Vacation Simulator – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Vacation. It’s something everyone thinks about no matter the time of the year. From all the hard work that you do throughout the year, isn’t it nice just to take a minute or two and imagine being on vacation? Thing is, that imagination gets interrupted by your job and whatever else life wants to throw at you. But wouldn’t it be nice to actually go on vacation whenever you wanted? Well, it appears that Developer Owlchemy Labs has an unexpired ticket any time you want to go on vacation. Let’s find out more with Vacation Simulator for the PlayStation VR.

Make sure you plan ahead before vacationing and make sure those Move controllers are fully charged and because of your relaxing time, I will not spoil those magical memories that you may encounter. So with that being said, let’s continue.

Before deciding to vacation, it’s good for one to be the best you that you can be. So as I was welcomed into my vacation suite, I was given some time to make me be the best me. This is where you will get to customize how you look. From hair to skin tone to glasses, it’s all up to you. I decided to go with Christmas colors, because why not? And as you would expect, almost everything in Vacation Simulator is interactive. It’s just up to you to explore and see what happens. Just remember, in order to get a bot’s attention, you just need to wave. I mean you are on vacation any anger issues or emotional outbursts that you wish you could have, just really let it go as you are on vacation and this is your time.

Now, you have a choice to make as you can stay inside your suite and enjoy the luxury of the mini-fridge items, make some drinks, get on the computer, watch some T.V., play some video games or even sleep. It’s your vacation and you can do what you want to…

Or you can get out and truly vacation. Once you step out of the indoors, you have one of three choices to make. Do you want to go to the Beach, the Forrest or do you want a wintry Mountain vacation?

But before you can actually get into any of these or other parts of Vacation Island, you will need to collect memories in order to gain access as well as other parts of the island. So how do you gain these memories? Well, by doing vacation tasks. These can include cooking food and serving them to other bots, collecting photos of certain objects, building things, and…you didn’t really expect me to tell you everything now, did you? This is for you to find out and have fun with.

The graphics are very clear, colorful, and pop. At no time did I ever have any trouble making anything out and with each of the many things to interact with has great detail that you can tell Owlchemy Labs spent a lot of time on. Each part of the island makes you feel like it’s separated and its own part whether it’s playing in the snow on the mountain while drinking a hot drink that has steam coming out of it from the cold to eating a cold Popsicle on the beach under the hot sun. The music and sound effects are really good here that shows the amount of dedication that went into it to compliment the visuals. When you put food on the grill and hear it sizzling or hearing the fish jump out of the water sounds like it should and allows you to stay in the immersion.

If there is anything I would love to have more of and that’s more of Vacation Island as we have the Beach, The Forest, and the Mountain to explore. What if there was a Tourist Vacation where you went around the local town and taking pictures or visiting a theme park? It could be fun, but who knows, this is Virtual Reality and anything is possible.

Sometimes it’s nice to escape, but sometimes we need an escape from the escape and Vacation Simulator is the vacation escape we deserve to go on.

Vacation Simulator is out now on PlayStation VR and is also available on the Oculus Store, and Steam. A review code was provided.

To learn more about Owlchemy Labs, please visit their sitelike them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, follow them on Instagram, join their Discord, and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

In case you missed the trailer, please enjoy. Until next time, I am going to see what other things I can discover and explore.

Mr. PSVR, June 29, 2019,
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