Think about a time when you bought your car. You had to go to the dealership and spend hours that ultimately could be an all-day experience from the time you step foot at the dealership until you leave with your vehicle. But what if you were not really sure what kind of vehicle you wanted or the one you really did want, the dealership did not have the color you wanted or the features you wanted? Would you just take the next closest thing or what if you could be able to test drive with everything you wanted all through Virtual Reality?
Some automakers have already embraced Virtual Reality, while others are jumping on board. Porsche for example, allows customers to come to a local Porsche dealership and experience the Taycan Virtual Experience that allows potential buyers new vehicles not yet available with different colors to even how the air will be circulated all with the help of Virtual Reality.
Even Jaguar Land Rover back in 2016 started playing with the idea of using Virtual Reality that would allow consumers to see the virtual vehicle that they want to purchase. This gives really a chance for the automakers and sales reps to see what consumers are wanting as well as consumers letting the sales reps and ultimately the automakers what is wanted.
It just shows the power of Virtual Reality can be with a consumer giving the options that could be available from purchasing a vehicle to even a house.