When Even A Snickers Bar Won’t Stop These Monsters…

September 17, 2021 ·

We built our tower on many things. Things such as honor, respect…we may have even built it on Rock & Roll. Well, yes, we know that some built a city on Rock & Roll, but it is possible to build a tower on it too. But there is something we all agree upon and that is we will defend it from anyone or anything. But it seems these monsters like to eat and will chew through anything to get to our tower. But they will not get close to it, in fact, we have a plan. What those monsters are not expecting is that we know how to craft our own weapons from different resources. So there is no way they will ever expect what we come up with…will they?

Features include:

  • Protect the tower with up to 4 players in Co-Op mode
  • Crafting weapons – primary and secondary weapons
  • Throwable items – players can make a bunch of weird and practical combinations of throwables
  • Creativity is the limit

What weapons will you craft? What will you throw? Can you stop all the monsters? Find out when The Chewllers come to the Oculus Store, PlayStation VR, and Steam in the Spring of 2022.

Until then…please enjoy…

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