To New Platforms In The Universe…

September 8, 2020 ·

You know you have what it takes, you know that no matter what, no one can build a better fleet than you. That is, until more players to to build theirs in this universe to challenge you for what you worked so hard for. Now, it's going to be up to you to craft that perfect fleet, select your favorite ships, and surprise them with the unique combinations they were not expecting. Features include: 5 unique competitive maps – Saffron,… Read more.

Virus Popper – The Review

September 8, 2020 ·

Ever since the early part of 2020, the world has been a crazy place with COVID 19. From schools for the most part going to virtual, to even lockdowns, to more and more people working from home, a virus has taken over in ways that we have not seen or been a witness to in our lifetime. So does Developer Starcade Arcade give you the opportunity to learn about hygiene so you can attack the virus head-on and pop it… Read more.

It’s Time For PANGMAN…

August 27, 2020 ·

What is normally a normal day on the planet, things can change. And when that change is caused by alien spheres invading the planet. But there is hope in the Buster siblings. They are close and they are the only ones that can stand to help protect our planet. Inside a VR classic arcade game experience, you will need to burst as many spheres as possible by using your guns. Features include: FUN: Exploding spheres shooting your gun and your… Read more.

Kiss Your Babushka Goodbye…

August 24, 2020 ·

It's been in your blood to become part of the discovery...part of the team. Every day you hope for something new and refreshing. Something that hasn't been so ordinary. You are a Slavic cosmonaut and this mission that you so gracefully signed up for as you thought you were so prepared for, has not gone as planned. The mission was to go to the Jupiter base and test a new device, launch it to hopefully produce the fuel needed and… Read more.

It’s Time To Shooty That Fruity Quest Style…

August 24, 2020 ·

Your dream job of working at the grocery job was everything you wanted it to be. You get to pack and serve all the glorious produce without missing a beat...except for the mutant fruit that wants to end your dreams. Features include: Now Hiring! Join Our Multiskilled Workforce - Work through a career of different scenarios and challenges whilst fending off an orgy of deliciously murderous fruit.   No task is too dangerous for a minimum wage warrior, including scanning produce… Read more.

Can You Get This Party Started?

August 23, 2020 ·

You have always wanted to be the one that controls the music. To get everybody moving and to have the dreams that the party would never end. It's going to be up to you to use the vibrations of the music and to combine the dance movements to entertain your audience to get your Party Rock on. Features include: Intuitive and captivating multitasker gameplay - it’s not only about rhythm but also about fast and smart combinations of actions.New track… Read more.

Spuds Unearthed – The Review

August 22, 2020 ·

Think about your childhood and the way your imagination ran as you tried to be creative. Some used the green army men or maybe even had action figures you would use while using the outside or inside as the battlefield. But I remember getting creative and using like soup cans with some paper and colored on the faces or even boxes of pasta that when combined with twigs as arms, became giants that I was sure would be to my… Read more.

Down the Rabbit Hole – The Review

June 14, 2020 ·

There are many stories and fairy tales that have been told. But one that might be very well recognized is Alice in Wonderland. I remember seeing both the Disney animated version as well as the live-action version and thinking the same thing in that there has to be more to this world. A world that is full of fascinating characters each with their personalities that seemed to match the craziness of Wonderland. But does Developer Cortopia Studios give us a… Read more.

GORN – The Review

June 13, 2020 ·

Think about some of the best fighting movies that you have seen or stories you have heard about or read. More importantly, the gladiator genre. Of course, you have tales like David and Goliath and movies like Gladiator, Spartacus, and even Thor: Ragnarok, but have you ever thought about actually being in that moment and thinking about how you would handle the situation? Would you know defeat or would you be victorious? Just by thinking about these questions, you escaped… Read more.

Final Assault – The Review

June 9, 2020 ·

For some, some of the best childhood memories is playing with G.I. Joe, Transformers, or even a combination of anything and everything that you could get a hold of with your friends and just let the imagination of the battle while outside and just having a blast. Bringing vehicles to the mix was an added bonus to the fun that everyone was having. It's that type of simple fun that brought a lot of smiles to many children's faces. But… Read more.

Virus Popper – The Interview

April 29, 2020 ·

When you look at the world that we are in right now with the pandemic going on and having to stay inside with a majority of things around us closed, what do you start to think about? When will it end? When will there be a vaccine for the virus? Maybe even the thought has crossed your mind if you could only destroy something that you can't see? Those are all very good questions and I am sure there are… Read more.

Down The Rabbit Hole Releases For PlayStation VR On…

April 28, 2020 ·

After a release that was supposed to have Down the Rabbit Hole release around the same time for PCVR, the PlayStation VR version was tentatively scheduled for early April. With everything that has happened, it looks like some good news for the prequel to Lewis Carroll's classic Alice in Wonderland. Get ready to go Down the Rabbit Hole when it releases on May 1, 2020, for PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift/S on the Oculus Store, Steam,… Read more.

