Prepare For The HamsterVeRse…

August 15, 2021 ·

For the longest time, it was just You. You have all the power, the intelligence, and the resources to become the greatest thing ever. Then they arrived. They look up to you. They admire you. You are their God and they look up to you for their guidance and survival. Now, it is time to lead this ragtag group of hamsters through the adventures, through the terrors, and the cutting edge tools as you assemble the path of victory.

Features include:

  • Puzzle Platforming Action – Navigate through obstacles that will challenge both your mind and your reflexes! Coordinate between your hamsters to reach places that would be otherwise unattainable!
  • Assembly Mode – Assemble your way to victory by using the powerful ‘assembly mode’. Construct anything from simple platforms to cross a gap, to a complex fan-powered tube network that can launch your hamsters hundreds of feet! Save your designs by using the prefab system and quickly recreate your favorite solutions to the most precarious situations on the fly!
  • Utilize a variety of tools and experiment with their uses to discover new ways to complete your mission!
  • Whether it’s tattoos or lipstick, space helmets or pandafication injections, you’ll find whatever you need to define your hamsters’ identity!

What will you assemble? Can you master the puzzle-platforming action? Are you ready for an adventure throughout all space and time? Find out with HamsterVeRse out now on Steam.

In case you missed the trailer…please enjoy…

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