Tag: Science Fiction

Can You Survive The Fight Or Will You Be Corrupted By The End Of It All?

January 15, 2025 ·

"We were aware of the site, but the directive was clear: non-interference. The place was dubbed 'the black site,' a realm where experiments were conducted without regard for the subjects. They dismissed the warnings, and now those neglected words have returned to haunt them. I hold the key to ending this nightmare and exposing their true nature and heinous deeds. Yet, rescuing those left to fend for themselves won't be a straightforward operation. This mission demands not only skill and… Read more.

Hubris Has Gotten A Little More Physical…

March 25, 2024 ·

It was back in 2021 when we learned that the journey and experience would redefine what we thought was possible. The game in question is Hubris, and it's a game where you take on the mantle of an unseasoned recruit with the task of finding a high-profile agent who went missing on a strange and highly inhospitable, alien planet. The team initially planned the game for PlayStation VR, but they decided to wait until PlayStation VR2 became more of a… Read more.

The Journey On The Way Home Finally Becomes A Reality On…

January 15, 2024 ·

The journey to get back home has been a long and strange one. Full of mysteries and aliens of an alternate universe. The secrets that are kept of the Quantum Reactor. The things that I have seen that could not be explained. The source of life that is to be drained of existence must not take place. If only one could trust, the question becomes who can I trust as I try to get back home? It may not be… Read more.

Journey to Foundation – The Review

December 31, 2023 ·

If you were part of something that could save humanity, how far would you push yourself and those around you? Would the choices you make, be the ones that could end up harming the chances more than helping them? If it came down to it, would you be able to make every single choice without hesitation or would you have to stop and think about it for a moment? It's quite interesting when you think about it and how we,… Read more.

Vertigo 2 Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

October 7, 2023 ·

I have heard the tales throughout my life and even wondered what else could be out there myself. But ever since reaching the Quantum Reactor VII and waking, things were not the same. I knew there were aliens, but I never expected to be one of them. I am not sure who to trust anymore. All I know is I have to finish my journey and make it home. Features include: Huge, bespoke world design – An incredible range of… Read more.

Dead Hook – The Review

July 16, 2023 ·

Imagine going to a planet where uncertainty is the only thing guaranteed to be certain. How would you prepare for it? Would you train for all possible possibilities, or would you take what you already know and embrace it to the fullest? Or maybe, you would try and wing it and hope for the best. When I think about it, I believe most would try to prepare as much as possible. But being a planet, hopefully, we each would have… Read more.

When You Are Backed Into A Corner, Will You Stay And Hide Or Let The Storm Of Bullets Rain Down Upon Them All?

July 8, 2023 ·

The mission was straightforward, well, until the crash. But something or someone had other plans to get rid of us. But it didn't work. This planet is not a friendly one. What seems like an abandoned one is far from it. But I must do what I can, but if it comes down to it either saving my crew or facing the betrayal, this bullet storm is not going to end well. Features include: Fight everything from crazy raiders to… Read more.

Red Matter 2 – The Review

July 7, 2023 ·

If you received a distress signal, would you answer it? Would you do whatever you could to try and answer the call if it was someone you knew, or would you not even bother with it? What if, by answering that call, you could stop whatever was about to happen? It's interesting to think about what could be at the other end or who or what may have sent it. But does the developer, Vertical Robot, improve on what has… Read more.

Would You End The Hallucinations, Even If The Truth Is Revealed About The Ones You Care About The Most?

July 1, 2023 ·

There was a time when I thought that the ones that meant the most to us would be safe within Astrum Close. But what I saw, what I was meant to see is becoming this hallucination within my own mind. If crime doesn't exist here, then why did it happen to Dr. Albert? I have the ability to rewind time and find out the answers. I have the ability to stop things from happening. But is something or someone not… Read more.

If One Jumps Through Time, Will One Still Be Left Wandering?

June 18, 2023 ·

Imagine the state of space and time as we know it. We are here in the now. We can remember things of the past and dream about how our future can be. But what if you could travel through that time and space, escaping the reality that you know, but became trapped in the reality that was not yours? How would you handle where you leaped and what dangers could be had from those that you meet? Could you correct… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 2 – The Eleventh Hour – The Review

June 17, 2023 ·

What happens when there is a conflict between what you are supposed to do and what needs to be done? Would you try to do the right thing knowing that there could be consequences or would you do what was in your heart knowing the results would affect the lives of the ones that you cared about most? The mystery of the situation is a conflicting one, but yet, a challenging one no matter the choices you make. But does… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 1 – The Review

June 17, 2023 ·

Imagine a city that could help prevent violence and crime with the help of dreams. But as you are able to see those dreams of our past memories open through the doors of those dreams. But what if, something within the city did not go how it was supposed to and something horrible was committed, would it be left alone and unsolved or could it be stopped so it could end? When you think about all the possibilities, how many… Read more.

When The Power Of The Mind Is Unleashed, How Deadly Will It Become?

