Tag: Gear VR

Republique VR: Anniversary Edition – The Review

March 22, 2022 ·

I think if we all had the opportunity to help someone in need, we would do whatever we could within our abilities to try to help. Sometimes we are put to the test of what our abilities can truly be. But what if the type of help that was needed, allowed you to help more remotely without being seen? How far would help if your own identity may not be revealed? It's interesting to think about what we might do… Read more.

Have You Ever Wondered What It was Like To Spend Time Solitary Confinement?

August 21, 2021 ·

23 hours a day. Have you ever wondered what it was like to spend time in jail, much less 23 hours for days, weeks, months, or even years in solitary confinement? What about the small space of a 6x9 jail cell with being locked up with your thoughts, the voices talking, and even other inmates talking or even screaming? What kind of psychological damage do you think that would do to a person who could not escape. What happens if… Read more.

Republique VR – The Interview

June 30, 2021 ·

What would you do if one day you received a call asking for help? Would you continue with the call trying to figure out what was going on or would you hang up thinking it was the wrong number? Imagine being constantly spied on by the government where every move could mean a consequence. If you had the computer skills to hack the system, would you take it upon yourself to do what was right and help those who were… Read more.

Grab Your Oculus Quest/Quest 2 And Get Ready To Play Some CATAN VR…

February 7, 2021 ·

For those that may enjoy the tabletop version of the game, but either not everyone wants to play or with there being a pandemic can get everyone to play. I mean, I guess you could set up an online meeting session with everyone having a cam and everyone buying the game to move the pieces, but then you get into who has what cards and it could take a very long time to play. But what is probably the easier… Read more.

It’s Time To Ride On A Coaster…

August 23, 2020 ·

Coasters can be some of the best rides. From sitting in the front row or all the way in the back, for most coasters are a must when visiting any theme park. But sometimes just sitting at home to escape on a coaster can also be rewarding even with all those drops and turns. Features include: Experience the thrill and sensation of unique coaster experiences. Different environments from space to a picnic.An escape of riding without the crowds. Are you… Read more.

Covert – The Review

May 5, 2020 ·

Think about your favorite spy book, movie, or game. What was your favorite part of it? Sneaking by the enemies and getting the upper hand? Maybe it was all the awesome gadgets? Maybe just the music alone set the tone for how good the action was going to be. Sometimes when we get really into that favorite scene or point in the game, we wish that there was a way to either go at it alone or maybe if you… Read more.

It’s Time To Go On A Raid…

April 5, 2020 ·

A war is happening and there is only one person that can win this and that is you. You are the top pilot and you have no fear. Your skills are legendary, but this is not a mission to take likely. You need to get in there, take out the enemy, and survive. When the situation gets critical, will it be enough to get you through it all? Will you simply take out the enemy or use the Magnetic Pulse… Read more.

Upcoming Changes For Gear VR…

April 4, 2020 ·

Gear VR has some good points going for it. It has some good VR games and experiences, Netflix, Hulu, YouTube VR among others. It may not have 6-DOF, but for some, it still continues to be used. But there are some updates coming to Gear VR that may impact some users. Oculus always wants to deliver the best games and experiences that they can, but they want to focus on the latest technology as more and more users get into… Read more.

What Phones Work With Gear VR?

April 4, 2020 ·

The Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus has been around for a while since the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and has worked with every phone up to the Galaxy S9, S9+, and Note 9. Now, depending on the phone, certain Samsung phones only worked with a certain model for the Gear VR. When the news of the Note 9 was coming out, there was a discussion on if a new Gear VR headset would be coming or exactly what would… Read more.

The Slo Mo Guys 3D Mini-Series Has Launched On Some Of The Headsets, But Not The Other…

March 29, 2020 ·

With new games and experiences coming to Virtual Reality, you would think a particular ecosystem would have it, then all headsets on that platform you would think it would come to the others as well. YouTube stars The Slo Mo Guys have an eight-part mini-series on the Oculus Quest as well for the Oculus Go and Gear VR which uses the Save to VR function. With the Oculus Quest and Oculus Go, being able to watch this via Oculus TV… Read more.