It’s Time To Pop This Virus…

April 12, 2020 ·

I know this is a crazy time we are in. The world seems like it is upside down with the Virus outbreak making us all pretty much staying at home. But I get it. Some of you may feel angry, some may feel a bit unsure of what else you can do besides what is being told, and some wish you could pop that virus out of existence. But what if you could take what you were being told, take… Read more.

If You Could Change A Relationship Gone Wrong, Would You?

April 9, 2020 ·

Imagine a time when you and another family member had a close relationship. That family member could be a brother, sister or even a cousin. But what if that close relationship changed at some point in time? A change that set the tone for the future. A future that when you think about it, you wished you could change to correct. Waking up alone in the storeroom, you find that the mansion you have been living with your father and… Read more.

When War Happens, Will You Be The Reason or Will You Be The Hero?

April 3, 2020 ·

Imagine at the time when hope seems to be lost, war is still strong. But you don't have to sit around and wait for it to end, you could be the one that ends it. But the choices will need to be the right ones when the pressure is on. It will take someone with a heart, someone will the mindset, and someone that can find it in themselves to be the hero we all need. Features include: Cross-Platform Support-… Read more.

When You Don’t Know Who You Are, Can You Find It Within To Shine When Needed?

March 31, 2020 ·

What would you do if you woke to no memories? What if the place you awoke from had some secrets of using biochemicals? Imagine being in another body with no idea where these things were made. Of course, with all experiments, everything runs smoothly with no problems, right? Is this why you are here...to correct the mistakes that were made? Features include: Story Mode - Find the answers to the questions in this immersive Sci-Fi adventure.Swarm Mode - Stop the… Read more.

It’s Time For For More Of Your Grandfather’s Guns’n’Stories, Quest Edition…

March 30, 2020 ·

The stories that Grandfather tells are very good ones. Sometimes, he may go on and on, but that can be part of the fun. His stories of bandits are ones where you can sit around and get lost in. But what happens in these stories will take you on adventure that will have fight with some big bosses as you will use both of your hands to shoot and use various covers in hopes that the tales can be heard… Read more.

Budget Cuts Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 23, 2020 ·

Back in January of 2019, when news about Budget Cuts coming to PlayStation VR and that one day we would get to dodge and attack as we try to sneak through the offices of TransCorp. Well, it looks like our time to deal with the evil situation by any means necessary is one step closer in both digital and physical editions. Features include: Unleash your inner office spy ninja skills Thrilling, oil-splatter filled close quarter combat Dexterously zip, sneak or… Read more.

Down The Rabbit Hole For PlayStation VR Gets Delayed Until…

March 21, 2020 ·

On March 26, 2020, it was going to be a day for fans not only of wonder and exploration but those intrigued of a prequel to Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice in Wonderland. Down the Rabbit Hole would be releasing for both PlayStation VR and PCVR. It now seems that the PlayStation VR version will have to wait just a little bit longer as it is now scheduled to come out in early April. A little disappointing for some giving what… Read more.

Down The Rabbit Hole – The Interview

March 17, 2020 ·

Do you ever read a story or see a movie and thought about how great it would be to enter that land and meet your favorite characters? Maybe you wanted to venture out more than what the story actually told or possibly wonder what it must have been like to visit that place and see what things were like before the hero of the story was introduced. Thoughts like this always make me think about the what-if possibility of the… Read more.

Gun Club VR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

Have you been hoping that your physical PlayStation VR collection could grow? Have you wished for Gun Club VR to be on that list? Well, your wish is about to come true as you are about to get a little more physical as you take to some of the interactive ranges with some of the most powerful weaponry in your hands. Get ready to upgrade and customize as you these targets will fire back. Features include: STRIKING REALISM - Highly… Read more.

RUSH VR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

For those that love the thrill of the wind in your face as you race down mountainsides at speeds that normally you may not even attempt in reality as you try to make it through canyons as you lookback only to see you misjudged that move and see your friends race towards the finish line, it seems things are about to get a little more physical. Features include: Epic Multiplayer Jumps - Challenge up to seven friends online or get… Read more.

Down The Rabbit Hole Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

For those that have been waiting to experience Wonderland before what you know of Alice. Down the Rabbit Hole has you playing as a girl who lost her pet Patches and happens to wander into Wonderland. But not know what twists and turns to expect. The good news is that with the publishing power of Perp Games along with Developer Cortopia Stuidos, there is going to be a physical release that will be released. Features include: Multiple Playable CharactersRich 360°… Read more.

If The Mind Holds The Key To An Impossible Place, Would You Enter Or Would You Stay Trapped Within?

March 11, 2020 ·

What if a trauma had such an impact that your mind hid what it needed to in order to protect you? Would you let time pass by wondering and passing it off as nothing or would you dive deeper into the cause? Playing as one gifted Dr. Deven Eli, you are on a brink of uncovering the meaning behind the mysterious signal coming from a secret artifact called The Obelisk. But your gift is not what you may expect as… Read more.

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