What Would You Do If You Could Be Part Of A Radio Drama?

February 10, 2020 ·

There was a time where radio was a big part of entertainment. Besides music, sports, and news, there were also stories being told through radio dramas. But what if you were able to visit the story as it unfolds through your mind as you try to do your best to keep the radio station humming along as its new DJ. You have many jobs that you will need to do to make sure things are the best they can be from recording commercials to interviewing calls while trying to figure out the best way to piece together your actions so that your audience is not impacted. But if the work starts to seem overwhelming, you will have your producer help you along the way with a strange voice in your head.

When the call comes in and asks for help, will you trust what the caller has to say? Will the caller’s plans go astray? Do you have what it takes to act to possibly save the situation? Find out when Area Man Lives comes to Steam.

Until then…please enjoy…

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