RUSH VR Is About To Get A Little More Physical…

March 12, 2020 ·

For those that love the thrill of the wind in your face as you race down mountainsides at speeds that normally you may not even attempt in reality as you try to make it through canyons as you lookback only to see you misjudged that move and see your friends race towards the finish line, it seems things are about to get a little more physical. Features include: Epic Multiplayer Jumps - Challenge up to seven friends online or get… Read more.

Unleash Your Vigilante…

January 28, 2020 ·

Things were once the norm. Well, normality as you used to know and now fantasy about once was all because they showed up and took over the world. These machines have put an end to the hopes and dreams of our future generations. That's how I used to think until I decided to make a stand and get rid of these machines so that once again, humanity can have a chance. Features include: Virtual Reality game with immersive tower defense… Read more.

Welcome To The League Of Thieves…

January 27, 2020 ·

All of your heists that you have been on thus far seem like a walk in the park don't you think. Every mission you accepted, you have gotten through without any hesitation. But deep down, you knew all of this would be for something greater...something that you were destined for. That time is coming as it seems like you have been hired by a new client that wants to hire you to do the job. But you cannot go at… Read more.

Eclipse: Edge Of Light – The Review

January 14, 2020 ·

What if you suddenly were to crash land on a strange planet full of history, would you search for the answers no matter the sacrifice? Would you start to wonder if everything you worked for was for this moment or would self-awareness of the situation start to come into play? Would the mind be stronger or would the heart lead us on a soulful journey? All of these questions are valid ones that when asked among your peers, may have… Read more.

Eclipse: Edge of Light Is Coming To More VR Platforms…

January 12, 2020 ·

Imagine waking up on a mysterious alien planet that you crash-landed on. What you see intrigues you of this once civilization that seemed full of innocence, but somehow appears to be almost tricked in a way. But when you find a strange artifact that has power to interact with this technology of this planet, do you continue on with your curiosity? Features include: Full locomotion.Original Soundtrack.A truly immersive experience of an alien world.Multiple hours of gameplay. Will you have the… Read more.

Temporary Vaping Ban On Feelreal VR Mask…

January 11, 2020 ·

It looks like for those hoping to receive the Feelreal Mask, it seems that there might be a slight delay for those that backed the Feelreal VR Mask project on Kickstarter. The mask earnestly added to your experience in Virtual Reality by allowing the simulation of smell, wind, vibration, punches so much more and on top of that, was compatible with any VR headset. So in essence if you were fishing out on the lake for example, you smell the… Read more.

Luke Combs Comes To Good Morning America You In Virtual Reality…

November 7, 2019 ·

For those who may not be aware, Luck Combs is a CMA Awards-nominated artist. But he is adding something new with his appearance on Good Morning America. Through the MelodyVR app, on November 13, 2019, at 8:00 AM your local time, coming at you live, along with other artists, Maddie & Tae, Trisha Yearwood, and Trace Adkins. But in order to get up close and personal of this special view, you will need the Melody VR app which you can… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Interview

October 10, 2019 ·

Within Virtual Reality, many things can immerse us. Ranging from the most basic of sounds to unfamiliar places. It is amazing. But when you start to get into the horror aspect of it all, something is different. Virtual Reality can take you out of your element and place you in the middle of it all. Your mind can start to have these thoughts, your heart can start beating faster and all this is adding to the experience. So when I… Read more.

Apollo 11 VR – The Interview

October 9, 2019 ·

Ever since I can remember I have dreamt of going into space. Wondering what it would be like to be part of history, to touch the stars, and land on the moon. Like many of us, we may never be able to live that dream…or can we? Recently I had the opportunity to live out that dream in a way that I thought would not be possible. Presented in such a way, that I was able to experience that history,… Read more.

Chernobyl VR Project – The Interview

October 8, 2019 ·

I recently reviewed Chernobyl VR Project for the PlayStation VR. As I played and learned about the history of Chernobyl, Virtual Reality really added to this history lesson in a way that truly touched me. So I reached out to The Farm 51 to ask some questions about their thoughts on VR and history. Dawid Biegun was able to step up and help answer my questions. What made you decide to do a project in VR about Chernobyl? “When we visit the… Read more.

