Get Ready To Explore Space…

May 1, 2021 ·

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to board a space shuttle, maybe a space station, or even move in zero-gravity? What about what goes on at the command center? Ever think about going on a space walk or even controlling the space shuttle? Wonder no more as you have the opportunity to do this and more as you explore space.

Features include:

  • High-quality models and textures
  • Smooth VR experience without any motion sickness
  • Scientifically accurate simulations and gameplay
  • Physics-based landing and takeoff
  • Multi-language support

How will you handle the launch when you are in that shuttle? What will you do at the space station? Will Houston have a problem? Find out with Space Explore coming to Steam on May 3, 2021, and coming soon to PlayStation VR.

Until then…please enjoy…

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