Get Ready For ALVO…

October 21, 2020 ·

One may go at things alone, but not necessarily like the outcome? And no matter how much you may not want to not ask for help, you just may get it. The enemies will not just stand still and you can either hide and hopefully not be seen or get them out of surprise when they least expect it.

One may go at things alone, but not necessarily like the outcome? And no matter how much you may not want to not ask for help, you just may get it. The enemies will not just stand still and you can either hide and hopefully not be seen or get them out of surprise when they least expect it.

Features and Modes include:

  • Free For All.
  • Team Deathmatch.
  • Search and Destroy.
  • Multiple maps with day and night variations.
  • Aim controller support.

Can you make that shot count? How good will your team be? When the dust settles, will your team be the one left in victory or will you be the last one standing? Find out when ALVO comes to the Oculus Rift/S and Oculus Quest (via Oculus Link), and PlayStation VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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