Catan VR—The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Have you ever wanted to play a tabletop game and either could not get anyone to play or the choice of the game was never agreed on? Tabletop games can bring out the competition in some while bringing fun to others. Does developer Experiment 7 bring the competition and the fun of tabletop games to Virtual Reality? Let’s find out with Catan VR for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54-E1XERNGM I will say that I have never played Catan before, not because I didn’t want to.… Read more.

Starship Disco – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

Sometimes when you see a picture, whether it be from a book, a movie poster, or a game, the first glimpse can leave an impression. Sometimes that impression can leave a bad taste while others can put a smile on your face. So does Developer Solus Games give us more of a lasting impression than what we see at first glimpse? Let’s find out with Starship Disco for the PlayStation VR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8feexjs-Q8 So what is the premise of Starship Disco and what do you… Read more.

Pinball FX2 VR – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

There is something about the game of pinball that allows you to get your mindset and use the flippers to hit the pinball all around the table and rack up points. The tables themselves have some of the best themes from Star Wars to Batman, and each one can have a different connection to certain people that can just draw you in, and before you know it, the time has just passed by. But does developer Zen Studios bring home… Read more.

Virtual Virtual Reality – The Review

October 6, 2019 ·

If one day in the future all the jobs that humans would do were suddenly taken over, what would you do? If the AI started to develop a need for human companionship, would you sign up, or would you even have a choice? It is something to think about as machines and AI are already being used in today’s world, where those same things were once all human-controlled. But does Developer Tender Claws give us a glimpse of the future… Read more.

Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

I am sure at some point in your life you have played Angry Birds on some type of device from mobile to console. There has been everything from toys to movies and really doesn’t seem to be any stopping the craze. So does Developer Resolution Games bring a new perspective angle to the mix? Let’s found out with Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs for the PlayStation VR. Yes, Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs the familiar charm that you know and love, but… Read more.

The Arcslinger – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality allows us to enter many doors to an escape. Some of those doors can lead to the great wide open for you to explore while some will allow you to be a hero you never thought you could be. Sometimes these doors may have many similarities that you feel like you have entered through that door before. But sometimes the place you thought you have experienced before, throws something a little new and with some different twist that… Read more.

Beat Blaster – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

Interactive dark rides can be some of the best rides that you can go on. Some have you moving on a track as you try and hit targets, while others may have you seated to have a 4D experience. But they usually have one thing in common, the score. Not only are you trying to compete against others, but for those with a competitive nature, try to outscore ourselves. But before you know it, the experience you had is over… Read more.

VERTI-GO HOME! – The Review

October 5, 2019 ·

I want you for a moment to sit, relax, and open your mind. Don’t think about any troubles that you may have, don’t think about the frustrations that you have faced. In fact, just think of your mind as a place that can open the door of the journey to the destination. Do you think you could get there without any bumps along the way? It really is interesting how the mind works and what it can really do. But… Read more.

Waddle Home – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Penguins. They are cute, well dressed, love to eat fish, slide on some ice and play and some snow. And you have to give it to them, they are always well dressed for any occasion. One of my favorite things to do at Sea World is to go to where the penguins are and they have this moving walkway where you can just stand as it moves you as you admire the penguins. I mean if you get the chance… Read more.

RUSH VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Virtual Reality does some amazing things. We can go anywhere, become anyone, and do things that normally we wouldn’t do. But have you ever thought about putting on a wingsuit and having the wind against your face while out in the open with nothing but you, nature, and the ground below you? Does Developer The Binary Mill allow us to experience terminal velocity? Let’s find out with RUSH VR for PlayStation VR.  So what is RUSH VR all about? First and foremost, RUSH VR is about… Read more.

Arca’s Path VR – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

You know how when you put on the PlayStation VR headset and magically you are in that new world? Your reality doesn’t exist, but this new world, this new place has become your reality. But what if something in this new reality trapped you? Would you know how to get back home? All very good questions to ask. But does Publisher Rebellion and Developer Dream Reality Interactive show us how to escape from reality to the next? Let’s find out… Read more.

AFFECTED: The Manor – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Imagine for a moment if you were put into a situation where your comfort zone was thrown out. A place where, as soon as you open your eyes, you start to feel this unusual feeling inside, like your heart can already tell that it needs to get ready for something. Imagine not being able to escape unless you press forward. So does the developer, Fallen Planet Studios allow us to experience horror without any interaction, no puzzles to solve, or… Read more.