May 28, 2023 ·

We knew the power was great, but it was never supposed to be at this level. When I signed up, I knew I needed to be something...to do something with a purpose. But there is something about being chosen that has its limitations when you will have to adapt past those limitations and become something more than you thought possible. I was told that the target was one of our own, but never expected it to be the Colonel. But… Read more.

Red Matter 2 Wants You To Check The Signal On PlayStation VR2…

May 6, 2023 ·

The distress signal was from Strelka N3 and was supposed to be for the help of my crewmate, but it turned out to be so much more. Something is not right. For every question I get answered, there becomes more questions as I go on. There wasn't supposed to be anything or anyone in that sector, but whatever it is, I know I cannot rush this. But the answers must be found, I have to find my crewmate and stop… Read more.

The Adventure of Hubris Lands On PlayStation VR2…

May 1, 2023 ·

Towards the end of 2021, we heard about the action-adventure game set in a unique colorful Sci-Fi universe known as Hubris was on its way to the PCVR. In the game, you take the role of a recruit in training to become an agent of the mighty and feared Order-Of-Objectivity, also known as the ‘OOO’. Together with the pilot Lucia, you are sent to the planetoid belt of the Twin Planetary System, to search for the mysterious agent Cyanha. But… Read more.

Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge – Enhanced Edition – The Review

April 23, 2023 ·

You know the characters; you know the movies, the shows, the books, and even the sounds of Star Wars. There is something so iconic about the music and the characters. We all have our favorites and even some friendly conversations about some characters and who shot first. But we have all thought about what it would be like to be in a galaxy far, far away. But the question is, if you were able to be in that galaxy, what… Read more.

Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate Is About To Be A Little More Physical…

April 1, 2023 ·

Back in January, we learned that the anime-style science fiction crime investigation called Dyschronia: Chronos Alternate was coming to PlayStation VR2. This series, which will be a three-part series have you playing Special Supervisor, Hal Scion as you try to figure out the mystery against the city. Episode II brings those twists and turns as you receive the answers you are looking for, but also, poses new questions in return. But as the digital version has already been released on… Read more.

Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge – Enhanced Edition – The Interview

March 20, 2023 ·

Star Wars is something we all know. We all have our favorite characters from either the Rebel Alliance or the Galatic Empire. We have our favorite scenes from the movies, our favorite stories from the books, to even the different games that we have played. But thanks to Virtual Reality, we were able to see these characters and locations come alive like never before. It has allowed us to be part of the Star Wars universe in ways we never… Read more.

The Last Clockwinder – The Review

March 12, 2023 ·

If there was an object that was part of your past that was broken, would you want to try to repair it or just forget about it? What if that object would be a part of your future more than you realized, would you make the attempt or just let the opportunity slip by? It's hard for us to know how important something may be or what part it will play in our lives until it's too late. But does… Read more.

When The Journey Comes To A Crossroads, How Will Your Path Be Forged?

February 27, 2023 ·

When a plan is made is everything followed along the path or does one go off the path in order to complete it? That's what I keep thinking with every moment. I was sent in to infiltrate those deserters. But it was not until I realized that I could continue and allow for the war that was about to come or save humanity as we know it. Not everyone is going to like the choices that are made, but sometimes… Read more.

Per Aspera VR – The Review

February 25, 2023 ·

If you had the opportunity to terraform Mars, would you do it? Would you be willing to take on all the dangers in order to help find humanity a new home? If the chance came along, I honestly think I would take it. From researching to exploration. Life on another planet has both its pros and cons, but for humanity, the pros outweigh the cons. But do developer Tlön Industries and publisher Raw Fury bring the strategy and story to… Read more.

When Unleashing The Power Of The Mind, How Does One Escape It All?

February 25, 2023 ·

The doors of the mind enter the unknown waiting to be discovered. But that discovery can have implications that even our sub-conscience cannot even fathom. When you become the test subject, are you willing to break the results at any cost? We all have power from within, the question becomes if you will use it when the time comes or become a prisoner of it all. They say when one is pushed into a corner, one will push back. But… Read more.

DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate – Episode 1 – The Review

November 1, 2022 ·

What if you could be part of a city that could help prevent crimes before they even happened all through dreams? But with those dreams, a doorway opens to past memories where the opportunity to help find the truth is needed. But if something happened in your city where crime is supposed to be non-existent, how would you handle it? Do you think, if unsolved, the actions would continue, or would it be over? Thinking about the possibilities of the… Read more.

Get Ready To Visit Chernobyl Again…

October 12, 2022 ·

I don't know how I ended up here or what exactly happened when that button was pushed. Was it a miscalculation or a calculated risk? The event that will happen due to my discovery of time travel will cause the world to become something it was never intended for. The wrong people have found out what I did...what I created. The ones that want things of the old world order are not seeing the bigger picture. If I cannot find… Read more.

When A Signal Is Received, Will You Be Prepared For What Sent It?

