Star Wars: Squadrons Is Adding…

November 19, 2020 ·

Just when we thought there would not be any more updates and what we received was going to be it, it looks like there is a new update for Star Wars: Squadrons is coming very very soon. On November 25, 2020, a new map called Fostar Haven which was seen in the single-player of the game is receiving the multiplayer treatment for both dogfight and fleet battles along with some team balances and additional fixes such as:

  • Interceptors and Fighters will now have a way to provide more assistance against flagships and capital ships as they will be receiving Ion Rockets as hit and run attacks will have a much great impact.
  • Fighters and Bombers will be receiving Prototype Piercing Torpedoes allowing for a new static for taking on the capital ships that may have a less damaging effect, but have the ability to bypass the capital and flagships.
  • The U-wing and TIE reaper will be getting a new way to support their allies when taking on enemy capital ships and flagships with the Anti-Material Rocket Turret.

Then in December, two requested ships will be available as the B-Wing and Tie Defender will be available all in glorious VR. So get ready as they updates are happening very soon.

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