Starbear Taxi – The Review

October 4, 2019 ·

Now this is the tale about howThe myth was formed and my life got turned aroundAs it only took a moment to just wait right thereI’ll let you know about the legend of Starbear In the fast-paced city where I born and bearedWaiting for a taxi is how I spent most of my daysWaiting it out, trying to be all flyWhile traffic was passing me byWhen all of the sudden mean raccoons who wanted not to be goodStarted causing trouble… Read more.

Racket Fury: Table Tennis VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Back on July 6, 1994, there was a movie that came out that won many awards from Best Picture and Favorite Drama just to name a few and starred on Tom Hanks. That movie was called Forest Gump. In the movie, Forest Gump learned how to play Ping Pong and he was really good at it. He had the hand-eye coordination down like no one else… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7ay1JdIcuo But after the movie and through the hard times, did Forest give up… Read more.

Sea of Memories – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

If you were able to see things that you thought you knew, would you try looking at them from a different angle? What if the way you thought was only one way to look at things, would you try a different way or continue the way in which you knew? Sometimes I think about questions like these and wonder if given the chance to be faced with them if I would in return be able to answer them in the… Read more.

ESPER – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Ever since seeing Professor X and what he could do to seeing the movie Phenomenon to the T.V. show Heroes, I have always thought how cool it would be to move objects with our mind, to somehow feel like a superhero. Then I thought about what if the government found out about me? Would I be part of a traveling freak show? Would I be studied and put under the knife for experiments in Area 51? These could be valid… Read more.

SculptrVR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Gaming is art. Art is gaming. But when you combine the two, sometimes something very special comes along. For the longest time PlayStation VR did not really have it’s own dedicated go to experience that allowed you to create the way you wanted (well not really like other platforms like Rift and Vive has had). So do we finally get that added experience that we have been hoping for? Let’s find out what SculptrVR Inc. has in store for us… Read more.

Apollo 11 VR – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

“We choose to go to the moon, we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.” – John F. Kennedy… Read more.

Floor Plan – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

Puzzle games can be fun. They are cherished by many. Your thinking, knowledge, and logic all tested. Your frustration can reach its limits just as well as your ability to overcome the challenges and succeed can be rewarding. So does Turbo Button’s Floor Plan for the PlayStation VR have the right formula for a fun puzzle adventure game in Virtual Reality? In one short answer, yes…yes it does. So what really is Floor Plan? What do you do? Well, Floor Plan is a puzzle adventure game. It… Read more.

Along Together – The Review

October 3, 2019 ·

When you have a story that is so heartwarming it's great. When that story can bring you in and bring you down to the level of where the characters bring life to that story, that is something special. But the question then becomes, can you bring that heart to a new level in Virtual Reality? Well, it seems that that is exactly what Turbo-Button has done with Along Together for the PlayStation VR. So what is Along Together really about? Its a story about… Read more.

Rangi – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

When a game has puzzles, it can be fun. When the game has a certain theme to compliment the puzzles, it becomes a real joy to play. And I am happy to say, that if you like your games to be a joy to play, then Rangi from Developer Funsoft and published by Digigo, just might be the joy you have been searching for on the PlayStation VR. One thing you will notice about Rangi is how beautiful the world really is. The African… Read more.

StarDrone – The Review

October 2, 2019 ·

StarDrone. The name alone may be familiar. It graced us on the PS3 and the Vita. And now, Beatshapers has allowed StarDrone to make its presence along with 60+ levels and its slingshot pinball-ish type puzzle action the first PlayStation VR game of 2018. StarDrone is a puzzle game first and foremost. But it adds so much more. It has that arcade feel, add some pinball,  some physics (I knew that Goofy teaching how to play pool cartoon would come in handy) and… Read more.

Ctrl – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

Normally when I review a game or experience in Virtual Reality, I try to add humor and make it really fun. Virtual Reality can take us from the land of the living to the land of the dead, it can take us to another time and it can even take us to another planet. But when I tried Ctrl from Breaking Fourth, it was not what I was expecting. It took me to a time in my life that I tried to… Read more.