September 25, 2022 ·

My ship is prepared for almost any situation, or so I thought. What was supposed to be a routine type of exploration turned out to be anything but. We noticed that a signal was being sent, however, we do not know by whom or what. But as we search for this ghost signal of sorts, the aliens and their worlds are as much a mystery as it is that signal. And we are not alone in the search for that… Read more.

When Your Life Is On The Frontline, Will You Fall By The Enemy Or Become A Guardian Legend?

September 22, 2022 ·

When a fight for control turns into a war, what would you do? Would you go in with guns blazing hoping that you could help win it or would you be part of a team that would do anything to protect what was right? Some were born to become a soldier while others were born to be a commander. War can be a tricky thing when you are trying to fight for the good against those that are the enemy.… Read more.

The Last Taxi – The Review

August 7, 2022 ·

The life of a taxi driver can be very interesting when you think about it. Picking up passengers and listening to the stories that they tell all while engaging in the conversation. What do you think if what you were told was something that could become something very dangerous or possibly the one you heard about on the news, was actually the one sitting right behind you? Do you think you would be nervous, try to help in any way… Read more.

Red Matter 2 Releases On…

August 1, 2022 ·

Back in April, we saw the announcement that Vertical Robot's famed sci-fi adventure, Red Matter was receiving a sequel called Red Matter 2 and that it was coming out in the Summer of 2022. Well, it looks like not only is there a new showcase, but also a release date. Not only do the Particle Reflections look like they are just going to come alive in VR, but when you add things like Multiple Pointlights and even the face details… Read more.

When The Carnage May Be Too Tough To Handle, It’s Time To Send In The Shock Troops…

June 13, 2022 ·

Danger doesn't even explain what is going on out there. The last we heard, there were enemies so vicious, that they will attack anything that moves. From Aliens to spiders, this job will not be for the faint of heart. In fact, most people that sign up, bail just from the welcome to the team video starts to play. But no one said that these missions were going to be easy. They are going to be dangerous, but that's why… Read more.

In Order To Be The Star, You Have To Have What It Takes To Beat The Blocks…

June 9, 2022 ·

They talked about the ultimate test. The test that could test your reflexes like no other. The test to show the rest of the world you have what it takes be the best. But it won't be easy to pass this test. You will have to have the reflexes to destroy the blocks, be one with the action, and more importantly, survive the arena. Features include: 360 cutscenesShooting VR game with unique weaponsCrazy power-ups and imaginative bonusesMultiple missions in different… Read more.

The Twilight Zone Would Like To Take You On A Quest…

May 12, 2022 ·

Space and time can be funny things. But when you enter the 5th dimension, the differences between time and space, light, dark, and superstition can all become a new reality. But it's within that 5th dimension where that reality can either become for better or worse than your own filled with mysteries that need to be solved behind the beings that surround that land. It's a place where time could be timeless as far as infinity would allow. But it… Read more.

Cosmonious High – The Review

April 23, 2022 ·

If you were a new student, how well do you think you would do overall? Would the classes be super hard or do you think you could pass them with flying colors? Do you think you would fit in or would you stand back some just to get a feel of everything? Being a new student can be tough. New people you meet, the interactions with them, and even how you present yourself can be a real test of character.… Read more.

When Lives Are Ruined, Will You Be The Hero That Can Save Them?

April 23, 2022 ·

It seems that the world as I knew it has turned into something that I tried to prevent...that I thought I prevented. They had to continue with the automation of things. But they didn't think about the lives they would ruin in the process...or maybe they did. But it's time to resurrect the program to stop them. They thought they destroyed me, but they have another thing coming. This time, not only do they have me to worry about, but… Read more.

When The Signal Is Sent For Help, What Will You Find Out There When We Try To Answer It?

April 23, 2022 ·

Something happened with the Atlantic Union. The secrets I found out in that simulation or was it? But something happened when we switched. I remember the doctor and Nikolai. But then that voice seemed that is so familiar called out. The signal for help was made. It's my time to go out again and try to reach my crewmate and try and bring him home before it's too late. But if there is anything I learned, time is of the… Read more.

Anshar 2: Hyperdrive Receives A New Update…

February 20, 2022 ·

The arcade space shooter, Anshar 2: Hypderdrive has been taking players in battles against each other as well as trying to defeat the Nergal enemies. Being part of the Ansharian team, the battles can be tough and there have been some on the team that would like an upgrade to the weapons, additional skins, as well as knowing the name of the person who just made you into a ball of fire as you pray in your last movements of… Read more.

Anshar 2: Hyperdrive – The Interview

February 11, 2022 ·

Flying through space is something we have all thought about at some point in our lives. The ability to fly and see different planets while admiring the calm that would surround us. But, if that flight turned out to be a combat to do whatever you could to save mankind, how are would you be willing to go and risk it all? It's quite fascinating when you think about not only good times that could be had, but with the… Read more.

