VR Is Finally Coming To Hitman III On PCVR…

November 24, 2021 ·

Hitman III has been out almost for a year. In fact, this January will make the one-year anniversary of the game. And at the time, the game was released on PC and consoles with VR exclusively for PlayStation VR. Many PCVR players have been wondering when the VR love would be spread and be able to be experienced. Well, it looks like there is some great news.

One of the things with the PlayStation VR version is you had to use the DualShock 4 controller (No PS Move controller support) and that you could not use your arms separately and even though it did work, it just didn’t feel as natural as it could. With the most recent announcement, it looks like this has been solved as your arms will work separately.

But that’s not all, it seems that new maps, storylines, ray tracing, and an elusive target arcade are all coming. But it will be interesting to see what all will be coming and we will know more when the one-year anniversary sneaks up on us on January 20th, 2022. But let’s hope Hitman III comes to the Oculus Quest/Quest 2 platform and that PlayStation VR receives updated controls.

Until then…please enjoy…

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