Danger doesn’t even explain what is going on out there. The last we heard, there were enemies so vicious, that they will attack anything that moves. From Aliens to spiders, this job will not be for the faint of heart. In fact, most people that sign up, bail just from the welcome to the team video starts to play. But no one said that these missions were going to be easy. They are going to be dangerous, but that’s why you signed up right? No, these missions will take someone special to be part of the team, to be part of the force that will end whatever they face. This is a job for the Shock Troops!!!

Features include:
- Sci-fi shooter
- Various weapons and enemies
- Levels of carnage to try and master
- Retro visuals and sounds

Will you be able to handle the carnage? Will the action get you killed? Are you ready to be part of the team and win this? Find out when Star Troops comes to the Quest platform in 2022.
Until then…please enjoy…