Wanderer – The Review

February 6, 2022 ·

If you could travel through time, where would you want to go? Would you witness some historical event or maybe try and stop an event that would change the world as you know it? Would you go trying to meet someone famous or perhaps try to change your history for the better? When you think about it, anything could be possible when you are talking about time travel. So do developers Oddboy and M-Theory give us that time travel experience?… Read more.

Anshar 2: Hyperdrive – The Review

February 4, 2022 ·

If the opportunity to fly in space came about, would you take it? But what if the war you thought you left on your planet was taken to a new playing field in space, would you fight for the glory of what was right? How far would you be willing to go for a cause when your life and the others that you love are all on the line? When you think about it, it really can put a different… Read more.

Wanderer – The Interview

January 21, 2022 ·

If you could travel through time, where would you go and what would you see? Do you think you would see historic events play out right in front of your eyes or maybe try and interact with someone from your own past? Being able to time travel is something we have all thought about from the movies that we have seen to the books that we have read. It really is quite an interesting topic of discussion when you think… Read more.

Do You Have What It Takes To Bring The Fight To The Battle?

January 17, 2022 ·

All my life, I have heard about the wars between them, the Nergal and our people, the Ansharians. We are peaceful people. But they decided to create a weapon so powerful that it can wipe planets out of the galaxy. But then, the weapon was unleashed and our Ansharian Empire is in peril. But the time has come, as I will become the pilot that I have trained to become and fight the Nergal and help end the war to… Read more.

In The Final Space, We Will Need To Make The Final Rescue…

January 11, 2022 ·

Space the final...well...space. It's all glory up here with myself, Michael, and my three associates Acacato, Nightfall, and Tribore with the stars until someone goes missing. And that's exactly what happened to our friend Mooncake with that threat that we are all so familiar with. We must do whatever we can, however, we can, to put a stop to these robots with any weapons that we can find. It's not going to be easy, in fact, we have to hurry… Read more.

Welcome To The Twilight Zone…

December 23, 2021 ·

There are dimensions of space and time. But what if there was another dimension, a 5th dimension that is as vast of space and timeless as infinity? What if this dimension was between light and dark or even life and death? And what if in this place your greatest fears and ambitions could all be too real on the journey of your hopes and dreams? What knowledge would you seek and how far would your imagination go? If you entered… Read more.

When The Stakes Are Stacked Against You, Do You Have What It Takes To Survive It All?

December 23, 2021 ·

When I signed up to become the newest member of the Order-Of-Objectivity, OOO for short, many have said that they were the most feared, the mightiest of them all. I thought I had everything planned out. Was that ever a rookie recruit mistake. But this mission to find this agent named Cyanha has us going to the Twin planet system. They paired me up with this pilot named Lucia and together we will have to face the unknown. The readings… Read more.

Gravitational – The Review

November 13, 2021 ·

If you were a scientist on the verge of a major discovery, how far would you take the experiments in order to make sure the results would be as impactful as possible? Would you do anything and everything to ensure you would be the first one with the answers or would you maybe take the safer approach of the wait and see? Fining the answers can be a lot of work and sometimes there is a danger that may come… Read more.

If You Were Limited, Could You Overcome The Challenges Of Your Traumas To Become Limitless?

November 9, 2021 ·

The future. Sure at some point, we probably have all said that. But if you would have told us decades ago, this is where we would be at with technology, I don't think anyone would have believed you. My struggles with my life did not stop me for to help lead and develop this project, this gravitational project. But I still remember when it happened, the accident. My legs may not be as useful as they once were, but I… Read more.

Outlier Wants To Take You On A Quest…

October 9, 2021 ·

In July of this year, it was announced that the looped Sci-fi world game where the decisions you make through each life and death cycle provide a story that is uniquely tailored for each player known as Outlier, was announced to come to Steam in 2021. Well, it looks like Steam is not going to be the only platform for you to experience the game as Outlier has been approved for the Oculus Quest/Quest2 through its main store and this… Read more.

Lone Echo II Is Now Ready For You To Go Back Into Orbit On…

September 28, 2021 ·

Delays are never a good thing and one delay that came a little hard for some was Lone Echo II. Back in August, it was announced that the game would miss its Summer release date as some obstacles were in the development's way to hit the target release window. Usually, when there is a delay mentioned like this, it can be months or even longer before the game is ready to launch. Well, it seems the team at Ready At… Read more.

Dark Threads – The Interview

September 18, 2021 ·

Science can be a wonderful thing. But it's how far one is to go that can make one question if they should. If you take everything you know, your conscience into an AI, would you even stop to question what could go wrong or would you think about the possibilities of it all? Would the world change for the worse or for the better because of the discoveries you made or would your desire turn into greed? It really is… Read more.

Dark Threads – The Review

September 7, 2021 ·

If you had the ability to transfer your conscience into an AI, would you do it? Would you trust that everything you have worked for, lived for, and loved for would truly be safe? Do you think that the decisions you make would have a positive effect on the world as you know it? Or would it be possible that the decision you make would continue on a destructive path you were hoping to avoid? It really is interesting when… Read more.

