When What Matters Most To You, Will Only The Living Remain?

October 10, 2021 ·

It started before any of us really had time to prepare. Sure, we could have done more…I could have done more to protect those around me. But now, they are still what matters most to me and I will not stand by wondering if they are gone but will do what I can to make sure I reach them before there is nothing left to live for. But hopefully, in those compounds, everyone is still safe and I pray they have not gotten to them. If I do not make it out of this alive and you find my family, give them this letter. Signed…Grant Montgomery.

Features include:

  • Full campaign with story driven gameplay – Embark on a journey that has purpose as you progress through a compelling story
  • Combat – Take hold of a variety of weapons such as pistols, and two handed weapons (assault rifles, shot guns, etc.) or wield a knife for up close and personal combat
  • Realistic Pistol and Assault Rifle Aiming/Firing- Look down your sights while you take down hordes of the undead
  • Crafting- Scavenge for filament to craft ammo and upgrade weapons
  • Physics Based Environments- Break through glass with your hands or push objects away, and hands will not go through them
  • Interactive and Immersive Gameplay – Combat, scaling/climbing, and engaging puzzles
  • Full locomotion- Traverse through various environments using full locomotion with smooth touchpad/stick walking to freely roam, scavenge, and explore
  • Optimized to run fluidly on GTX 970 or equivalent

How will you handle it when the undead take over? What will you scavenge and collect? When it comes down to it, can you make it matter the most? Find out when The Living Remain comes to Steam.

Until then…please enjoy…

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