Tag: Violent

When The Undead Rise, How Will You Handle Them?

May 13, 2023 ·

I'm not sure why I was trained for this. But something led me through all those trials and errors to prepare me for this day. The grounds are broken as if it went into war. Whatever did this is not of the living, but of the undead. No matter how hard I strike, no matter how hard I defend, they just keep coming and all I can do is keep trying no matter the blood that spills. I was chosen… Read more.

It’s Time To Take A Stand…

September 21, 2022 ·

Back in 2020, we heard about RU77 and the dynamic VR arena shooter that is filled with violence, brutality, and stimulants sent in various arenas in a post-Soviet cyberpunk setting. Well, it looks like a change has been made along with some look at some of the enemies and other parts of the game to look forward to. The premise sounds simple, the city of M is part of the territory of the Federation. The country is still reeling from… Read more.

It’s Time For Someone To Rest In Pieces…

August 21, 2021 ·

The world and everything around you at a time was intact. But now, everything you thought you knew no longer exists. Humanity had a place on Earth, but that was until the undead and the demons started to take over. Now, in order to survive, we all had to go below. But we do not belong here. A team was formed to take back what is ours. We formed this project in order to reclaim the Earth from them. It's… Read more.

Swordsman Wants You To Get Your Hands Dirty…

June 28, 2021 ·

Fighting with all these weapons can be tough. In fact, for the amount of time you are holding the weapons, your hands can become stiff, form arthritis, and in this time, there are not too many doctors that would have the modern medicine to actually help you. That's why, thanks to the new update, you can get free your hands, use your hands, and throw with your hands. Who needs weapons when you can grab the enemy by the throat… Read more.

Swordsman – The Review

April 29, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live life in the Dark Ages, or possibly the life of a pirate? I am not talking so much about what you would be doing in those times or how you think your life would be much different without the distractions of things such as technology, climate change, or even the things that are in the news that we have today. I am talking about more of what it… Read more.

Swordsman – The Interview

April 23, 2021 ·

Have you ever thought about the simpler times in life? I mean the times where there is not the technology that we have today. Maybe it could be the Dark Ages as you go into battle with another with maybe nothing but a sword and shield in your hands with some armor on your body or maybe being a pirate as you fight other pirates on a ship with the waves crashing and hope you never have to go into… Read more.

Swordsman Wants To Take You On A Pirate Adventure…

April 6, 2021 ·

So ye thought the story was over. Ye thought there was not another slash, another combat, another ounce of blood that needed to be dropped. Ye just might be three sheets to the wind on that one. Let me tell ye the tale of an adventure. One of a buccaneer, a true pirate. One that will comes straight from the depths of Davy Jones's locker. That ship is cursed with evil. The ocean will take its toll on all aboard… Read more.

If You Do The Crime, You Will Do The Time…

November 7, 2020 ·

Prison life can be rough. Maybe it was your fault or maybe you were framed. Maybe that life choice of becoming a thief and terrorizing neighborhoods may have not been the smartest thing you have ever done. But now matter the reasoning behind the though, if you do the crime you will do the time. Features include: How to live - Balance between tasks for the prison management, and small requests from convicts to maintain the relationship between the two… Read more.

Ninja Legends Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

October 29, 2020 ·

You have a lot to prove with your skills. You may have not asked for this way of life with all the dangers that come with it, but it's in your soul and in your blood. You must not be afraid and clear your mind before the strikes. Accuracy is a must and fail is not an option as timing is the key. Features include: An Arsenal Of Weapons - Fight with everything from katanas to bows with each weapon… Read more.

A-Tech Cybernetic – The Review

May 7, 2020 ·

Think about the future for a moment. No, I am not talking about 5-10 years from now, I am talking about centuries. How do you imagine the world will be then? Would the world be full of machines and humans be the ones who are the minorities? How about a place that is unlivable and maybe humanity is somewhere else? In fact, is it possible that there would even be a world then or at least what we think of… Read more.

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