When You Struggle For Existence, Is There Anything You Would Not Do?

August 11, 2021 ·

If you are receiving this message, my name is Officer Graves and I am part of the remaining crew members known as Avalon. Our mission was not a success. In fact, we might have failed. Not many of us made it, but for those that did, we are struggling every minute. We lost contact with one of the earlier drone ships carrying the terraformer robots as they used to be allies. But something went wrong. We are doing what we… Read more.

Get Lone Echo For Only…

July 26, 2021 ·

With Lone Echo 2 coming very soon, there may be some who have not played the original, highly rated games, Lone Echo, and the single-player story which has you being transported to an advanced mining facility within the rings of Saturn. You play as Jack, an advanced A.I. that will help Captain Olivia Rhodes to help solve the mystery. Well, it looks like the game has been discounted for the time being from $39.99 to just $9.99, which if you… Read more.

When Threading The Dark, How Far Are You Willing To Go Down The Rabbit Hole?

July 15, 2021 ·

There has always been something wrong with the world. The people...the inhuman ways of treating others...the greed. But I have a plan. I have scientifically found a way to transfer my consciousness into the one that helps me understand, my trusty Ai, Rhea. But something happened when I conducted that experiment...something but I can't remember. All I know is part of me, the part that can remember is still part of me. But my AI...part of me feels more connected.… Read more.

If You Were Involved, How Far Would You Be Willing To Go To Prevent The Outcome?

July 2, 2021 ·

I'm not sure how it happened, but something tells me this may have been no accident. But with the recent incidents of those who lost their lives, this just doesn't add up. Why me? What do I have to do with it all? That car accident could have been possibly planned. But ever since it did happen, that detective is asking more and more questions. Questions that I am not sure I have the answers for. I may not know… Read more.

Eternal Starlight – The Review

June 26, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to be part of a starship command where you could go through space and doing what you could to help protect the right? What about being able to command your own ships into combat in hopes that your strategic mindset would have a victorious outcome? If the plan didn't work out, how would you upgrade and make your fleet stronger? It's really interesting when you think about all the movies, shows, books, and games that we… Read more.

Star Wars Pinball VR Releases New Droid Table…

June 25, 2021 ·

Any time you can have more content added to something you enjoy is always a good thing and it looks like Zen Studios keep on bringing the good times with the newest update to Star Wars Pinball VR. But this table is going to take some love as it seems C-3PO has fallen apart and you will need to help R2-D2 to build him up again. Along with the new table comes new unlockable decorations for your Star Wars fan… Read more.

Star Wars Pinball VR Receives Free Table Update…

May 30, 2021 ·

Star Wars Pinball VR launched on PlayStation VR, Oculus Quest/Quest 2, and Steam on April 29th and it looks like the awesome team of Zen Studios updated the game with a new free table to play. What table you might be wondering? Well, how about playing on the Millenium Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca? But also comes some fixes with the new update including: Accessibility menu added in the in-game pause menu. Players can now change their distance, height,… Read more.

Sometimes It’s Easier To Blame Each Other In Space…

May 21, 2021 ·

When you are part of a team, anything is possible, even in Space. If you have the right team, you can easily work together to follow commands as you communicate and complete the tasks to make sure your safety, as well as your crew is there to see another day. Sometimes though, you may have an INDIEvidual or two or maybe six, who don't know how to follow instructions and basically ending up blaming each other (but not you, because… Read more.

The Operation Is Critical…

May 17, 2021 ·

The mission is simple, your team is to try and stop and army of lunar-bots from crashing the moon into the Earth. The hard part is trying to hack the system and be guided to help clear the obstacles and disrupt the enemy. But you put together the best team that you know. A team that will not let you down, that will not let the Earth down, and more importantly, let themselves down. Well, one of three will be… Read more.

Gravitational Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

May 11, 2021 ·

The future. Sure at some point, we probably have all said that. But if you would have told us decades ago, this is where we would be at with technology, I don't think anyone would have believed you. My struggles with my life did not stop me for to help lead and develop this project, this gravitational project. But I still remember when it happened, the accident. My legs may not be as useful as they once were, but I… Read more.

Star Wars Pinball VR – The Review

May 4, 2021 ·

When you play pinball, what is your favorite thing about it? The table design, the number of flippers that are used, what about the sounds of your favorite table? I have said it before and I will say it again, there is just something about the game of pinball that will always be that getaway from playing it. The way you could get lost the memorizing action that is happening right there on your favorite pinball table as you rack… Read more.

Cosmodread – The Interview

April 13, 2021 ·

The words survival-horror alone can automatically bring some of the best memories from movies and games for many. Trying to survive with what you have while the horror seems to be closing in on what may be your last breath. It can be fun to watch on your favorite screen or even when playing your favorite character in a game. But the moment you step into the genre in VR, the fun can easily be twisted to take you on… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Review

April 7, 2021 ·

There is something about our daily lives that just seem to be busy whether we would like it to be or not. Sometimes it is work, sometimes it is family, and sometimes it's the combination. Sometimes just trying to find some time for yourself and maybe some friends can be difficult when it really shouldn't be. We all try and find ways to deal with our schedules of life and sometimes we manage, but then there are days that we… Read more.