Ultrawings – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

“Da plane Boss, da plane”. When that plane flew to Fantasy Island every week you couldn’t help wonder what celebrity was on the plane and going to visit the island. I remember thinking it would be awesome to fly that plane and pretend I was carrying passengers or cargo to the island in Virtual Reality. I am happy to say that Ultrawings for the PlayStation VR from Bit Planet Games allows me to live out that fantasy. Being an open-world and the first… Read more.

RollerCoaster Legends – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

When you ride a roller coaster in Virtual Reality a couple of things will happen. For one, your brain and eyes start thinking that you are riding it and your stomach gets that feeling and this could be a bad or good thing depending on how you like roller coasters. But I am happy to say that going on Warduck’s RollerCoaster Legends for the PlayStation VR was a treat in itself that I will be happy to ride through again.… Read more.

Stunt Kite Masters VR – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

As we are nearing the holidays and with Christmas like a week away, we might start thinking about being outside in the sun and just playing. But what if you are in a part of the world that is getting a blizzard and the snow and ice just will not stop? What about parts of the world where it may be Summertime, but it’s just too hot to go outside? What if you really want to be that master of… Read more.

Chernobyl VR Project – The Review

October 1, 2019 ·

There is something about history. Something about being able to read about, but some times if you are not able to experience it, it might not have the same meaning. This is what I love about VR and what The Farm 51 has done with the Chernobyl VR Project. It has taken history with VR in mind and has given us a real connection to a most troubled and sad time in history. So what is the Chernobyl VR Project?… Read more.

End Space – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

When I first saw The Last Starfighter, it was instant love. “Alex Rogen was a small-town boy with big dreams. But in his wildest dreams, he never suspected that tonight he would become the Last Starfighter.” This movie had such an awesome feel to it, that I still think it can still hold up to this day and how awesome would this be in VR.  And that is exactly what Orange Bridge Studios has done with End Space for the PlayStation VR.… Read more.

Manifest 99 – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can’t rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right." Truer words have never been spoken in such a transferring experience than with Flight School’s Manifest 99 for the PlayStation VR. I want to say this first before… Read more.

Soul Dimension – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

When you add an episodic tale and add that to Virtual Reality, something magical will happen where you are part of that story in immersive ways that must be experienced and Time of VR and Keen Vision are doing just that with their artistic vision of Soul Dimension for PlayStation VR. Playing as Frank, you have the ability to go across dreams. As you move around the house you start to remember and see what appears to be a vision of someone… Read more.

CastleStorm VR – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

CastleStorm has been on every system from PS3 to Vita and now Zen Studios is giving it the VR treatment on PlayStation VR and I can say this is a very good thing. CastleStorm in case you do not know is an Action/RPG/Tower Defense game as you defend your castle from enemy troops all while using your power to stop and dismantle the enemy while recruiting peasants or minions if you will fight your battles. When you first start CastleStorm VR in the single-player campaign,… Read more.

Monkey King – The Review

September 30, 2019 ·

Monkey King from Digital Domain has been released on PlayStation VR. Based on the Chinese Mythology, following Sun Wukong aka the Monkey King who born from a stone who has supernatural powers that just wants to belong. Just like if you were going to go to the movies, you would not want to know what would happen beforehand and I am not going to give away anything as you will want to experience this for yourself. But when you start Digital… Read more.

Virry VR: Feel The Wild – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

When Virry VR: Feel the Wild was announced for PlayStation VR, I got kinda excited. Not only because they were the winner of The Webby People Choice Award 2017 in VR, but to be able to sit at home to go on an African Safari all with the help of PS VR was something that I knew would be special and yet at the same time to see where VR is headed and I wasn't disappointed. Published and developed by… Read more.

Bandit Six: Combined Arms – The Review

September 29, 2019 ·

We salute you gunners on the ground and striking sky masters… Remember when Snoopy would fight against the Red Barron and that put a smile on our faces? I got the same feeling when playing Bandit Six: Combined Arms on the PlayStation VR. Bandit Six has a lot going for it as it includes two modes, Bandi Six and Bandit Six: Salvo. In Bandit Six: Combined Arms you play as a gunner where your missions are either to survive as long as you can or protect other aircraft. Each mission… Read more.

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