It’s Time To Let The Warrior From Within Come Out To Play…

February 17, 2020 ·

Your beloved city seems to have a serious problem. Local gangs have decided there are strengths in numbers all thanks to one Mr. S. the newest crime boss resident. Now the entire city full of crime and violence terrorizing the streets and that does not sit well with your rage. You thought your fighting days were over, not by a long shot. It’s time to get those punches ready, spin those kicks, and throw out the trash, I mean bad guys, to a safer Rage City.

Do you have what it takes to make the streets safe? Can you stop Mr. S.? Can you let your warrior from within come out and play? Find out now with Path of the Warrior for the Oculus Rift/S and Oculus Quest on the Oculus Store.

Until then…please enjoy…

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