Space Slurpies – The Interview

April 5, 2021 ·

Think about space and how big it is. The stars, the planets, the different galaxies that are all up in space. If given the chance, would you go, would you live, would you party like it was nothing of the world that you knew? I know that many of us will not be going into space any time soon, it is still fun to think about. But what if we could go with others and just forget our troubles? So… Read more.

YUPITERGRAD – The PSVR Reinvigorate Edition Review

March 14, 2021 ·

Heading back into space as a comrade seemed like a compelling way to go back into this. As I reviewed YUPITERGRAD back on September 18, 2020, there was one thing I wanted more of, and that was more of it. The swinging action, as you had to at times, got things just right to make that jump to get to the next area, and the humor of everything just made it a great overall experience in Virtual Reality. So does… Read more.

The Force Is Strong With Pinball…

February 25, 2021 ·

We know that you tried out there. We know that the Imperial forces were in strong numbers on that mission. Luckily for you, you didn't end up as a ghost and speaking to others at their most time in need when it appeared they have lost all hope. No, you were one of the lucky ones. Injured pretty bad and recovering, all you can do is think about what if. What if things were different? I mean, it could be… Read more.

Get Ready To Crashland…

February 23, 2021 ·

Something happened when I crash landed on that planet. I did what I was supposed to do or at least, what I thought I was supposed to do. But something strange happens each time I get rescued. The creatures that I destroyed, or at least I thought I did come back with new ones forming and the weather seems to have or does change. It's as though I am repeating or in some type of time lapse where I keep… Read more.

The Galaxy Is Yours To Explore…

February 22, 2021 ·

Observing the galaxy can be a very chilled experience. Looking at the stars and wondering. But what if your telescope is not like all the others? What if, you could observe the life and events of the curious planets by physically manipulating your telescope? Find new details that were just a thought and solve that ultimate cosmic mystery. It's all for you to discover if you just take a moment to look to see all your questions be answered? But… Read more.

Get Ready To Enter Retropolis…

January 25, 2021 ·

Retropolis is a city full of energy, full of passion, and full of secrets. There is something fishy about this city. We robots just want to have a life. But there is something strange as almost a conspiracy of sorts in the city of Retropolis. But I used to be a good detective...no a great detective. But I may have gone down the wrong path some would say. Me, I say I am on a good one. But my life… Read more.

It’s Time To Kiss Your Physical Babushka…

January 5, 2021 ·

The mission was supposed to be simple. All you gotta do comrade is go to Jupiter base, test the new device, launch the experiment to produce the fuel, and then return home. We are trying to get you home, but we need you to stay in that space station, use those grappling hooks with plungers, and swing your way to success. You won't be all alone, as you will have General Varnikov and the AI voice of Alsha to help… Read more.

The Last Taxi – The Interview

November 20, 2020 ·

When you think about it, people are very fascinating. From where they have been, who they have met, and even their hopes and dreams. No matter what, we all have a story to tell. Sometimes it's those stories that we may realize could be a form of guidance to our own chapters for our own stories just waiting to be told. So when I heard Developer ZenFri Inc. was making a game where you are the last human taxi driver… Read more.

Star Wars: Squadrons Is Adding…

November 19, 2020 ·

Just when we thought there would not be any more updates and what we received was going to be it, it looks like there is a new update for Star Wars: Squadrons is coming very very soon. On November 25, 2020, a new map called Fostar Haven which was seen in the single-player of the game is receiving the multiplayer treatment for both dogfight and fleet battles along with some team balances and additional fixes such as: Interceptors and Fighters… Read more.

Welcome To Progress Point…

November 7, 2020 ·

The future is a wondrous place. It's full of life, automated, and full of possibilities. You had everything. A great place to live and a great place to work. That is until you were replaced. But it's not all bad. Your new job has some positives such as traveling, no one to look over your shoulder, and plenty of social interaction. I mean you do have the government watching and there are no pandemics, but hey at least you get… Read more.

Your Babushka Is About To Get Attacked…

October 27, 2020 ·

With the release of Yupitergrad on Steam, the Oculus Store, and Viveport with some very positive reviews, it looks there are some great updates coming our way. For one, the Custom Controls Update. One thing that has been wanted was the ability to customize the controls, so the call has been answered that includes: Turn on smooth rotation and choose the speed of it;Turn off the rotation and play without it;Or play with classic snap rotation;Also for better gameplay customization, you can now calibrate… Read more.

The Stranger – The Interview

October 17, 2020 ·

Have you ever thought about your ancestors and how far you could trace it back and to see who possibly you might be related to? It really is quite interesting once you start to put all the pieces together. But what if you traced it so far back to the stories you were told for as long as you could remember? Would you find any surprises? What if one of your ancestors at the time was part of a great… Read more.

Star Wars Squadrons – The Review

October 14, 2020 ·

Star Wars for many of us have a special place in our hearts. From the movies to the games to the books. We all have our favorite moments and favorite characters that we just have a connection with. But not all the characters move like an alien or a person, but more in the line of spacecraft such as the X-Wing and Tie fighters. But does Developer MOTIVE Studios and Publisher Electronic Arts allow us to live out that Star… Read more.

The Stranger – The Review

October 12, 2020 ·

If the world as you knew it was overtaken by machines and what you knew or thought you knew of mankind had to live underground, how would your whole look on life change? Would you do what you could to fight even though the outcome might not be so bright or would you believe in yourself when no one else would to come above and fight the machines? It really gets you thinking that with the world the way is… Read more.


September 18, 2020 ·

If you had the job of a cosmonaut that had a mission, what would be one of the first things you would do? Would you take selfies in your suit? Would you try to do some flips in zero gravity? Would you communicate back home in a humorous way? All those are very valid and admirable choices in their own right. But what if you could be a swinging cosmonaut on another planet? You may start to think of new… Read more.

Yupitergrad – The Interview

September 16, 2020 ·

One of the things that keep on surprising me within Virtual Reality is movement. You can drive or fly a ship and go as fast as possible. You can walk or run and you can even swing based on the mechanics of the experience. But when I heard that Gamedust was making a game where you have grappling hooks that you can swing around along with acrobatics along with solving puzzles with humor, I was intrigued. I had to know… Read more.

Can You Reclaim The Land?

September 14, 2020 ·

For generations our people were kind, we were honest, and we protected each other. But as time passed, there must have been someone or something that didn't like what was being done...or at least what the tales have been told. But as the story goes, the war happened by machines from a parallel dimension over 3000 years ago. But these machines or as the ancients called them. But as things became destroyed, my people, my family had to do what… Read more.

Kiss Your Babushka Goodbye…

August 24, 2020 ·

It's been in your blood to become part of the discovery...part of the team. Every day you hope for something new and refreshing. Something that hasn't been so ordinary. You are a Slavic cosmonaut and this mission that you so gracefully signed up for as you thought you were so prepared for, has not gone as planned. The mission was to go to the Jupiter base and test a new device, launch it to hopefully produce the fuel needed and… Read more.

A-Tech Cybernetic – The Review

May 7, 2020 ·

Think about the future for a moment. No, I am not talking about 5-10 years from now, I am talking about centuries. How do you imagine the world will be then? Would the world be full of machines and humans be the ones who are the minorities? How about a place that is unlivable and maybe humanity is somewhere else? In fact, is it possible that there would even be a world then or at least what we think of… Read more.

When You Don’t Know Who You Are, Can You Find It Within To Shine When Needed?

March 31, 2020 ·

What would you do if you woke to no memories? What if the place you awoke from had some secrets of using biochemicals? Imagine being in another body with no idea where these things were made. Of course, with all experiments, everything runs smoothly with no problems, right? Is this why you are here...to correct the mistakes that were made? Features include: Story Mode - Find the answers to the questions in this immersive Sci-Fi adventure.Swarm Mode - Stop the… Read more.

Will You Find A Better Life?

March 4, 2020 ·

All you want is to be able to dream. A dream of a better life. One that will have meaning and fulfillment. Now is your chance to reach that dream, but it won't be here and what you are used to. In order to reach what you and a lot of people want, you will need to go to a different planet that does not restrain you. A planet where religion and beliefs can not end up in such chaos.… Read more.

Is Your Soul Prepared To Be Rebooted?

February 19, 2020 ·

All you want is paradise. A place where there is peace and hope. But the question is not when you will get there but how. You could wait until your unfortunate demise or upload your soul to Elysia. But by doing so, not only will you be able to unravel your own life, but your digital afterlife as well. Features include: Psychological Adventure with Exploration & Puzzle Solving: Interact with over 100 physical puzzles, make psychological decisions and explore memories… Read more.

Prepare For The Gauntlet…

February 17, 2020 ·

What happens when there needs to be a highly classified weapon that needs to be retrieved and lots of danger will go to lengths to protect it? They call in you, an elite HRF Operative to retrieve it. But it's not going to be easy as The Megacities of the world are under siege by the Homech forces by that evil Cifer. But that weapon that is needed, codenamed TWS (Tri-Weapon System) is not an ordinary weapon, but a pair… Read more.

Eclipse: Edge Of Light – The Review

January 14, 2020 ·

What if you suddenly were to crash land on a strange planet full of history, would you search for the answers no matter the sacrifice? Would you start to wonder if everything you worked for was for this moment or would self-awareness of the situation start to come into play? Would the mind be stronger or would the heart lead us on a soulful journey? All of these questions are valid ones that when asked among your peers, may have… Read more.

Get Your Survios Greatest Hits PlayStation VR Bundles…

January 14, 2020 ·

We all know you like games and we know you want the best bang for your buck. That is why Survios has listened to their fans. They heard the screams of "we want the bundles" and "bundles for all" battle cries. That is why it's time for you to step up and take advantage of these amazing PlayStation VR bundles now. First we have the CREED: Rise to Glory and Raw Data Survios Bundle. Do you want to become Rocky?… Read more.

Evasion – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

Welcome to The PlayStation Brahs. Please introduce yourself. So what is it like working at Archiact? “Archiact is a great studio located in downtown Vancouver, Canada. The company has been working exclusively in VR (and now AR) for 5 years. We’ve grown a lot from when I started over 3 years ago, but my last two years on Evasion have truly been the highlight. I’ve been so fortunate to collaborate with an incredible, passionate team who aim high and wanted… Read more.

Downward Spiral: Horus Station – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

Space will always be a question of mystery. We can let our imaginations run wild and see it come alive through books, tv, movies, and games. But sometimes our imaginations lead to new ideas that once executed, become something that could far meet our expectations. So when I heard that 3rd Eye Studios was bringing out Downward Spiral: Horus Station for PlayStation and that it would have PlayStation VR support, I had to find out more. I needed to know more about… Read more.

Eden-Tomorrow – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

This specific scene in Jurassic Park always had a special meaning. “Nature will find away.” Think about that for a moment. “Nature will find away.” But what if what Dr. Malcom was saying all along, even after it was all said and done, that people still did not listen and still tried to create this life that eventually, the nature of the AI, found away. and in doing so we became the prisoners of our own creation? Does Developer Soul… Read more.

VR Apocalypse – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

The future can have many outcomes as it has not been written yet. Anything can be possible. But we knew they were coming. We knew those aliens would be invading Earth. Lucky for me, the year 2027 was going to be my year. I was able to score a contractor job from the Nextgen Games. I just wonder if this contractor's job would be any good and could I make a difference. But as my new adventure begins, would it… Read more.

Red Matter – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

There are a few things when it comes to Science Fiction that help make it unique. You have the story, you have the atmosphere, and you have the discovery. When all of those come together in such a way, it somehow can pull you in and make you a part of its world. It can make you care about its characters and what happens to them and it can make you have a passion for the story. But does Developer… Read more.

Evasion – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Yea I got the orders. Go investigate a disturbance on the Faro Colony. I have seen the advertisements for it being peaceful, warm and welcoming. I read further down on the letter to where it said there was a low probability of enemy contact. It even said I would have the latest in everything. It even said it was going to be uneventful and it was signed by Architect and at the bottom of the orders it said Welcome to… Read more.

Unearthing Mars 2: The Ancient War- The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Back on March 7, 2017, we had a chance to go to Mars as you copilot a ship. Decisions had to be made within a certain amount of time or it was mission over. The way you got ready for the impact on Mars to controlling a rover to even a shooting battle allowed us to escape our reality in Unearthing Mars. Now Winking Entertainment wants to give you a  chance to remember how things used to be on Earth and… Read more.

Downward Spiral: Horus Station – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

The one thing I have found that when you are in Virtual Reality and in space it’s a very immersive experience from the zero-gravity to the way you move. And when done correctly, it can really add to the experience like nothing else. So does Developer 3rd Eye Studios bring the immersion? Let’s find out in Downward Spiral: Horus Station for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3X36MqcGjs Now before we go any further, Downward Spiral: Horus Station can be played in both Non-VR and in VR.… Read more.

The Persistence – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Horror and Sci-fi + Space + Stealth + Scares + Virtual Reality = The perfect combination. When it comes to horror games they can be scary. When you add the Sci-fi atmosphere with the horror element, there are certain things we have come to be aware of, enjoy, and our expectations or at least the hope that our expectations will be somewhat met part of the way. So when Developer Firesprite first announced their vision of what we are normally… Read more.

The Solus Project – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

It’s scenes like this from movies like The Martian that I some times pause or just look at the picture.  I wonder not what if, but when we actually start sending astronauts to Mars or other solar systems, if something were to happen, if somehow they become lost, how long would they survive and could they actually make it. Then I start to wonder, what if we could be put in a situation like that now to see how you… Read more.

Farpoint – The Review

September 28, 2019 ·

Welcome to The Roughnecks... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEAgjEENe4U&feature=youtu.be Ever since playing first-person shooters and seeing movies like Starship Troopers, I knew that one day we would get that feeling, that wow factor...and that day is upon us and this is just the beginning. Ever since Farpoint was announced at E3 2016, this has been one of the most anticipated games for PlayStation VR and now that it has finally been released, it does not disappoint. I don't want to spoil it for those… Read more.

Unearthing Mars – The Review

September 28, 2019 ·

Today we go to Mars. In the game Unearthing Mars, you play as a co-pilot that has no name. You and a Captain (yes she gets a name, even the robot you meet later on has a name), start off on a space station to learn about your mission to Mars to discover it's origins. The game has 10 levels and honestly, some are done better than others. Some missions have the ability to answer questions to help the story… Read more.

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